British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 960: OPEC envisions

In Australia, Britain holds the Malayan colony and can exert influence. Moreover, the Asian market has always been the focus of the United Kingdom. The roots of the French colonial empire are in Africa, while the British colonial empire is rooted in Asia.

Britain’s willingness to invest heavily in Asia, coupled with Australia’s sentiment that blood is thicker than water, makes it possible for Western Australia’s iron ore to be controlled, but the United Kingdom does not have a base in Latin America like Malaya, which can exert influence on Brazil .

If you think about it carefully, there are still some, such as the Falkland Islands, which is in dispute with Argentina, but the foundation of the Falkland Islands is not very good. In addition, you have to consider that the United Kingdom has militarized the Falkland Islands, and Argentina may not dare to attack the United Kingdom. .

Alan Wilson also hopes that one day in the future, the Argentines will shake the majesty of the British Empire.

Brazil does not have the filter that blood is thicker than water for the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom does not have a reliable offshore balance base. If this iron ore is really nationalized by a certain Brazilian government, the United Kingdom is really beyond its reach.

Listening to her husband's explanation, Pamela Mountbatten agreed, "Try to sell our shares to Americans?"

"You can also not sell all of them. The main force behind U.S. Steel is Morgan." Alan Wilson said while thinking, "Why are they again, it reminds me of a bad past."

Naturally, the former Assistant Commissioner for British India recalled the old story of the Mysore iron ore being nationalized by New Delhi, much to the ire of Washington. Pamela Mountbatten covered her mouth and snickered, and she also remembered, "U.S. Steel, which has suffered a loss in India, will not dare to take action."

"I don't know, but probably not. Although Brazil is no worse than India in terms of current national strength, and India is in Eurasia after all, Eurasia is the home of the Soviet Union, which is not good for the United States, which is in the Americas, so the United States is not Dare to go too far, but in the Americas, the United States can handle these small partners."

Alan Wilson was not confident either, but ultimately chose to believe in American influence in his backyard.

He could feel the joy of his wife. At present, because of Eisenhower's construction, there is a great demand for iron ore in the United States.

Dajian is clearly not going to end just because Eisenhower's term ends, and the good days for the raw materials market are far from over.

In this case, the news of the Brazilian iron ore will definitely arouse the interest of American capital, knowing that this is an iron ore larger than the Australian iron ore, at least in public information.

This good news is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If it is done well, the potential benefits are immeasurable.

"I will talk to the Americans in person." Pamela Mountbatten hooked her husband's neck and whispered with nostalgia, "No amount of minerals are worth as much as my husband."

"You are the real priceless treasure." Alan Wilson kissed his wife's forehead and decided to take this opportunity to continue PUA.

It's a pity that the neglected future heir roared unwillingly at this time, expressing his **** and tearful accusation against his parents. The plan of the permanent deputy minister of the empire can only be temporarily interrupted. The little ancestor is not happy anymore, this is a big deal.

For the duo, this matter is more significant than the multi-million dollar iron ore stake.

Sometimes no amount of power can solve everything, like changing a diaper for a son. Alan Wilson couldn't help but sigh that ladies of the same status as wives may have really sacrificed a lot when raising children. He is grateful...

"Let the people of Northern Rhodesia go with you. Those Slavs can still be trusted in the field of security." Alan Wilson told his wife that the current economic support of Northern Rhodesia is mainly mining and agriculture. Which one is related to the Mountbatten Group's industry.

"In my opinion, we should consider marrying the child with a local woman in the future, so as to maintain the relationship with the local upper class in Northern Rhodesia." Alan Wilson even hit his idea on his son who wets the bed from time to time, as a male , You should consider carrying weights at a young age.

"That won't work, I'm going to find him a noble lady." Pamela Mountbatten shook her head, feeling that her consideration was more comprehensive.

"When he grows up, let's see who's on the side." Alan Wilson ended the debate about the marriage of future heirs, pinning his hopes on the wisdom of future generations. He was full of confidence in this, and felt that his view was bound to triumph.

It's very simple, because the son is of the same gender as him, and he will inevitably pursue white skin, beautiful long legs, rather than ladylike demeanor and aristocratic status, which is not a must for men at all.

On the radio, an interview with Harold Wilson was playing, the foreign secretary was talking about Egypt's dramatic changes, and being guided, praised King Farouk I of Egypt.

"It must be admitted that there seem to be many misunderstandings in some rumors about the Egyptian king. In my opinion, Farouk I was a very powerful leader. Century projects such as the Aswan Dam will play an important role in Egypt. great development.”

"Secretary Harold, some people think that the problem of the British garrison in Egypt is a remnant of the colonial era. What do you think?"

"People who spread this kind of talk seem to have misunderstood the UK. The UK is very willing to help Egypt to complete the modernization construction, but nothing comes for nothing. Business must find a win-win entry point. Development has a great role in promoting development, and it is also the guarantee for the smooth start of the Aswan Dam. In principle, we believe that when the Aswan Dam is completed, the British troops in the Suez Canal will be evacuated, and His Majesty Farouk I and I will withdraw talked about it."

"We all agree that the Suez Canal will be gradually handed over to Egypt for convenience, and an oral agreement has been reached that the scale of the British troops stationed in the canal will be reduced, and the control of the canal will be gradually handed over to Egypt in the future."

Listening to Harold Wilson's voice on the radio, Alan Wilson put his arms around his wife's delicate body and commented, "Look, what a good thing to say, I have already talked about part of the essence of diplomatic work back and forth."

"It's better for you to guide." Pamela Mountbatten smiled lightly, and her admiring look could make her man quite fulfilled.

"As long as there is no problem with Egypt, our connection with the colonies will not be interrupted. Malaya will be the production base, the Middle East will supply energy, and the mainland will be the high-end and financial center. Of course, we can also promote each other with France."

Alan Wilson thought hard, "I seem to have forgotten something. I was thinking about it when I was a commissioner in the colony, but why did I forget it after I came back?"

"You just said, production base and energy." Pamela Mountbatten reminded cautiously.

"Yes, I remember." Alan Wilson kissed his wife as a reward, "When I was in the colony, I couldn't play a role in this matter, but now that I am the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I can try to push it forward. already."

"Huh?" Pamela Mountbatten was also very curious, and only after inquiring did she find out that the advancement in her husband's mouth was something called the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

OPEC, the famous benchmark for this cartel monopoly. This can also be linked with the Asia-Pacific Oil Refining Center in Singapore. If it is advanced at the same time, it can also benefit the Malayan colony. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In the current era, oil is not tied to the dollar, under the gold standard monetary value system. The currency of any country can be used to buy oil, and of course Alan Wilson does not deny that the dollar accounts for a large part of the Middle East oil.

The era of petrodollars began when Saudi Arabia officially announced in 1974 that it would only accept dollars for oil purchases. It was eventually extended to OPEC members, creating a more terrifying petrodollar hegemony.

Although the Breston Woods system has stabilized the financial hegemony of the United States, it actually has a great check and balance effect on the United States. After de Gaulle came to power, he launched a violent attack on the gold reserves of the United States.

Alan Wilson also needs to find a suitable opportunity to discuss the matter with the Foreign Secretary. As an official, he can't do whatever he wants, and he also wants to incorporate the Maldives into the Malayan colony.

Distance is not a problem. Christmas Island, which is also managed by Malaya, is also quite far away from the Malayan colony, and even closer to Australia. The problem is, there is no need to offend India on the Maldives issue.

If India can't bear its ambitions for Goa, then it can be reasonable and legal to do so.

Even if it is unsuccessful, the incorporation of Marr into Ceylon can disgust the Indians. Ceylon and the military base of the British Royal Navy are always more reliable than the already independent India.

Of course the UK has the right to do anything to the Maldives, which is not independent. Don't think that being close to India means that it has to be said.

You must know that the management scope of British India was quite large, and UUkanshu was not limited to the South Asian subcontinent and Aden in the Middle East. Singapore, Penang and Malacca in what is now Southeast Asia were once part of British India.

The foreign secretary who received the interview was in a good mood because he had received feedback that the part of the interview was satisfactory to voters. Most importantly, Prime Minister Attlee also spoke highly of this visit.

Alan Wilson also offered compliments, praising the Foreign Secretary's sharpness and pragmatism, "especially the colonial part."

"Alan, I know you used to be the Commissioner of the Colony." Harold Wilson shook his head and said, "You are a hardliner with the Colony, and I believe my judgment is correct."

Alan Wilson does not deny it, citing the example of Haiti, an island that flourished for a time, growing coffee and artificially controlling prices by its overlord. But after independence, the island became impoverished within a few months: colonists, specialists, senior executives of businesses were driven or left, banks, factories, and large commercial firms closed, and funds and investments disappeared.

This destruction caused many natives to emigrate: those accused of collaborating with the failing colonial system and those who chose to emigrate to support their families left the island.

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