Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 477 The Entire Ninja Coalition Enters A State Of Preparation For War! Horrible Questions And

Nara Shikaku was stunned!

All ninjas in the Ninja Alliance Headquarters are in preparation for war!!

But then, the noisy reports and inquiries from the captains of each division were communicated to the commander-in-chief Nara Shikaku through the Yamanaka clan’s secret technique!!

"Third Force Liaison Headquarters! A strange sound suddenly appeared on the battlefield! We were sealed in a transparent barrier!!"

"Second Force Liaison Headquarters! Something is asking us questions!! It's so evil!!"

"Fifth Force Liaison Headquarters!! Emergency contact!! We are trapped in an invisible hood!!"

"Seventh Force Liaison Headquarters! There is an unknown situation here!!"

"First Force Liaison Headquarters!..."

"The fourth unit........., Dad! What's going on now? The image disappeared, why is there another question and answer question!!"

"Medical logistics force, Shikaku-san, I am Shizune! The position of the medical force was attacked by an unknown force..."

"The Sixth Troop..."

"Surprise attack force......"

"Sense Force......"

In short, things are going crazy here at the Ninja Alliance headquarters.

On the main battlefield, everyone's voices were sealed for a moment using the sealing technique.

Kazekage Gaara and others received a summons from Nara Shikaku——

"Kazekage!! How is the situation over there?!! Did you also hear that strange metallic sound and asked you a question?"

Feng Ying was shocked, they didn't expect that question would appear in other war zones!

Before, he saw with his own eyes that Seventh Generation's three Shadow Clone of Naruto were blown into blood mist and flesh foam one by one. He immediately contacted Na 393 Rao Shikaku in his heart:

"Stop everyone immediately!! Immediately!!"

Seeing Gaara speaking so urgently, Nara Shikaku immediately asked Yamanaka Haiichi to contact the entire ninja coalition without doing what he thought.

Tens of thousands of people are very reluctant to Yamanaka Haiyi, and the brain nerves will be damaged if they are not careful. Nara Shikaku adjusted his speaking speed and conveyed the command in the shortest possible time!!

"Contact the headquarters! The entire ninja coalition should be silent immediately!! Don't ask why!! Immediately!!!"

All Ninja Alliance: "!!!"

Although I don't know why, the obedience of the ninja can be described as pervert, and he made a decisive decision and no one said anything.

After Nara Shikaku conveyed the order, he asked Kazekage why he was like this.

Gaara from the Chūnin exam era: "Let me explain it. This quiz question often appears in our era. Once the question is announced, anything you say will be regarded as an answer question. The rules are not exactly the same every time, but most of the time as long as the answer is wrong... ..."

Nara Shikaku: "What will happen if you answer incorrectly?"

Kazekage Gaara: "No matter how strong this person is or what his status is, if he answers incorrectly, he will die immediately!"

Young Gaara: "That's right, in terms of the rules of 'that thing' - a wrong answer will immediately erase its vital signs. In our case, he even erased Black Zetsu."

Nara Shikaku at the headquarters was silent. Although the information was incomplete, he already knew that Black Zetsu was the culprit who took advantage of Uchiha Madara. What kind of special characteristics are needed to eliminate Black Zetsu?


Young Gaara: "Don't think about 'that thing' according to the rules of the ninja world! What he can do is far more than just images and life-erasing problems!"

Kazekage Gaara and Nara Shikaku both made questioning "huh?" sounds.

Year Gaara: "High risk, high reward."

Nara Shikaku: "What do you mean? Please give me more details."

Young Gaara recalled: “The first time that question appeared was when I came to Shuye to take the Chūnin exam for the first time on behalf of Sunagakure.

This memory is very important to Kazekage, so when Gaara, a boy from another world, mentioned the Chūnin exam, he immediately thought of the miraculous boy who changed himself - Uzumaki Naruto.

The young Gaara continued, "It was the first written test, and the scary question was - during the Fourth Ninja War, for what reason did the commander of the Ninja Alliance say that if the war is over, if he still hates Sunagakure, he will cut off his head. .”

Kazekage Gaara: "!!!!!" As the commander-in-chief of the Ninja Alliance and the person involved in this issue, his first reaction was only shock.

Nara Shikaku: "The test for Shikamaru's promotion to Chūnin was in Konoha 60 years! So the questions are all things that have not happened in the future!! How to answer this?! What was the death toll at that time?"

"Generally speaking, there are only three opportunities to answer questions, and two people died at that time."

Nara Shikaku: "Is that the third time you answered it correctly?! How do you answer a question like this that hasn't happened yet? Do you have any tips?!"

Thinking of this, young Gaara recalled the scene at that time and thought it was really incredible.

"I answered it correctly on the second chance. One of the two people who died broke the rules, and the other was killed by me.

Kazekage Gaara: "..." By the way, at that time I hated the whole world and was completely immersed in the wrong path of using killing to prove the value of my existence.

"Can you tell me how (aicj) you answered correctly?" Kazekage's Gaara was curious, under what circumstances could anyone think that as the commander-in-chief of the ninja alliance, he made such a statement for him?

"You won't think of it."

The young man Gaara's tone made Kazekage Gaara feel incredible. It was not at all as low and full of hatred as he used to be. Especially when they mentioned this issue, he was even a little happy and relaxed?

Young Gaara: "There was an incredible person who completely forgot the rules of horror quizzes. He slammed the table, jumped up and shouted his name, saying that he could be a Genin for the rest of his life.

Will definitely become a Hokage too. "

Both Kazekage and Shikaku were silent, "How can Hokage do such an unexpected thing under those circumstances————


No one would guess otherwise except that guy.

Young Gaara: "That's right. There were originally two rewards for answering correctly. Later, there was an additional reward for answering correctly because there was only one chance left."

Nara Shikaku: "Is there any reward? So when you said high risk and high reward, does it mean that the reward is very impressive?"

Ninja tools? Or revenge? Ninjutsu secret scroll?

Shikaku subconsciously made several guesses, but quickly refuted himself, no! You can't use the logic of the ninja world to think about that question and answer question!

"Wait! Your sudden appearance here this time, as well as the appearance of 12-year-old Naruto and Hokage Naruto are all because of that quiz question?!"

Feng Ying, who didn't expect this, was also slightly shocked.

Young Gaara: "That's right."

Kazekage asked his teenage self: "Then what reward did Naruto get at that time?"

"Konoha's White Fang's Ninja Sword, and the resurrection of one of the ten randomly chosen Konoha dead. One of the ten coffins was the Fourth Hokage..."

Nara Shikaku: "!! Then when was the Fourth Hokage over there...?"

"No, at that time Naruto didn't know who his father was..." Young Gaara: "He resurrected Uchiha Sasuke's mother.


Kazekage and Shikaku instantly felt a mixed feeling in their hearts. Kazekage knew firsthand Jinchūriki's pain, and Shikaku also knew what Naruto suffered in the village when he was a child, but he always pulled others out of the darkness time and time again. Coming out will make those who understand him feel even more distressed.

Shikaku: "Then the additional reward is...?"

"In a random draw, Naruto drew the Second Hokage who was resurrected and participated in the Fourth Ninja War and came here from a more future world."

Really, I was so impressed that I was speechless.

They don't know that there will be more lawless rewards such as 600 billion friend cards, the ancestral Ōtsutsuki sacred tree, resurrection cards, S-level ninjutsu experience rolls, attribute pulls, and Chakra doubling.

After the horror quiz appeared this time, the questions were announced later than usual, which also allowed Nara Shikaku and Kazekage Gaara to get more information.

Immediately remind the entire Ninja Alliance that even if the question is published, no answers are allowed!

Wait for the answer rules later, and then listen to the unified instructions from the headquarters!!

[Question 3: In the above image, why did Yakushi Kabuto come specially to save Uchiha Sasuke?]

Today’s update (Horror Q&A in the Ninja World)

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