British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 976: Learn from your opponent's strengths

Comparing competitors in the free world at different times, it is actually easy to find that the Soviet Union's resource reserves are above its own industrial capabilities, while China's resource reserves are not enough to support its industrial strength.

The resource gap exists objectively, so it is a must for China to import raw materials, which is why Australia does not think it will be retaliated. Australia's resources can be sold to any country.

The economic loss is completely bearable for Australia. You can make more money when you run out of money, but you only have one life.

Just like the Soviet Union's export of raw materials was built on the basis of its huge territory and abundant resources, China's foundation is destined to go further if it wants to go further. Where is the best place to bully and the easiest place in this world? Of course it's Africa.

During the Cold War, China has already worked out how to operate in Africa, especially in black Africa. Not to mention those hypocritical words in concept, they just go straight to resources.

Alan Wilson can conclude that Grace just needs to wait, and as soon as Tanzania speaks, someone will show up to help.

The difference is that the Tanzania-Zambia Railway has become the world of Grace and these people because of Zambia, which may be different.

But Alan Wilson doesn't think there will be huge changes. If only the railway in Tanzania is built and Northern Rhodesia is left aside, it goes without saying that the United Kingdom can completely make the railway in Tanzania impossible.

In any case, it is inevitable that Sannibar will be used as an offshore military base for the British to monitor East Africa, and Tanzania has no choice.

There is nothing to hide, Alan Wilson thinks that the value of the Tazara Railway is that it can be prostituted for free without paying a pound from the UK. If this goal cannot be achieved, it is better not to appear.

Before the emergence of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway, the railway to South Africa was used first. Anyway, South Africa could last until the end of the Cold War.

In fact, there are other alternatives, that is, the water transport of the Congo River, which requires the help of other countries. In particular, as Portugal, the suzerain of Angola, the United Kingdom is preparing to continue its mediation on the issue of the Belgian Congo.

If the Belgian Congo really cannot be preserved, while preserving the oil interests around the Gulf of Guinea, the export of the Congo River will be transferred from Belgium to Portugal. As colonists, European countries have ample reasons to do so.

To put it back ten thousand steps, if Africa is finally freed from European control, it can also provoke conflicts among African countries.

Portugal can do it. The Cabinda region of Angola is located north of the mouth of the Congo River, northwest of Angola itself, and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west. It is an enclave in Angola between the two Congolese and separated from the mainland by the narrow territory of the Congo.

Even if the Cabinda area is not important, it is also an important port in Angola, the second largest city, and its status is equivalent to the magic capital. The oil company that Princess Margaret invested in discovered oil just off the coast of Cabinda.

If the enclave of Cabinda and Angola are linked together, from the perspective of Portugal and Angola, of course, it is a good thing, otherwise it is not a good thing for the independent Congo.

Congo's only small outlet to the sea will disappear completely and be blocked by Angola. For Belgium, as long as Portugal is willing to come up with a certain exchange of interests, while protecting the interests of Belgium. The colonists who are going to be driven out, still care about the hostility of the colony after independence?

Sometimes Alan Wilson felt that he was really a friend to the Portuguese, otherwise Salazar could consider giving him an honorary governor or something in recognition of his contributions to Portugal over the years.

When everyone at the viewing platform was whispering and communicating with each other, the Malaya High Commissioner Richard's encouraging speech had come to an end, affirming the economic development of Malaya, and at the same time, he stepped on the surrounding area and scolded the surrounding area. Illegal immigration, after destroying the social morality of the Malayan colony.

Richard revealed that the capital Kuala Lumpur and the largest port Singapore will jointly bid for the next Commonwealth Games to demonstrate the achievements of the Malayan colony construction over the years.

The applause, the warm applause lasted for a long time, and the people in Victoria Square cheered and chanted God bless the Queen...

"Gentlemen, it's actually not difficult to appease the colonies, isn't it?" Alan Wilson looked at the colonial commissioners around him and said, using Richard as an example, "This time, so many African elites have come here, and the British colonies are very concerned. The rule of the government is also somewhat useful, to help those we trust to a high position, of course, we also need to conduct some investigations to determine whether they are reliable."

A day later, the news that the Malayan colony was going to win the right to host the Commonwealth Games became the focus of heated discussions in the newspapers. After all, this is still a very compelling matter.

The Commonwealth Games cannot be compared with the Olympic Games, but it is also a very influential and powerful comprehensive games.

However, in Alan Wilson's mind, after this game was held once by India, the aura on his body suddenly became much inferior, and a term called the Commonwealth Games scandal appeared.

"Gentlemen, the Commonwealth Games are going to be held here in Malaya, and you need your help."

During the evening reception, Alan Wilson took Richard with a goblet to demonstrate the reliability of the Colonial Commissioner. The answer is naturally no problem. The Commonwealth Games can be used as an opportunity for the Malayan colony to take off.

Anyway, in the eyes of Alan Wilson, the Commonwealth Games are to be attended by the existing British protectorates and colonies. Not only Canada and Australia, which are already independent, can participate, otherwise it will not be lively.

"I'm not good at drinking, gentlemen continue, I'll go back to rest first." Alan Wilson, who received a satisfactory answer, knew that the next entertainment project was the time to mobilize foreign aid from Singapore, so that the gentlemen could experience a foreign country. Style, he will not participate, to consider the style of a senior Whitehall official.

The main reason is that foreign aid has Heidi Lamar and Ingrid Bergman. Exotics include Queen Nanfang and Xia Meng, and other vulgar fans, Alan Wilson has been immune.

The festivities were but the embellishment of a long, long river, and at the end of the song, the first shrill whistle of the factory broke the silence of the morning. Then, in every corner of the city, other whistles began to whistle gradually.

The hoarse, unchanging sound spread in all directions, like a ferocious rooster singing, with their iron voices, calling people to work.

With a tall black body and a chimney with a slender neck, the large factory towering in the rain and mist also slowly woke up, spitting out fireworks from time to time, breathing in clouds of smoke, indicating that it was still alive, and was still shrouding the earth. active in the darkness.

The sky over the city was covered with a heavy, sticky fog. The rain knocked on the roof with a bang, and then ran down the pavement, onto the dark, rain-soaked streets, and onto the canopy of trees against the long fence, shivering in the wind.

The wind was blowing from the loose fields in the wild, and it tumbled so **** the streets that it shook the fence and tried to lift the roof all over, but it disappeared on the ground.

The typhoon season comes when it feels like it is coming, regardless of whether the world accepts it or not. No matter how savage bureaucrats are, there is nothing they can do.

Compared with the mood of nature, the means of the gentlemen are still not enough, and they can only turn their hands in the social field and turn their hands into rain.

This can only delay the itinerary of the visiting African elites, but not the commissioners who are hiding in high-end hotels with complete facilities.

The brightly lit conference room was not affected in the slightest, and the atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable. We were ready to play golf until the typhoon ended. Anyway, this time the typhoon Malaya was not affected much.

The gentlemen's communication is peaceful, and the consequences of the communication must naturally be borne by the anti-British elements.

"Actually, the resistance of the colonies has always existed. As long as there are no riots, they are all within our control." Ingram compared the example of the Gold Coast. "It is much calmer now."

"The important thing is to give them hope, both hard and soft. Be clear, don't annoy us." Alan Wilson nodded in agreement, "We must give clear advice to candidates who are interested in taking control of the country in the future. The road is not easy to walk, let them know clearly not to betray the United Kingdom, so that they can take over smoothly."

"Don't think of any second thoughts, we have to learn from France, in case we want to lead an independent elite in the future. If there is any objection to our actions, even a subtle expression should be replaced immediately. Those who want to replace them can Much more."

"That's right." Many people nodded in approval, and it was very interesting with the raindrops beating on the windows.

"If you reach out and pull a company, the company can survive. But it's not difficult to kill the company. It's the same for individuals."

Alan Wilson said with a smile, "It really doesn't work, let's pick a colony as a target, claim to practice the Soviet judicial system, and then throw the rebels into the Gulag. After killing all the rebels, we will declare that the Soviet judicial system has failed too much. It’s not democratic at all, just stop it and apologize at the end.”

"Is this okay?" Many commissioners asked questions. Most people did not understand how the judicial system of the Soviet Union worked.

"Of course you can. In fact, the Soviet judicial system only needs to achieve four points: convicting by confession, cutting off contact with the outside world during detention, arranging the lawyers we want to control the rhythm, and not open the trial. As long as these four points are met, you will be arrested. The anti-British activists admitted that he planned to strike Poland, and he will also plead guilty."

The commissioners in the conference room were silent, as if a new world had opened up in front of them, "It's amazing."

"We need to combine the advantages of different systems, and consider how to deal with anti-British elements from the perspective of optimizing integration." Alan Wilson stretched his back and said in a completely experienced tone, "Anyway, including me in The gentlemen inside, no one should be able to withstand this set of trial procedures."

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