British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 964: Make him 200 million first

"It will be even more sensational if you publish your maternity photos." Alan Wilson, who was struggling to get out of the mountains, retorted in rough clothes, and then began to gasp for breath to make up for the missing oxygen.

Obviously, these two stars are not as easy to deal with as the two German business delegations. When he received German guests before, the two dragoons made him feel at home. No two big stars are so difficult to deal with.

"Okay, kidding." Ingrid Bergman begged for mercy in a low voice, it would be bad to anger the man, "I'll sing you a Marseillaise, and I'll take it as an admission of mistakes."

"This mistake is not unforgivable." Alan Wilson's eyes swayed, thinking it was a good idea.

Sometimes women are versatile and can be pleasing to the eye, especially women who are famous all over the world.

Regarding the development of the cultural industry in the British Empire, we also need everyone to work together to create prosperity.

After all, in the construction of the major colonies, considering that the hegemony of public opinion is the only area where Britain has not suffered much loss.

Therefore, cultural construction has always been the top priority. To put it simply, the theaters of the major colonies are in the first sequence of large-scale construction. In the future, there will be sports venues, as for other constructions.

Making movies and playing football doesn't have much impact on Britain's status, and since that's the case, the more the better.

And it also helps to maintain long-term influence. As long as a few minefields are avoided, the UK's influence can be maintained for a long time. These minefields are that don't get a black person to play the Queen of England or Snow White. , squinting less and wearing fancy clothes is no problem for the UK, especially if you want to compare it with the US.

When the American cultural industry has completely fallen into political correctness, it will be time for Britain to lead the European counterattack.

Of course, this premise is the same as that of the pound area. We must retain enough strength to hope for a comeback.

No one would have imagined that the respected Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would receive such distinguished guests in the evening.

On the second day of the official itinerary, with Heidi Rama, Ingrid Bergman and other outstanding representatives of the French cultural industry, the main official topic discussed was children's education.

I am ashamed. Among the current descendants, the future heir of the Mountbatten Group is not to be considered for the time being. Little Wilson's unmasked brothers and sisters should think about how to teach in accordance with their aptitude.

Ingrid Bergman, who has twin daughters, sees it very openly, saying that it is enough for her daughter to grow up to be a star, "I will spend a little more time teaching, and it will definitely be easier than when I broke into the film industry. Iss There's absolutely no problem with the image of Tower and Isabella, and I'm pretty confident about that."

"It's not impossible. But you should be careful, there are so many bad people in this world." In the eyes of others, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was in friendly communication with the French guests, was talking with the two mistresses about the future of love crystallization. People are stunned.

Ingrid Bergman rolled her eyes at the man who made outrageous remarks. There are indeed many bad people in this world, and the British bureaucrat in front of him is an outstanding representative.

Heidi Lamar is a boy, so naturally she can't be so sloppy, but her nationality is in Austria. Considering trying to let her child develop into the literary and art world, Ellen Wilson couldn't help but said, "Let him study hard, and then he may be able to run for election. President. In developing any literary and art world, there is no shortage of him."

Heidi Rama snorted softly, what a bureaucratic face. How can it be so easy to be a president?

"Just listen to me." Alan Wilson said in his heart that when the Koch brothers, the children of the dragoons, grow up, Germany and Austria are so close, it will not be easy to take care of each other when the time comes.

The Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is open and aboveboard, but he is heartbroken for the well-being of future generations.

"Permanent Under-Secretary, Sir Sheffield of the Home Office is here," shouted a Deputy Secretary-General of the Foreign Office.

Alan Wilson can only temporarily step out of a father's role and become a promising civil servant in Whitehall again.

Pennsylvania, United States of America, Pittsburgh with the nickname of the World Steel Capital, the headquarters of the United States Steel Corporation, gathered press cards from all parties eagerly looking forward to the big news about the transnational cooperation between the United Kingdom and the United States in the field of steel, let them rush from all over the place. to here.

Pittsburgh gave birth to a large number of giant companies such as Carnegie Steel Company, Mellon Associates, Westinghouse Electric and so on. It has been through many battles, but this time the cooperation with the British mining giant is still eye-catching.

The Mountbatten Group has discovered the world's largest iron ore in Brazil today, and it has spread throughout the industry. This time, the cooperation between Mountbatten Group and U.S. Steel Company will be a strong step for the United Kingdom and the United States to unite the free world, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Of course, in the dark, there are many inside stories that these dung diggers do not know. For example, the president of Mountbatten Group, currently the richest woman in the world, is still wiping his **** for the follow-up of the Mysore Iron Mine.

However, this is not difficult. The essence of the problem of the Mysore iron mine is that the Indian government does not have the spirit of contract.

As for other reasons, there is no other reason, as we all know, the husband of the female president is a special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, and the respected Senator McCarthy is a long-term friend.

When Pamela Mountbatten arrived in the United States, she also settled the royalties for her husband's series of unsolved mysteries in the world. The money was taken care of by Mrs. McCarthy. The two had already shared the copyright. The money is divided into three and seven parts.

70% of that is still owned by others. Naturally, McCarthy, a heavyweight Republican senator, is willing to stand for his friends. Senator McCarthy has a clean background and earns clean money. He is completely selfless when he comes out on the platform and can stand the U.S. national tax. any audit by the Bureau.

With this connection, Pamela Mountbatten can be said to have come prepared, and the consortium in the United States cannot decide anything. And the federal government is also a relationship of struggle and cooperation. Who would offend a heavyweight senator for no reason?

The Mysore iron ore mine has only one reason for the Indian government to break the contract. This matter has been turned over. What we are talking about now is a giant iron ore far exceeding the value of the Mysore iron ore, and the country where it is located is still in the backyard of the United States.

At the beginning of the meeting with the representatives of U.S. Steel Corporation, Pamela Mountbatten was open and honest, expressing that she wanted to gain some benefits from the current construction in the United States, and then took advantage of the situation to lead to cooperation in the Brazilian iron ore. And that's what U.S. Steel wants.

The current structure of the U.S. steel industry is in the middle of two giants competing for hegemony. U.S. Steel is certainly the stronger one, but it's not without rivals. After Roosevelt, the monopoly trusts in many industries have been severely damaged, and the domineering monopoly of the whole industry has been lost.

U.S. Steel's competitor, Bethlehem Steel, is also a powerful company. The founder was a former general manager of Carnegie and U.S. Steel. With an annual production capacity of 23 million tons of steel, this figure ranks third in the world today and has just been surpassed by the steel base in Kuching, the capital of the Malayan state of Sarawak.

The No. 1 steel company in the world is naturally the Pittsburgh-based U.S. Steel Company.

It can be said that this negotiation on Brazil's iron ore is the world's first and the world's second negotiation.

If an agreement can be reached that satisfies both parties, the situation of the steel industry around the world will change again. The cooperation of the two companies may bring U.S. Steel back to its peak era.

Now that the economic crisis is over, and when it is time to officially regroup and seize the commanding heights, an important achievement for the United States to end this economic crisis, of course, began with sanctions against Japan. The United States forced Japan to sign a short-term agreement on Japan-US cotton textiles, preventing the dumping of Japanese textiles to the United States.

In order to regroup and seize the market, the United States Steel Corporation suddenly learned the news of the discovery of the world's largest iron ore.

I heard that it was discovered by the Mountbatten Group, and I had mixed feelings for a while. I sighed how this British company could always find the best and cheapest resources, but when I heard that the richest woman was coming to the United States to discuss cooperation, she was eagerly waiting for her.

From Pamela Mountbatten's arrival in Pittsburgh, the two sides held a meeting to negotiate. Today, US Steel officially released good news. Mountbatten Group and US Steel are close to reaching an agreement.

Finally, amid the long-awaited expectations of the reporters, the presidents of the two major groups stepped into the prepared venue to share the success of the cooperation between the Mountbatten Group and U.S. Steel.

"It is a great honor to be able to attend this far-reaching press conference with the world-renowned female entrepreneur President Mountbatten, which will have a profound impact on the pattern of the world steel market."

After Charles, the president of U.S. Steel, finished his speech, Pamela Mountbatten spoke in an authentic London accent and spoke in approval, "I agree with what the president said, this will be a change in the world's steel structure, which will help Forming more far-reaching changes in the two groups and even in the entire free world, it demonstrates the unity and cooperation of the free world, and mobilizes all forces to make the world a better place. This is the purpose and meaning of my trip."

As soon as the voice fell, the applause was like thunder, and all the reporters were good at it. In front of hundreds of reporters, the two solemnly signed the contract for the development of the Brazilian iron ore and the distribution of equity. U.S. Steel will spend $200 million to acquire the relative majority of Mountbatten Group's 49 percent stake.

The two groups will work together to develop Brazil's iron ore and build ports and railways for iron ore development.

"For example, let's set a small goal first, let's make it 100 million yuan." Facing thunderous applause, Pamela Mountbatten remembered the encouragement her husband gave her before she left. Now? It's overdone the task.

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