British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 974: Cooperation of different civilizations

Coincidentally, at least once as the High Commissioner of the Malayan Colony, he was obliged to arrange the living of the two.

After two sentences of communication, the two female presidents gave him a chance to show his gentlemanly demeanor.

Even if they knew that this man would not treat them badly, after arriving in Malaya, the sight that greeted them surprised them both.

What a beautiful room! Floor-to-ceiling windows that extend into the hallway make the interior bright. Every furnishings, from the large and soft sofas, the bright curtains, to the huge gold-framed oil paintings, are magnificent and refreshing everywhere.

"Are you still satisfied, ladies, it's all European-style designs. I'm afraid you won't be able to adapt to it, and some small unpleasantness, even if it's just an eyesore, may make a lady like a goddess unhappy in the world. And that's the most unforgivable thing in the world. crime."

Alan Wilson, who came in from behind the two, reached out and put his hand on the two shoulders, looking deeply repentant.

In just a moment, Alan Wilson got a warm response from the two of them. This occasion called you at the right time...

"It's not in vain for us to follow us all the way." Heidi Rama lightly parted her red lips and said something you knew very well.

Heidi Lamar displayed an aggressive beauty even when she was just motionless. It makes perfect sense that Hollywood has always treated Heidi Lamarr as a vase, and the popular actress really eats all with one face.

Even in later generations, the photographer who took many classic photos for Heidi Lamarr admits that it is almost impossible to expect Heidi Lamarr to show subtle expressions. A classic image handed down from generation to generation.

"It's hard work ladies, you can't blame me, who made many people love me." Alan Wilson said quite narcissistically, and then added, "But I'm not the local chief executive now, and now there are I will spend a lot of time with you."

He never denied that he likes to run around, but he simply doesn't like flying, which lacks a down-to-earth feeling.

However, some difficulties can still be overcome, especially when accompanied by a woman of the same status as his wife.

For the two female presidents, it was just a matter of time to come to present the awards, and it was not important to help Xia Meng carry coffee. The key was the feeling of freedom. Especially when accompanied by a close man.

Alan Wilson, in addition to setting an example for other colonies, is concerned with the oil refining equipment transaction in a certain Far East region and adapted to the frigid zone. Of course, it is only a preliminary transaction. There is no country that buys products in large quantities when the product is not in trial operation. It has made Alan Wilson very happy to be able to make a deal and step on Japan.

At the same time, the so-called colonial elites dressed in fancy clothes from the colonies have also arrived one after another along with the local commissioners. In fact, coming to the Malayan colony is more effective than going to London.

Not all urban constructions in Malaya have been completed, but they are all newly built. Although London has undergone a renovation after the war, there are still old urban areas everywhere, which is obviously not so shocking.

At least in terms of hardware facilities, the current Malayan colony is more qualified than the British mainland as the object of study.

Of course, this is only limited to hardware. Strictly speaking, even in the 21st century, there are no non-European and American countries that can approach Europe and the United States in terms of living standards. Even Japan, at its peak, was evaluated by the Americans surveyed that the country is rich and the people are poor. On the one hand, they live in an expensive small house, and on the other hand, they have to pay attention to food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The urban construction of Malaya is relatively far above other Asian countries, because one of the standards is based on European and American standards.

There is a standard in urban planning, that is, the standard of urban building spacing. If it is too dense, it will be the appearance of Xiangjiang in later generations. The dense high-rise buildings will increase the sense of depression out of thin air.

Take the urban area of ​​Tokyo as an example, the area is the same as that of the magic city. If the urban area is calculated separately, the population of Tokyo is only half of that of the magic city, and the urban area of ​​Tokyo is far from crowded as the magic city.

In most cities in China, the distance between buildings is smaller than in Tokyo, while in Europe and the United States it is larger than Tokyo. The most intuitive result is that your residential area is tight and there are not enough parking spaces.

Therefore, the four major cities in Malaya, which have now become the Straits Settlements, are not crowded. Even in the urban area, a large area of ​​reserved land has been reserved for parks and entertainment facilities. The planners from London mainly This kind of work does not come for free and take the money and leave.

This is also the reason why Alan Wilson has the confidence to set the Malayan colony as a benchmark. The population of the four major cities is not as large as that of the megacities in East Asia.

Now that Alan Wilson is no longer the High Commissioner for the Malayan Colony, the reception work is handed over to the current High Commissioner. Richard receives wave after wave of colonial visiting groups, and Alan Wilson conducts wave after wave of receptions. Everyone is very busy in spaceflight, and they are all working hard for the British Empire.

"I know," Xia Meng smiled charmingly, but not tenderly, "You have loved many girls?"

"Of course," Ellen Wilson said casually, seeing that she didn't believe it, so he didn't want to brag, and finally had to admit, "It's not much, it depends on what standard."

" will fall in love with me." Xia Meng hooked the man's neck, "I want to hear it, can you tell me?"

"This is a very serious question." Alan Wilson groaned, as if he was struggling with his mind, and finally nodded, "I only have one request, to be obedient in the future."

"My husband and my son, I still understand." Xia Meng pondered for a while, "I haven't lost contact with the mainland. You are British, will you feel bad?"

"It doesn't matter, that's your country. It's too ruthless to cut off ties." Alan Wilson smiled slightly, "I believe that all difficulties are temporary. In a sense, I envy a country with a large population and a large area, forever. There is no shortage of opportunities to stand up again, and the fault tolerance rate for countries that do not meet the standards is too low.”

Hong Kong and Las Vegas are currently important external channels for the mainland, both publicly and privately.

The battleships of the Royal Pacific Fleet in the Hong Kong port seem to be facing a formidable enemy these days.

This is because the Hong Kong Governor is carrying out an operation to combat rampant smuggling, which makes the officers and soldiers of the Pacific Fleet suddenly nervous. After all, the status of Hong Kong is too special.

Finally, under the unremitting efforts of the Royal Pacific Fleet, the smuggling ship successfully reached its destination.

This also depends on the help of the Portuguese authorities. The Anglo-Portuguese alliance is still quite reliable. The security of Goa also needs the help of the British warships docked to a large extent. Of course, the United Kingdom has left South Asia, but it seems that it has not completely left.

Whether it is Ceylon, which still retains its base, or Goa, where British warships are docked from time to time, it shows that the looming shadow of Britain is still not far away. A few days later, Lin Lianyu left Hong Kong after confirming the result.

The Malayan colony on this side of the sea is still in good times, and the days of October are so peaceful that the editor of the local news column of the newspaper does not know what kind of articles to fill the page with. Sensational crime? Didn't happen; ethnic discord? People know a lot; but it never gets on the page.

There was no news from the colonial government; not even news of natural disasters; reports from the police were rare: knife fights next to the main train station; two traffic accidents due to drivers drinking alcohol.

It seems that there is an invisible hand that bridges everything, and the reports all focus on the news that more than 20 delegations have arrived in the Malayan colony, which is to learn the advanced experience of Malaya's development.

Occasionally met Richard, whose immediate boss was not long, and learned a word to get rich first and then get rich. Adjusted the direction of public opinion, centering on Malaya's obligation to lead the British colonies to live a better life, and used it to stimulate the self-esteem of Malaya and the Straits Settlers.

The so-called spiritual civilization construction, of course, is expensive to maintain for a long time, but who can't pretend for a while? For the Chinese, it is like watching a performance, and the same is true for the African delegation to

The news of learning from Malaya's development experience spread like a raging fire and spread throughout the colony in a short period of time. The major delegations were arranged by Richard to visit different cities, with great fanfare and very lively.

"Look, the cooperation of different civilizations is actually not as difficult as imagined." Alan Wilson held two abrasive tools, patted and cracked, and the Australian silver was converted into Chinese silver. Isn't this a success? ?

Alan Wilson didn't know if the several sets of oil refining equipment that were delivered first were there, but as long as they went in, at the current level of satellites, the United States would not be able to find them even if they were exhausted.

Xia Meng looked at this man eagerly. Now she knows why the other party doesn't care whether she cuts off contact with her hometown, and she really doesn't care if there is such a relationship.

"Mengmeng come and sit." Alan Wilson greeted Xia Meng. Xia Meng, who is endorsed by two major film and television companies, has become a benchmark for Asian stars, and his image is absolutely brilliant.

Among Asians, Xia Meng is definitely a very tall one. Xiaoniao leaned against the man's arms without any disobedience.

Alan Wilson took out a set of documents and gave it to Xia Meng, "My friend from the Ministry of the Interior has certified my immigration to the UK, don't underestimate this set of documents, it is very difficult to obtain, and it is even more difficult to obtain when I am in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You have the British identity, it is easy to go to any Commonwealth country, Canada, Australia is not a problem at all.”

"It's really easy." Xia Mengman was amazed, she knew how difficult it was, "Many people want to but can't do it."

"It's right." Alan Wilson kissed Xia Meng's forehead and said softly, "It's easy for me, but not for others."

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