Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 478 Nara Shikaku’S Awakening, The 180 Seconds Of Suppression By The Ninja Alliance! A Questi

This question made the uncle present look at Uchiha Itachi from other eras.

Recalling that when he regained consciousness on the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja War, he saw that the person who saved him was Yakushi Kabuto. Sasuke at that time said he was not shocked to be honest.

But then more...

It’s a fleeting moment of pain~a longing that opens my heart.

I don’t know if my brother at that time thought about his action of saving Yakushi Kabuto, but in the end he came around and asked the other party to return the favor to his younger brother.

The rules of horror quizzes appear one by one - in each war zone


["1. All living beings in all fields can answer. No one has only one chance. Please answer carefully."]

["2. The response time is 3 minutes, starting from the time the countdown starts."]

【"3. Get rewards for correct answers."】

["4. In each field, if more than 50% of the lifeforms answer correctly, the barrier in that field will automatically disappear."]

["5. If you answer incorrectly, you will be deprived of your vital signs immediately."]

【"Countdown begins!"】



Rows of rules scrolled out where the image originally appeared, especially when the last one appeared. If Nara Shikaku hadn't shouted again in his mind that all ninjas must not speak, then I'm afraid someone would subconsciously rebel against the rules.

Nara Shikaku prays, no matter what happens, never speak!

But even a highly obedient ninja can have accidents happen.

For example, in a certain war zone, the dead who were reincarnated by the Impure World did not join the notice range of the Yamanaka clan. When they saw the fifth article, they mocked:

"We are the dead of Impure World Reincarnation. Even if we are killed, we will recover immediately."

I saw him talking and he was fine.

The ninja next to him wiped his sweat: "What? It turns out it was just a prank."

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the war zone heard the metallic sound of the terrifying question—

["One respondent answered incorrectly, and the correct rate is 0%."]


The young ninja who had been pretending to be relaxed just now exploded with a bang. The air was filled with a strong smell of blood and red blood mist, and pieces of flesh and blood splattered on the people next to him and Impure World Reincarnation.

Everyone in the entire war zone was stunned.

The captain of the war zone opened his mouth to curse, but stopped at the critical moment, almost biting his own tongue because of it.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the captain reported the information to Qin Liangjiu.

The ninjutsu of the Yamanaka clan does not require opening the mouth to speak. Nara Shikaku was so angry that he yelled: 'Impure World Reincarnation is a dead person! They are not included in the answer range at all! Of course it's okay!!'

Nara Shikaku immediately shared this note with the Ninja Alliance and learned that similar incidents had occurred in other war zones. Fortunately, the death toll in each war zone was controlled below single digits under the condition that intelligence was obtained in advance.

There was even a war zone where the very lucky only three chatty White Zetsu died.

It also made Nara Shikaku realize that Impure World Reincarnation is not a living entity, but White Zetsu is!



The countdown had dropped to less than two minutes, and Nara Shikaku immediately contacted Uzumaki Naruto.

Although the amount of Chakra is different, the Chakra will not change, and Uzumaki Naruto of all periods is pulled into the Yamanaka occult chat room.

Nara Shikaku: "You should know about the Seventh Generation project, right? Why did Yakushi Kabuto save Yasui at the last moment? Sasuke, please tell me in the clearest, simplest, most concise words."

"It's the clearest, simplest, and most concise..." Shu Ming hesitated for two seconds, and finally gave Nara Lujiu two words: "Repay the favor!"

Nara Shikaku almost became angry.

Yamanaka Haiyi, who could also hear what they were saying, broke out in a cold sweat.

"Speak clearly! To whom should I repay the favor!!" After all, Shikaku is not the Hokage strategist Shikamaru who is the target of Seventh Generation, but he can guide the other party to give the complete answer in the most concise way.

Shuming: "I have to repay Sasuke's brother for rescuing him."



Lu Jiu was different from his impatience just now. The more time was pressed, the calmer he became: "You know the seriousness of the matter. Don't make any surprises beforehand. Are you sure about your answer?"

Seventh Hokage Naruto:..." I wasn't afraid at first, but when you asked me, I became afraid.

"This is indeed the situation at that time." Seventh Hokage Naruto prayed in his heart that he would not engage in accidental sex, and it would be better if the Horror Questions and Answers also prescribe accidental sex!!

Genin Naruto: "Wouldn't it be nice if I used a Shadow Clone to test it?"

Damn it! Witty!!

Genin Naruto thought silently in his mind: Shadow Clone Technique!

Nothing happened......

It seems that the number of life forms is locked!!

Then the only way I can do now is to find living people for experiments...



Time is running out, and the delay in getting a reply from the Ninja Alliance seems unstable.

After learning about the situation, Narara Shikaku contacted the All-Ninja Alliance again: I already know the answer! Give it to me again, no! Five seconds!! I'll test the correctness!"

0…Please give me flowers…


What test to use?!

With the Nara family's IQ, they can think of everything with their toes.

Of course it’s a life test!!

Shikamaru clenched his fists, endured and prayed with all his strength.

But just when the countdown has reached the last 30 seconds!!!

["Modify the loopholes in the rules——"]

["During the countdown, no further notification will be given if the answer is correct or incorrect."]

["After the countdown ends, the correct answer will be announced in the video."]

Oh shit!

Nara Shikaku cursed directly in his heart.

Shikamaru scolded himself for being a coward for his sudden relaxation.

Less than thirty seconds left.

Nara Shikaku has no choice but to connect with every ninja in the entire Ninja Alliance.

"Sorry, there is no way to test the correctness!"

Nara is calm and collected, but he carries tens of thousands of lives on his shoulders.

He calmly analyzed:

"According to the rules, as long as half of the people answer correctly, they can come out of the barrier..."

"That means 'guys who still have wives and children at home' and 'female ninjas who want to extend their lives' can choose not to answer."

The atmosphere suddenly became so oppressive that one could hardly breathe.

Nara Shikaku:

"The reason Kabuto saved Sasuke is——"

"To repay Sasuke's brother for saving him."

Finally, after exiting the All-Ninja Alliance channel, Lujiu said to his old friend: "Sorry, thank you for the hard work, Haiyi."

Frequent use of full dialogue, even if it is only three seconds each time, makes the veins in Yamanaka's forehead pump out blood, and the blood flows down his face along with the sweat.

Yamanaka Haiyi said with a little smile: "No matter what you say, your responsibility is even heavier."

Needless to say, the friendship between old friends, companions and brothers for decades.

On the other side, after getting the answer.

The ninja coalition on the main battlefield all looked at Sasuke from the Fourth War era, and the filthy Uchiha Itachi next to him.

This made Sasuke, who was not on the Ninja Alliance Channel, feel impatient and glared back at Sharingan.

He didn't know what happened, he only knew that the answer might be related to him.

Until he heard people from the Ninja Alliance yelling out answers one after another——

"Yakushi Kabuto saved Uchiha Sasuke in order to repay Sasuke's brother for saving him!!!"

Today’s update (Uchiha Itachi’s plan)

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