British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 962: Elite Education

Because of this, when the controllers of the Mountbatten Group arrived in the United States, they immediately caused a sensation in the small circle, and stakeholders who wanted to seek cooperation came to visit in an endless stream.

At this time, Pamela Mountbatten was no longer the little girl who was knocked unconscious by a jewel in New Delhi.

Years of ups and downs in the business sea have created a strong heart of the richest woman. Besides, even if she throws money at it, her husband doesn't have many opponents in breaking the ball.

At the same time as the Iron Queen's trip to the United States, Alan Wilson was also focusing on trivia, such as negotiating with Egypt's ambassador to the United Kingdom about the security of the Sultanate of Zanzibar.

Zanzibar has no other value than military value in Alan Wilson's eyes, an island so close to the African continent, far from the mainstream world, and has a hard life due to little planting.

It lacks products, and will be in even the future if it has no military value, its humanitarian mission does not mask political motives, with meager revenue from stagnant tourism and a bit of poor aid from international organizations.

There are no exploitable resources underground, and outside interest in it quickly fades. The island became a place where people longed to exile and disappear, and sometimes a place where people met.

Is there any other way out? But as a military base, everything is different. The premise for a military base to feed Sunnyvale is that the island cannot be overpopulated.

By cleaning slavery before, the Sultanate of Zanzibar had taken the opportunity to expel blacks. Excluding blacks, the per capita resources of the remaining Arabs will be increased, and the population decline will also make it possible to use the garrison of military bases to feed part of the population of Zanzibar.

"Mr. Abdullah, the UK has always regarded Egypt as a major Arab country. I also hope that Egypt can work with the UK to maintain order in Africa. In fact, the Ministry of Defense also hopes to conduct an exercise with Egypt. Unfortunately, the aircraft carrier has not yet arrived in Egypt. The Egyptian Navy The operation may not be proficient, which is a pity."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs visited King Farouk I in Cairo and set a general framework for cooperation. He has to fill in the details under the framework. How busy the Foreign Minister is, especially now that he has received the grand blueprint drawn by the Permanent Secretary.

"His Majesty the King and all the Egyptians are looking forward to it. And they are ready to shoulder international responsibilities." The Egyptian ambassador to the UK responded enthusiastically, "We have received unanimous support for Zanzibar's protective attitude."

"Under the leadership of His Majesty Farouk I, the ancient civilization burst into glory again, which is amazing." Alan Wilson sighed, while sneaking a glance at the watch on his wrist, thinking about when to deal with business affairs over.

The giant-class aircraft carrier is a victory for the United Kingdom to sell one, otherwise it will be dismantled. Egypt's willingness to take on the momentum of a strong Arab world leader could not be better.

On the details, Alan Wilson said that the naval base on Zanzibar Island can be shared with Egypt. The two countries have also had pleasant cooperation in this regard, for example, Britain and Egypt co-administered Sudan.

Sometimes doing the same thing in another place will have different results. For example, Sudan and Zanzibar are under the common oppression of the United Kingdom and Egypt. Sudan wants to resist, but Zanzibar can't ask for it.

The Sultanate of Zanzibar continued to seek protection from Egypt under the leadership of Farouk I, which was also something Egyptians talked about.

"The navy is very important. Israel cannot afford a large navy, but Arab countries can."

Abdullah also nodded, acknowledging that what the British said was justified. The navy is the most expensive branch of the military. With Israel's size, it can't be compared with Arab countries. Competing in the navy is the only way for a large country to conduct an arms race.

After talking about the beautiful vision of cooperation between Britain and Egypt, Alan Wilson turned to leave, and his schedule was very full. For example, being invited to meet with Great Britain Treasure.

Outside a church-like building, Vivien Leigh looked aggrieved and looked inside the church with tears in her eyes.

This church is actually a converted private school. The school is small, but the discipline is very strict. After sending her son over, Vivien Leigh could only see her child every other month.

"How can there be such a strict school, it's like a military camp. Only Germans let their children go to school in military uniforms." Vivien Leigh's face was full of sorrow, venting her dissatisfaction at Alan Wilson.

"The principal is a retired lieutenant colonel, but there is nothing to say about the quality of teaching. What's wrong with a boy wearing a military uniform? It's a good thing to cultivate a man's responsibility." Ellen Wilson reached out and patted Vivien Leigh's back, "Vivian, you Don't spoil David too much, do you want your kid to go to public school? That's what's hurting him, you know?"

Public education and private education in the UK are two worlds, and children must overcome this hurdle.

There is nothing Alan Wilson can do about this, and the tuition fee of 3,500 pounds a year is really for nothing. From the day the tuition is paid, the child is no longer just the child of two people.

There are many small-scale private schools that do not even have a sign, such as the school in front of this old church. The life inside is completely an enhanced version of Hengshui Middle School, but the scale is much smaller. A teacher can support fifteen students at most, and many subjects of interest are one-to-one. It is not necessary to have money to enter the school. Students must be interviewed in person to pass.

Many of these schools don't even put up a sign. Ordinary Londoners don't have such schools at all.

Alan Wilson has seen documentaries in British public schools in later generations. He taught a student who was approaching adulthood and could not even complete the textbook for a seven-year-old child in a private school. How could he allow his son to be freed?

When it comes to the direction of his life for decades, even if Vivien Leigh is unhappy, there is nothing he can do.

Vivien Leigh has rarely seen such a strong attitude of this man, and it can even be said that he has never seen it at all. He clearly doesn't care about anything, and he doesn't even blink at the huge amount of money he has passed. This time, she doesn't care about her mood.

"Get in the car and have a rest." Alan Wilson, who was facing the sun, was a little dizzy, and he slowed down and asked the national treasure to get in the car and wait.

It wasn't that he wanted to do this to Vivien Leigh, although after returning to London, Alan Wilson felt an invisible bondage, and it was even more difficult to find Her Royal Highness the Princess to take the rocket, and it has only been twice so far.

But this little problem is nothing compared to the problem of children's education.

After a while, a boy wearing a suit and tie left the school step by step, with an age-inappropriate indifference on his face, was slightly startled when he saw Alan Wilson, and then greeted with a smile, "Mr. Wilson, hello. "

"The change is really big." Alan Wilson looked at his son with satisfaction and said happily, "In this way, you can become a member of the elite in the future, and your mother will be happy too."

"David!" Vivien Leigh had already opened the car door and ran out, putting her hands on the boy's shoulders, unable to see enough.

"Mother, you have to live a good life. Otherwise, I will be distracted!" David opened his mouth to persuade his mother not to quarrel with his father for excuses. Although he did not see the scene just now, he was able to guess from his subtle expressions.

"You're only a few years old, and you don't speak like a child now." Vivien Leigh was still angry and looked at Alan Wilson, the culprit who used deceit to send the child to the concentration camp.

"I feel very good. The meals and courses are very satisfactory." David did not cooperate at all. "The teachers are very responsible. I have broadened my horizons a lot, and the seniors in the senior year are also very friendly."

"Look, even children can figure it out. Know the meaning of responsibility and responsibility." Alan Wilson quickly said, the tuition fee of 3,500 pounds a year is still very worthwhile, and it can be seen from now on.

Today is the day to leave school. Ellen Wilson took Vivien Leigh and her mother to enjoy the vacation, and by the way asked about some courses and what dreams the children have.

"I grew up? First of all, I have to serve in the military. The principal said that the military is a place to train people. After that, I should choose some literary and artistic jobs. It is also good to be a filmmaker." When eating with his parents, David told himself. dream.

Once upon a time, Alan Wilson also dreamed of being a respected career as a scientist, teacher, doctor, etc. at different times, but he didn't expect that when he grew up, he could only call a key...

Fortunately, the accumulation of a huge amount of political knowledge has come in handy in another country, so he said with great admiration, "Your mother is a filmmaker, and she has experience in this area to guide you. By the way, Weiwei Ann, what is the current direction of the film industry in the United States?"

"The United States is more inclined to epic movies Many film and television companies have projects." Vivien Leigh finally regained her peace, not competing with men of the same status as her husband, and told everything she knew.

"Epic movies? Historical ones? The chances of this type of film failing are too high, don't follow suit." Alan Wilson thought of Cleopatra, who almost bankrupted 20th Century Fox.

He can't guarantee other types, but the probability of an epic movie overturning is much higher, and he definitely dares to judge.

Completely serious historical movies usually don't do well at the box office, and TV shows don't do well. This has to mention the Ming Dynasty 1566, which put Hunan into the embrace of idol dramas. The ratings are extremely low.

Non-serious historical dramas usually have to work hard in the next three ways, and the risk of changing the evaluation of historical figures is huge. The Qing palace drama is the hardest hit area for adaptation. Fortunately, people can accept it. If it is replaced by another dynasty to cuckold the emperor, the report letter can be eaten.

So the current trend of epic movies in Hollywood is actually a thankless type. Once the backlash of public opinion cannot be suppressed, it will make film and television companies unable to eat and go.

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