British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 975: Celebrations and conspiracies

When Alan Wilson spoke, he was showing off a little bit, and this scene was especially like the white garbage that ran rampant in Southeast Asia in later generations, coaxing the body of the local young woman with some petty profits.

And doing this now, it is more like, the British gentleman who did this is still a colonizer.

The color of imperialism is even stronger, and it should be thoroughly criticized, criticized for stinking and stomping on 10,000 feet.

Two brisk footsteps stopped in front of the door. The door was opened by the key. Heidi Rama couldn't help rolling her eyes as soon as she came in. The underwear scattered on the floor, and the voice of criticism from the bathroom. , who still doesn't know what happened.

"He's ignoring our feelings more and more." Heidi Lamar looked at Ingrid Bergman with a steadfast expression.

"Who made that little star young? If we hadn't put a lot of effort into it, he would have lost his youth." Ingrid Bergman sighed softly, "Wait a while, he'll be angry if he leaves. ."

Not long after, Alan Wilson came out in pajamas, and saw a trace of embarrassment on the faces of the two uninvited guests, "Honey, why are you here? Why didn't you make a phone call first?"

"What? I'm bothering you?" Ingrid Bergman gave the man who was promiscuous in the daytime, "The British Empire's Deputy Foreign Minister, is this how he contributes to the country?"

"You have misunderstood." The figure of Queen Nanfang appeared when they were talking. Alan Wilson said that it was not what the two thought. It was just a fake father and the queen mother to discuss the future of Delinzhou, and it did not involve personal grievances. .

The appearance of Queen Nanfang surprised them even more. They didn't expect that it was not Xia Meng who came out, but the operator of this high-end leisure hotel. Women can't resist you."

"I can't say the same, I'm still quite resistant to African black pearls." The smell of breaking the vinegar jar came on the face, and Alan Wilson still didn't know how bad the first vase in history was now? Quickly self-examined and punished himself three times to expose his mistakes. In the final analysis, he just made mistakes that all men will make.

He was clearly talking about the operation of Baiyin just now. That's business. The weather in Malaya is hot. What's wrong with taking a bath together?

Queen Nanfang came floating, holding the thermos cup with wolfberry in front of the man, and said in pure French, "When I went to France, I knew two ladies who have great influence in the French entertainment industry. Nice to meet you two."

It turned out to be the emperor of a country...the former queen! Heidi Lamarr and Ingrid Bergman were a little surprised when they learned of the woman's identity.

I have to admit that the time together is not short, and the two Oscar-winning actresses also have to give men a step down, so they can't play temper like a little girl.

In the end, Alan Wilson still achieved the goal of punishing himself for three cups and exposing his mistakes. In fact, he always likes to run out, because London is not enough for the free world.

Now, with a rough calculation, Alan Wilson plus himself can get three to five billion dollars from the ladies of the same status as his wives and put them into the silver operation, but he can't clean up the ladies' industry.

And to tell the truth, compared with Pamela Mountbatten's industry, which is like a money printing machine, other women's industries still earn a penny of hard money, and it may be difficult to operate if all the funds are withdrawn. Cash flow is extremely important to any business, and Alan Wilson needs to have a measure when he asks for food.

Begging for a meal naturally requires lowering your posture. The dignified Executive Undersecretary of the Foreign Office of the British Empire is now soaking wolfberry in a thermos.

Nothing came in vain, and he was also moving forward in private, but most people didn't know it.

If Pamela Mountbatten knows that he runs a casino, takes care of his concubine, even the royal princess...

The urban construction of Malaya has not yet been completed, but some facilities can already be put into use, such as the Queen Victoria Square in the capital Kuala Lumpur, a square that can accommodate 100,000 people and is considered to be one of the symbols of the economic take-off of the Malayan colony. Let Richard spend a lot of effort.

Criteria such as large-scale celebrations, Alan Wilson made several demands of the current chief executive.

A team composed of people from all walks of life, and of course men and women of all ages, bathe in the light of the British Empire. Since it is the benchmark of the British Commonwealth, it must be treated with benchmarking standards.

Different cities have different celebration themes, but they are all held at the same time as the capital Kuala Lumpur. In Malacca, the organized students spent their spare time preparing for the evening celebrations. Too young to go to the theater often, and because of financial constraints, they couldn't afford the large fees for amateur performances, so the girls gave full play to their ingenuity—necessity is the mother of invention—and they did what they needed.

Some of their creations are quite ingenious--a guitar made of cardboard, an ancient lamp made of an old butter bottle wrapped in tin foil, a bright and dazzling robe made of old cotton cloth, and the surface is glitteringly inlaid with pickles from a house. The small tin pieces from the vegetable factory, and the armor with the same diamond-shaped tin pieces, these small tin pieces that came in handy were leftovers from the pickle factory for canning.

The furniture in the house is often messed up, and the big room is the stage. The girls performed innocently on the stage. After careful preparation, everyone joined the celebration.

The celebration in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, was even more grand. The Queen Victoria Square was already crowded with people. Richard, the High Commissioner of Malaya, prepared a speech that was full of enthusiasm and could definitely be understood. This understanding mainly lies in People in the Malayan colony can understand.

For the vast majority of colonial commissioners who came to the Malayan colony, this was like a book from heaven.

Mobilizing the enthusiasm of the people is mainly focused on the part of the surrounding area. Indonesia is shameless and India is incompetent. If I really want to lead the people of Asia to become rich, I have to use the British Empire. After reading the speech, there will be a paragraph of applause when I pause here. Richard accepts it. With cheers led by leaders everywhere...

Otherwise, I like to be the number one no matter what, and I don't understand the joy of being a full-time job, but I don't understand when I am a deputy.

"It's a pity we couldn't understand Richard's speech." Ingram said the voice of most colonial commissioners.

Including Alan Wilson, everyone was sitting on the viewing platform, but they were a little out of place. Fortunately, they were not noticed by the crowd of people in the square.

"We're guests." Alan Wilson smiled slyly, if it wasn't for Richard's language talent that really made people look different, he wouldn't have finally put Richard on the position of High Commissioner. Everyone knows that Richard is not him. 's old subordinate.

Compared with the imperial subjects holding pictures of Queen Elizabeth in the square, this place is like another parallel world. There is no sunlight outside, and some commissioners are whispering, which is simply a breeding ground for conspiracy.

Grace is sitting next to Alan Wilson. He is also a member of the Northern Rhodesia delegation. He came here to learn advanced experience and go back to build a better Northern Rhodesia.

If Alan Wilson remembers correctly, the pillar industries of Northern Rhodesia are mining, large-scale plantations and light military industry, especially the mine production that leads Africa.

"What is the attitude of the French side?" Grace asked in a low voice, looking at Alan Wilson, who was in the thermos cup at the end.

Um? After taking a sip of water, Alan Wilson calmly whispered, "At the Brussels meeting, two sets of plans were established, the French advocate repression, and we advocate partition. From my judgment, the French advocates are not easy. Realized. You don’t know that the Berlin Conference that delineated the sphere of influence in Africa was actually held because of the ownership of the Congo. The Belgian Congo is actually related to the situation in Africa as a whole.”

"You soldiers of the motherland's army have fought in wars. Explain this way. In wars, there is often a strategy of rushing towards the center, but the result is always annihilated by the enemy. The problem of Belgian Congo is almost here."

After explaining it like this, Grace immediately understood. I didn't expect this bureaucrat to know the military? "Which force may become an unknown factor to interfere with the war Both the Soviet Union and the United States are possible, the United States is more likely, how can the Soviet Union have influence on Belgium." Alan Wilson shrugged indifferently. Shrugging, "Do you think that's true?"

"Americans, why would they do this?" Grace asked in disbelief. "How could they do this."

"Calm down Grace. Compared with the public sentiment of hundreds of millions of black people in Africa, the idea of ​​immigrants, at best a few hundred thousand, can be sacrificed. This will not change because they are white." Alan Wilson said with a cold voice With a smile, he further explained, "So, you were considered to be fighting righteously at the beginning, expelling the black people in Northern Rhodesia through ethnic vendettas, and it is also a loss that Northern Rhodesia does not have a large black population."

"In the long run, even South Africa can be sacrificed, let alone a small Belgian Congo."

"You can indeed get in touch with the leaders of the Belgian immigrants, and the French plan is likely to fail. Remember one thing, restrain greed and improve the disadvantaged environment of Northern Rhodesia. Take up a lot of extra land and you will suffer disaster."

Even South Africa can sacrifice? Grace was in a heavy heart. "There will be problems in South Africa? How will Northern Rhodesia connect with the outside world after that?"

"Isn't it still possible to communicate with the outside world through Tanzania's railway?" Alan Wilson frowned slightly and comforted, "Maybe the contact information can be upgraded in the future? After all, there are still many places that would be interested in Africa and will help to upgrade some railways. facilities or something."

Isn't the Tanzania-Zambia railway upgraded when a big country decided to help? Grace doesn't have to worry at all, just wait.

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