British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 956: Britain undercover

It can be said to be popular, especially when looking at the high-profile French Communist Party for comparison, Alan Wilson is full of sighs, and a trace of complexity flashes on his face, which falls in the eyes of Ingrid Bergman, and the actress is full of puzzles ,"What's up?"

"No matter what France says, it has found someone to rely on." Alan Wilson said this and said nothing.

Ingrid Bergman recalled carefully, isn't she a leader? Couldn't Britain find a leader?

I really can't find it. After years of tossing and turning, Alan Wilson looks at the United States across the Atlantic Ocean, and still feels that the accumulation of this traitor is unfathomable.

If you compare the hegemony of Britain and the United States, the British Empire is of course the greater one, but the United States is the stronger one.

Of course, the United States is stronger, and it usually uses countries such as North Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq to set off, and the United Kingdom has successively placed Spain, the Netherlands, France, Imperial Russia, and Germany. By the way, the Ottomans, the Qing Dynasty, and the colonization of South Asia have not been compared.

If Britain's combat power is 100, it will be able to exert at least 95 in the face of battle. If the U.S. has 200 combat strength, it can be considered a good performance if it can exert 70 against a strong enemy.

For the free world, the United States is that everyone thinks it is very strong, but the United States cannot convince the public at the critical moment, a standard king of World Cup qualifiers, but unfortunately, for Britain and France, when facing the United States, it happened to be in the United States comfort zone.

It's like the British attacked the Qing Dynasty while being wiped out in Afghanistan. At the same time, Daoguang was able to scare the peace religion countries in Central Asia into peeing their pants. The United States stumbles against countries that are not too strong, but it happens to be in a position to hold on to Britain and France.

France, under the leadership of Charles de Gaulle, really turned against the United States at a critical moment, and there is such a public opinion in France.

But is there such a public opinion in the UK? Even if there is public opinion unwilling to be a younger brother, it depends on what the politicians think.

Alan Wilson was creating the conditions for France to be tough on the Algerian issue since the withdrawal of France from Vietnam.

The reason for doing this is to move towards a guess he had a hunch, which of course has never been confirmed.

That is, Britain and France, on the issue of colonies, are they really diametrically opposed? France insists on keeping the colonies, while the United Kingdom is completely laissez-faire. It loves independence and becomes independent.

Alan Wilson can tell from history that the so-called African Year of Independence is actually the French African Year of Independence.

The British colonies in Africa generally became independent than those of France. In particular, British East Africa, a sprawling colony.

During the Algerian War, the British called for France to deal with the colonial problems on its own.

Do you have the mentality to observe secretly from the sidelines and formulate colonial policies based on the results of the war?

Alan Wilson thinks there is, and the UK should also realize that the resistance in Africa is not strong, at least within the range of the UK, but it is still waiting to see whether France, which used military force to suppress Algeria, can successfully keep this most important to France. important colony.

In history, the French finally retreated from Algeria. In the year of Algeria's independence, the independence agenda of British East Africa also began. In the following years, British East Africa also disappeared in Africa along with the French colonies.

But what if France suppressed the Algerian revolt? Would Britain remain indifferent, watching a land so close to the French mainland become part of France, and let its colonies be independent?

The memory of history Britain was officially announced in 1968, the withdrawal of all military bases in Africa. By this time the Algerian War had ended for six years.

Watching France's strategy of repression fail, Britain decided not to repeat its mistakes on the same issue.

This is Alan Wilson's guess, but he thinks the clues from the time of African independence make sense.

Then it has been trying to strengthen France's confidence and provide convenience.

If this guess is wrong? Then Britain will be in great trouble in the future. France, which has swallowed Algeria, is not something that Britain can fight against with the British Isles.

But if the bet is right, the success of France's suppression will also be greatly trusted by the United Kingdom.

De Gaulle successfully obtained the power to reform the French political system. Now he can shape the new France according to his own ideas. The British gentleman who was secretly observing is also ready to go home. His mission in Paris has ended.

He also wanted de Gaulle to come to power on the first day, and the national mobilization to wipe out Algeria on the second day. But the real world is not cool after all, de Gaulle still has a lot of things to do, just like Alan Wilson has just taken office, there is still more diplomatic work to be explored.

Without encountering the problem at hand, later generations will only think that it will be easier to deal with it than drinking water, and they will say that everyone can pacify Liaoning in five years.

How can it be so simple in the face of this kind of environment that affects the whole body?

Of course he thought so, but after Alan Wilson answered a phone call, he still went to Greta Garbo's apartment, just like a good baby.

"My son's future education, I want to discuss it with you." Routinely giving the man a deep kiss, Greta Garbo sat Alan Wilson down and asked her partner's opinion.

"That's my son, too." Alan Wilson muttered dissatisfiedly. Why can't he see that the Queen of Silent Movies is an old lady who lives well by herself?

"It's very manly!" Greta Garbo glanced at Alan Wilson and asked calmly, "Do you dare to publicly admit that he is your son? You don't dare, I'm older than you two At ten, other people will think you are sick, and even if there is no age gap, having an illegitimate child is not good for your career."

Alan Wilson opened his mouth to admit that Greta Garbo was right, he really didn't have the courage of Macron.

"Okay, as the child's father, you can give me some professional advice on where his education is more appropriate. I thought Paris was actually okay, but this year Paris is a little too chaotic, I still hope that the child I can complete the teaching without interruption." Greta Garbo also took a step back, admitting the fact that her son's father is the man in front of her, "In fact, returning to Stockholm is also a very good choice, but I haven't decided yet."

"Education teachers must keep up. Money is not a problem, the key is to educate children well." Alan Wilson wanted to send it to London, but when he said it, Greta Garbo seemed to see something and directly rejected it.

The queen of silent films felt that it was not a good thing to have contact with Alan Wilson before the child grew up. The father appeared, but instead of appearing in the face of his father, it was better not to appear directly.

"Sweden is also a wealthy country. It is very powerful among Scandinavian countries. The teaching conditions are also very good." Alan Wilson shook his head and said, "I wanted to say that it was inconvenient to visit, but when I thought about it, I also I just saw him a few times before he could remember."

"You can rest assured about this, I will tell him when he is an adult." Greta Garbo's face was comforting as usual, "If I were still alive at that time."

In front of the ladies of the same status as his wife, Alan Wilson can only feel that he is a pure tool man only with Greta Garbo. Almost never felt needed!

"You make me doubt my worth, is it equal to a ***." Alan Wilson slapped a sullen face in dissatisfaction.

"It's more comfortable than ***." Greta Garbo glanced at Alan Wilson with the eyes of the goddess shown in many movies, and her tone became playful, "If you have time, I will stay here tonight."

"Are you going back to Sweden too? It might not be easy for me to see you." Alan Wilson asked a little disappointed.

"This is really my problem. I have lived alone for too long and have no connections." Greta Garbo also said frankly, "Maybe some people who take care of the children, you have to help me arrange them."

Wilson's *** still found the value of existence, that is, when he left the apartment, his legs were weak, "When I went to Hollywood in the United States, I was set to be an athlete, and the American judgment is really right..."

Alan Wilson, who was about to return to London, spent his last night at the film company, and was kissed deeply by Heidi Lamar before dragging his tired body back home.

Heavenly conscience, he went back to the film company to ask if their children needed any help in education?

Prepare to fulfill the responsibility of the As a result, the responsibility of the father was temporarily postponed, and the responsibility of the husband was first done to the best of his ability.

"Bring me information on the Falkland Islands issue, all the Argentine claims in recent years."

Back at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, Foreign Secretary Harold Wilson has not returned yet. It is estimated that he was chatting and laughing with King Farouk I of Egypt, and enjoying the charm of the Egyptian pyramids, a famous building that has been repeatedly questioned in the history of civil society.

Alan Wilson, who was also newly appointed, began to become fully familiar with diplomatic work. He wanted to use twenty or thirty years to give the Argentine government a given impression that the United Kingdom would not react to the loss of the Falkland Islands. .

Although Alan Wilson imagines the future in this way, he may fail the expectations of British citizens, but formulating policies has never been related to whether the majority of citizens support it or not.

When formulating the Falkland Islands policy, he was still waiting for the return of the Foreign Secretary, to find out what the Foreign Secretary thinks about the colonial issue, and he must show an attitude. By the way, see if you can confirm Alan Wilson's speculation that the outcome of the war in Algeria would determine British colonial strategy.

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