British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 957: arrange minister

This is the first time he has chaired a formal meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, just as the Foreign Secretary is not in London, it is a good time.

After many years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also seen some new faces. For example, the former Personnel Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Milton, has retired, and it is time to discuss the issue of the Falkland Islands. Because at this time the issue of the ownership of the Falkland Islands has been referred to the United Nations for discussion.

It can be seen from this point that the UK does not pay much attention to the issue of the ownership of the Falkland Islands, otherwise it will not be allowed to discuss this issue at the United Nations.

You must know that this year, the United Kingdom sold the giant-class aircraft carrier of World War II to the Argentine Navy. If special attention is paid to the ownership of the Falkland Islands, how can it strengthen the navy of an enemy country?

Throwing aside the question of where the Falkland Islands belong, the UK and Argentina have a pretty good relationship.

The Falkland Islands are not without strategic value, which was mainly reflected before the opening of the Panama Canal.

The Panama Canal was officially opened in 1914, when the First World War had broken out. During World War I, the British Royal Navy used the Falkland Islands as a base to intercept German navies overseas.

Regarding the current negotiation on the ownership of the Falkland Islands, the attitudes of the United Kingdom and Argentina can be understood as, I can also talk about I can be patriotic, and there is no tension at all.

The United Kingdom did not pretend to be imperialism because of the disparity in its international status and military strength. Generally speaking, it was quite peaceful when discussing the issue of the Falkland Islands.

During Margaret Thatcher's time, Britain was suddenly going to war because of the Falkland Islands, which was beyond the expectations of the Argentine military government. Because from the decades after World War II, the United Kingdom has always put on the appearance that it can talk calmly.

"This is an era of reconciliation. Let's focus on the future and seek common ground while reserving differences." Alan Wilson dryly expressed his attitude during the discussion, "Actually, we have a pretty good relationship with Argentina, aren't we? We just sold them an aircraft carrier, The public opinion of some other countries that we will go to war with Argentina because of a marginal place is simply nonsense."

The meeting room fell into a brief silence, and then nodded in agreement. From a variety of perspectives, they believed that the views of the boss were reasonable, and there were some reasons that even Alan Wilson, who was casually talking about, did not think of.

For example, one of the deputy secretary-generals, from the perspective of offshore balance, believes that maintaining a harmonious relationship with Argentina will help balance the influence of Brazil in South America, a country that surpasses its neighbors in size.

So smart, Alan Wilson didn't even think of this, otherwise why are there so many bureaucrats who like to promote flatterers? It all makes sense.

"Offshore balance is only one aspect." Alan Wilson, with an unfathomable appearance of Chang Gong, seems to be calm, has already begun to win a thousand miles away, and is considering moving the machine gun position in the Falkland Islands by five meters...

Alan Wilson, who talked about peace and constructive communication, changed his face when he was in office in Asia.

Alan Wilson's remarks at that time, including but not limited to, on the Goa issue, "When Goa was occupied by Portugal, India didn't even exist."

On the issue of the Dutch East Indies, "The independent country takes it for granted that it is entitled to inherit all the land of the suzerain? It is simply a kind of naivety. I am poor and I am justified."

At this moment, Alan Wilson, the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, temporarily forgot the words of the family that had not been fully considered before at this meeting, put away the face of imperialism, and decided to resolve the Falkland Islands peacefully. The tone of belonging.

But it must not be taken away by Argentina, and the issue of the Falkland Islands should be left to the United Nations to slowly pass the time. When the conflict is about to break out, it is very simple to stimulate it.

It may be that the presence of Alan Wilson will lead to an insignificant decline in British military strength.

However, the main conditions for triggering the war still exist. As long as Argentina's economy is poor and wants to shift the contradiction, there is the possibility of a war breaking out.

If Argentina hesitates, it really won't work. He can hire a few Argentine patriots, land in the Falkland Islands and wave the Argentine flag, and then deal with it coldly, using the hegemony of public opinion to put the Argentine government on fire.

So as long as the Argentine economy goes from one bankruptcy to another, there is a possibility of war in the Falkland Islands, and Alan Wilson's job is to give Argentina the illusion that I can do it while preserving the British military...

"The Foreign Secretary will be back in a few days, and we will inform Lord Cassia to communicate well with the Argentines at the UN meeting." Alan Wilson said this to Harold Wilson's private secretary, "Dixon, Minister Come back in a few days."

"Farouq I is talking with the minister about the ownership of the Suez Canal." Dixon took out the Egyptian schedule and replied, "Today should be to visit the pyramids."

"Our attitude is still the same as before, discussing the Aswan Dam and the management of the canal together." Alan Wilson nodded and said, "Have the navy been concerned about the sale of aircraft carriers?"

"When it comes to this issue, it is very smooth, and the attitude of the cabinet is quite tolerant. As long as Egypt pays the conversion fee, it can be sold to Egypt." Dixon expressed optimism on this issue, "The minister talked quite well, Faro King Ke I is indeed very interested, and the public opinion on the Egyptian side also expressed support for Egypt as the Arab leader to protect the Sultanate of Zanzibar on the east coast of Africa."

"Compared with the problem of the Suez Canal, an old aircraft carrier from World War II is quite cost-effective. And Egypt also promised to pay for the conversion fee." Alan Wilson nodded with satisfaction, "To pull Egypt into the situation of black Africa, in general, The UK still benefits a lot from keeping black people calm.”

As long as the Suez Canal is safe, there is no other way of severing Britain from the colonies.

"Arrange the radio station and prepare to conduct an interview after the minister comes back. Of course, when we praise the minister, we must not forget that respecting the opponent is to respect ourselves. His Majesty Farouk I, who seems to have the illusion that Ali Pasha is alive, It should also be raised to a certain level.”

Alan Wilson clapped his hands and refined a few key words, "Second Ali Pasha, it's difficult to deal with, and the hints of needles hidden in the cotton should be used more. Anyway, ordinary citizens are ignorant and ignorant.

"Sir Wilson, the Chancellor must be delighted to be arranged for such a visit," Dixon complimented with a knowing look.

"We want to give the ministers political achievements, and we can't just say that the ministers are unprofessional. How many professionals are there? Happiness is all compared. We give the ministers space, and the ministers will give us space. Let's make progress with each other."

"Not long after the minister took office, he has only visited the United States and arranged for the minister's travel itinerary. There are also many important countries, but it is best to delay the French itinerary and wait for it to stabilize."

Dixon kept nodding, and then asked for instructions, "Sir Wilson, do you want to add your name to the list of visits first or? It will be arranged at that time."

"I will also arrange my own itinerary, let me know when the time is up, and add my name if I have time." Alan Wilson presided over the first scheduled Foreign Ministry meeting and ended with laughter and laughter .

Based on the support rate of the current Labour Party cabinet, maybe Harold Wilson has completed all the schedule of his visit, and it is time for the general election. Maybe the respected foreign secretary will complete the gorgeous transition from minister to backbencher, this is not possible. .

Harold Wilson, who was valued in Egypt, didn't know yet that he had not come back, and had been clearly arranged by his permanent secretary.

Alan Wilson, who had completed his first executive meeting, was in a good mood to get together with Lord Sheffield of the Home Office.

The British Foreign Office is related to the Home Office, which was originally formed from the merger of the South and the North, each of which covered foreign and domestic affairs.

The foreign affairs responsibilities of the two departments became the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while their domestic affairs responsibilities were assigned to the Ministry of the Interior.

Now, one of the basic tasks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to promote and support the British economy; to provide consular services to British nationals overseas; to support the British Home Office's overseas entry visa applications, which are closely related to the Home Office.

"Sir Wilson, what do you feel when you have experienced a great change in France?" Markins asked with a smile, holding a glass of His emotion is that only de Gaulle can save France. Alan Wilson replied half-jokingly, and then changed the subject, "I don't know what's been fun recently, especially at the zoo. "

"The happy things in the House of Commons are also closely related to the chaos in France. In fact, as you know, sometimes the opposition parties also understand that if they were them, they would make similar decisions to the ruling party, but they didn't quarrel. How can you show the function of an opposition party?" Markins shrugged, holding a glass of wine, "How are you and your minister? Have you got him?"

"I hate getting the word out, we are collaborators." Alan Wilson straightened his back and said with dignity, "We all serve the interests of the British Empire, and we are all selfless and sincere."

"It seems to be done." Makins nodded clearly and said, "Maybe the methods used are different, but they all have the same goal. Don't let the minister interfere with the normal operation of the government. The specific method used is not that important. , individuals have personal privacy.”

Slander, fake, framed in an obvious shame, Alan Wilson was just about to open his mouth to retort, Markins called the waiter, "Give me another glass of whiskey, oh no, two, thank you."

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