British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 963: father kindness son filial piety

In this wave of epic movies, Vivien Leigh's Lianmei Pictures is not exempt from the custom and is looking for scripts.

As the man behind Great Britain Treasure, Alan Wilson couldn't help but come up with ideas after hearing it, "I'll give you a script, you can just find someone to shoot at that time, and you can show the exotic style. During the First World War, the United Kingdom once had a pair of People who have made important contributions to the independence of the Arab region can also be photographed to enhance the influence of the United Kingdom.”

He had seen the movie "Lawrence of Arabia", which was based on the real character Thomas Edward Lawrence. In World War I, he was the hero who led Arab independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Lawrence's original specialty was archaeology, but high-level officials valued his language skills and geographic knowledge, and distributed him to the British Army Intelligence in the Middle East. In order to attack Turkey, which was allied with Germany, Britain supported the Arab independence movement.

Lawrence had contacts with Faisal I, a high-ranking Arab, and led a guerrilla force to attack the Ottoman Empire.

However, Alan Wilson also said that shooting this epic film does not mean that he is optimistic about this type of film, "Epic films have been going on for several years, the investment in films is getting bigger and bigger, and several major companies are like an arms race. It's the same. As long as one movie overturns, it's enough to change the landscape of Hollywood. Once there is a company in trouble, you must seize the opportunity, after all, there are not many such opportunities."

Just like when the stock market is high, there must be an avalanche. The so-called hard-to-return can be applied to any field. Artificially delaying the bubble will only blow the already big bubble even bigger.

If there is only one player, the big deal is to stay put, but if there are other players, if you don't burst the bubble, others may not be able to stand it.

It was the first time that David saw his father plan his mother's career with a confident attitude, which left a deep impression.

Of course he has seen it before. In fact, he is often able to meet Alan Wilson's children, but he was not impressed before, far less than this time.

The mother, who is sometimes majestic and sometimes loving, is like an obedient baby only in front of her father. It also made little David want to get to know his unfamiliar father very much, and there were many questions to ask.

"After you finish primary school, you go to a normal public school for a year. But don't disclose your experience of studying in a private school. You can only live with the average British citizen for a while, and you can understand what they are thinking. ."

Although he was an illegitimate child, Alan Wilson was very concerned about the son of a national treasure, and he was also a scumbag.

Therefore, he is not suitable to be a Bond who goes deep behind the enemy, and he is likely to fall into the enemy's peach trap, but it is not that he has not fallen into it.

"Why?" Although David was sensible, he was still young and lacked experience.

Alan Wilson did it for this reason, "You lack experience, although the private school system and the public school system are two parallel societies that don't intersect. But it's pretty scary not to be in contact with the public, you don't understand them. If you need it, you won’t understand everything about them. At the same time, maintaining a certain range of contacts will also promote misuse for you.”

"Since more than 90% of the UK is a public school, why not fully roll out public teaching and improve the quality of teaching?" David asked a question that did not seem to be asked by his age.

Even the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was very surprised by this question, looking at his son with a smile, "This is a sharp question. If you are a civil servant, I would conclude that you have left-wing radical ideas. Judgment is not reliable. But since you asked, I can answer the question, there are many countries in the world that have a comprehensive public education system, and it is quite strong, not as good as the education you are receiving now, but far more than the current public education in the UK.”

"The Soviet education system will greatly enhance the national strength, but this world needs some people to sweep the streets, work as lumberjacks, go down to work as miners, and do jobs that most people don't want to do. This is a very realistic fact. Question, do you let so many people who have learned knowledge do these jobs? Don’t believe in the most glorious nonsense about labor, you can’t tell everyone, but most people like to live a life of indolence and dislike of labor, but at different stages of life, There has to be a trade-off for that.”

"David, you have choices. Children in public schools don't have choices, and private schools exist for a reason. A big part of it is to identify you from a young age. Children of powerful families, not children of ordinary people. It's very necessary to be in an environment. Without contact with them, they won't be able to compare."

Take the protagonist of the novel "Madame Bovary" as an example. When she was young, she had a vague affection for the upper class in the aristocratic literature, but the attraction of the text did not make the protagonist have unrealistic fantasies. In the end, she became a Bovary. Mrs Farley.

There will be no problem here, but it was an occasion of a noble banquet, so that she, who has become Madame Bovary, saw with her own eyes how the nobles lived, which was completely different from the attraction of dry words.

From that time on, Madame Bovary has spent her life trying to squeeze into the upper class, without success.

"Not letting ordinary citizens know of your existence is a kind of protection for them. For the country, we need a broad and ignorant class, which is good for the stability of the country." Alan Wilson stroked his son's hair and said, " Read Madame Bovary's novel in your spare time, and you will gain a lot if you understand it. The French are still quite good at literature."

From the perspective of the upper class, in fact, people of a class have their own values. They will be greedy for the beauty of low-class women, but they are just for fun. In order to maintain their own status, how many opportunities do ordinary people have to meet with What about face-to-face contact with celebrity rich people?

Private education and public education are not in contact with each other, which is very suitable for the current British national conditions.

Vivien Leigh sat on the side, with elf-like eyes, watching the dialogue between the father and son with joy, one spoke earnestly and the other listened earnestly, the son may not yet understand his father's words, but this scene is enough to make Great Britain Treasure happy.

"You're not afraid that your child won't understand, and you can talk about such profound issues at such a young age." Vivien pouted and blamed her in a variety of ways. Seeing what her son was thinking, she opened up to a man of the same status as her husband. chatter.

"David might be a genius. The growth trajectory of a genius is always different. You can also see how receptive it is." Alan Wilson waved his hand and told Great Britain Treasure to ignore the two who entered the state of father and son.

"I can't tell you, you bad thing, you have something to say to me." Vivien gave the man a blank look. This rare family harmony made her feel particularly good today.

Seeing that night was approaching, Vivien Leigh was thinking about how to express her desire to be a rocket and let her son go.

David got up first, "Mother, it's time for my break, and I have to go back to school tomorrow."

A day later, Great Britain Treasure's complexion turned brighter, but his anger was gone, and he sent his son back to school in a radiant manner. Then energetically contacted United Artists and Paris Woodpecker to jointly create the epic film "Lawrence of Arabia".

In the headquarters building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dixon, who came in with the pile of official documents in the Office of the Permanent Undersecretary, almost couldn't find where his immediate boss was. The Egyptian Navy must prove that it has the conditions to protect the security of the Suez Cloud Canal to the Foreign Minister, and it must emphasize the cyclical nature of the development of naval power, in order to emphasize the importance of the Suez Canal to the whole of Europe.”

"The long-term wish is that the Egyptian Navy in ten years will be able to skillfully use the aircraft carrier in its hands and become an important force in maintaining the security of the Suez Canal. This is also a document recognized by the Ministry of Defense."

"I see, Sir Wilson." Dixon took a look at the document in the corner of the desk and left the office.

With a burst of phone ringing, Alan Wilson, who was behind Gongwen Mountain, answered the phone, "The French cultural exchange delegation has arrived, well, we will receive according to the schedule, I will be there later."

After putting down the phone, Alan Wilson picked up the phone again after a while, "Pick up the Ministry of the Interior and inform you of certain conditions for seeking support from the Ministry of the Interior for overseas assets and overseas construction. Not today, I want to receive a French cultural delegation."

"The Ministry of Defense asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to pay attention to Khrushchev's state visit? Great Britain and China have no formal diplomatic relations, so there are not many places to inquire about information, but you can consider borrowing the geographical location of Xiangjiang," said Might be useful."

"Whitehall asked me to go? Cabinet secretary? I'll go right away..."

It's been another busy day for Alan Wilson, who finds that the French seem to be more inaccessible since de Gaulle came to power, so it makes sense that the world can sometimes map guns.

But for the sake of the representatives of the French cultural circle, Ms. Heidi Rama and Ms. Ingrid Bergman, he may not have the same knowledge as the French.

Who makes him a de facto pro-European, especially one who likes to be pro-Ingrid Bergman.

"The French copied my ideas. This is intolerable. You are boring me..." Alan Wilson protested unwillingly in the face of pressure from Ingrid Bergman.

"Hee hee, this scene should really be filmed, and see how a British Foreign Office Permanent Secretary received members of the French cultural community." Heidi Lamar smiled meaningfully, "This may cause a sensation. Bar."

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