British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 959: Brazilian iron ore

Alan Wilson once believed that only he had the need to learn from it, and he never thought that he would also be learned one day. When things came to an end, he had to admit that this feeling was really bad.

Even when the Minister of Foreign Affairs saw the head of the civil servants of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he did not know what happened to this partner. I thought it was some family conflict, and I wanted to start some persuasion.

"Alan, the world has changed a lot today, we have to maintain a keen perception." Harold Wilson said earnestly, "We also have to consider the attitude of Egypt."

"The overall consideration should be made known to the public, otherwise some voters may misunderstand the policy." Alan Wilson replied calmly, "The importance of Egypt is needless to say, some diplomatic support and military support and the security of the Suez Canal In comparison, it doesn’t hurt at all.”

"Yes, I think so too." Harold Wilson smiled with satisfaction, "This is all for the sake of world peace. I heard that the Soviet Union is planning to visit China. What do you think of this issue."

"Don't look at it very much, just wait and see." Alan Wilson responded with a smile. If he remembered correctly, this seems to be the beginning of a disagreement, but it may not be because of the original reason.

After all, the main port of the Soviet Pacific Fleet has been transferred to the outer port of Sapporo, the problem of the sea exit has been solved, and the need for a combined fleet is not urgent. But he still believes that a breakdown in the relationship is inevitable.

It is impossible for state relations to have such big twists and turns because of one or two things. In short, China cannot accept the positioning given by the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union cannot give a higher positioning.

There is a saying that we are not all right and you are not all wrong. This is also acknowledged by China in the later period.

Of course, from the perspective of the United Kingdom, this is a good thing. Of course, the scientific and technological strength of the Soviet Union is not as good as that of the entire free world.

But it's not far behind, just in application. The two countries with huge populations in the world are both inclined towards the Soviet Union, which is a huge threat to the free world. If they can win over one, of course, it is best for India to follow the Soviet Union.

Alan Wilson still believes that powerful powers can share part of the Soviet Union's energy.

"My Honourable Minister, I have arranged for the radio station to give you a blueprint for foreign policy." Alan Wilson smiled, and it was time to praise the politicians for their insignificant contributions.

Harold Wilson was really happy when he heard it. "Indeed, citizens must understand the government's policy, and the radio is the best way."

"Indeed, my minister." Alan Wilson nodded politely. "Then, let Dixon arrange this."

Alan Wilson, who is about to give the foreign secretary a happy education, will see if Harold Wilson will stop for a while. If it doesn't work, there is another way.

There are also immigration issues related to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When it comes to immigration issues, the attitude of ordinary citizens does not need to be thought, and can be guessed by guessing. The core area of ​​British East Africa is Kennedy, and in addition to white immigrants, there are as many as 400,000 to 500,000 Indian immigrants.

This is also normal, the traditional British policy is to control other colonies of non-white immigrants through India as a medium. So as long as the British colonies have more or less Indians, even the protectorates in the Middle East.

As the core of British East Africa, Kenya's Indians account for about 5% of the total population.

Immigrants from European countries have their own origins. Germany's immigration came from the labor force exported by Turkey after the war. France is from French Africa, while the source of immigration to the United Kingdom is of Indian origin in Kenya.

According to the current immigration law, there are loopholes in the delineation of the colonial British. Before and after Kenya's independence, the positioning of Indians was ambiguous, which led to the emergence of homeless groups mainly of Indians. These Indians returned to India only A few, and some, were accepted by the UK.

This is the source of immigration to the UK, which led Harold Wilson to enact a stricter immigration bill than the Conservative Party period to fill this loophole after he became prime minister for the first time in the original history.

Now there are some differences in history, and at the same time these Indians, Alan Wilson has not yet thought about how to use them.

There was a ready-made example in Northern Rhodesia before, provoking ethnic conflicts and solving the problem once and for all.

Alan Wilson thinks this is a good way. If Kenya is most important for independence, these Indians will be killed, and the former colonies of the province will use Indians to expand their influence.

This is not impossible. People at the bottom often have the feeling that blood is thicker than water. Alan Wilson used the Chinese in Malaya to exert influence on the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

He can do this, and the Indian government can do the same. It is more reassuring that this loophole should be closed.

This must be a difficult problem. If the foreign secretary is not satisfied with Egypt's achievements and the so-called grand blueprint is still to be implemented, then he will put this problem in front of Harold Wilson and see what he has to do?

Harold Wilson was very happy to be interviewed by the radio station. Alan Wilson could temporarily think about how to formulate British foreign policy without being interfered by the foreign secretary.

For this reason, he didn't even think about it, the French shamelessly copied his own advice and set up a replica of his administration in France. After all, they were French and different from other countries.

"This year's Colonial Conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur." Alan Wilson has made up his mind that when necessary, let the current High Commissioner of the Malayan Colony feel his presence, which will help physical and mental health.

You look at the former Sir Barron, aren't you very happy? Now that I've lived a comfortable retirement, that's great.

"Hey..." When I got home, I saw Pamela Mountbatten dancing and holding her son.

Alan Wilson didn't expect this kind of scene. He stayed in place for a moment, wondering if his wife went to the mental hospital to express fraternity today. After all, as a rich man, especially the richest man, he has to show fraternity when necessary. Who will let which? A small group of ignorant mobs in the country have a simple hatred for the rich.

But putting his son in such a dangerous situation was unbearable. Just when she thought so, Pamela Mountbatten came over with a smile and greeted her husband's return with a kiss.

"If you have something to be happy about, don't fall on the child." Alan Wilson picked up the warm man with a helpless look, and used his PUA skills to ask questions.

"There is a telegram from Brazil, which is good news." Pamela Mountbatten put down the future heir to the Wilson family and said with joy, "We have found an iron ore that may be bigger than Western Australia. Iron ore. It's all your credit, my dear."

"Oh, no accident." Alan Wilson took out Chang Gong's dishes like a dog again, but pretended to be inscrutable.

After all, in front of his wife, he is an extraordinary professional geologist.

The richest woman in the UK also has to admit that he likes her husband's pretentiousness. He has absolutely no idea what the first geologist's assumption is. He tells the story like a bean.

Soon the scene at home changed. The richest woman sat on the lap of a civil servant and hooked her husband's neck, while the future heir to the Wilson family, who was still in the warm arms of her mother, was placed on the sofa to cultivate masculinity.

Just as high-end ingredients are often cooked in the simplest way, the highest-quality iron ore on earth is often regarded as extremely easy to find by good people afterwards.

The iron ore in Western Australia exists in the open air at all. The red iron ore stretches for hundreds of miles. It was not discovered before, but people did not expect it. Once someone noticed it, it was discovered.

The same is true for the Brazilian iron ore. There is a guide from the world's number one geologist, who gave professional advice, such as looking for Brazil's tropical rain forest, where there is not much vegetation. Exploration teams with this kind of guidance will naturally find places that are not very suitable for tropical rainforest vegetation.

Exploration team found a nearby spotty bald red hill for exploration. This hill appeared in the dense green forest, with only some low and sparse shrubs, like a big bald head, which was particularly eye-catching.

After careful inspection by the geological team, they found that the top of the mountain was bare, which was due to the exposure of extremely rich high-grade iron ore. Its iron content is as high as 66%, making it the richest and best-quality iron ore deposit on earth.

The news was reported layer by layer to Pamela, which created the scene of today's wife dancing after get off work.

"This iron ore is bigger than Western Australia's," Alan Wilson told his excited wife.

Of course this is not a fact, but whether it is a fact or not depends on how to publicize it. Pamela Mountbatten smiled like a little fox and gently stroked her husband's cheek, "You want to plot against others again."

"The political situation in Latin America is unstable, as is the case in all countries. It used to be good to say, but now the UK has no intervening power." Alan Wilson said sincerely, "Since the post-war period, many regions have experienced the confiscation of foreign assets for nationalization. We cannot guarantee that Brazil will not do this. So from a macro perspective, we should try to introduce U.S. capital, which is more secure.”

The exploration contract signed by Mountbatten Group and the Brazilian government is conscientious, even more conscientious than the contract signed with the Australian government, because of this factor.

Australia's contract with Mountbatten Group takes 51%, and Brazil's contract has only 49% of the shares. The difference is that Brazil looks at the UK, but it doesn't have the filter that Australia looks at the UK.

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