The next day.

Last night, everyone had drunk more or less. When the supermarket opened, some survivors who passed by had gathered outside.

"Why is it open so late? I'm almost frozen to death."

"It's open, it's open, hurry in."

Several passers-by who were shivering with cold saw the supermarket door open and rushed in impatiently.

They had passed by here before when they were on a mission and bought some supplies.

It happened that they also passed by here during this mission, so they took some time to come here to purchase.

But I didn't expect that it was more than eight o'clock in the morning when I came, and now it's ten o'clock, and the door of this supermarket is open.

"Sorry, we had an event at the base yesterday, and everyone was a little high at night, so they didn't get up in the morning."

Guo Xiong opened the door of the supermarket, pressed the light switch button on the wall, and explained to them embarrassedly.

He and Li Pu drank too much last night, and the door was opened at this time, or Shi Shuwan called him five times.

The main reason was that Shi Shuwan called him in a very fierce tone at the end. If he didn't get up, Guo Xiong felt that he would have a hard time in the next three days.

With the fear of this situation in the future, he climbed up with difficulty.

"Activity? Brother, have you been drinking?"

The one who entered the door first smelled a little bit of alcohol.

"Yes." Guo Xiong did not hide it. Drinking was not a big deal, and there was no need to lie.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time. Now the door is open. If you want to buy anything, go and buy it yourself."

Guo Xiong said, yawning tiredly.

The man wanted to chat with Guo Xiong for a while, but was pulled by the man next to him.

"Boss, let's finish shopping and leave quickly, otherwise we won't be able to get back to the base before tonight."

The man looked at the time on his watch. It was almost eleven o'clock.

After they finished their mission, they planned to take two hours to go to the supermarket to purchase some supplies.

But they didn't expect the supermarket to open so late. They waited outside for almost two hours.

As a result, their original plan was disrupted.

This place is still a distance away from their base. If they don't hurry up, it will be too dangerous to return before dark.

After being reminded, the man also realized something.

He stopped chatting with Guo Xiong and quickly went to the supermarket to select the necessary supplies as quickly as possible.

Entering the supermarket.

He found that the supermarket had expanded a lot compared to the last time he came, and the variety of supplies had become richer.

"I didn't expect that this supermarket would get bigger and bigger, and even have this kind of thing."

"Wow, there are fresh food. This vegetable is so fresh, is it just picked from the ground? They can actually grow vegetables here?"

The man muttered in a low voice while selecting supplies.

Twenty minutes later, he finally selected the supplies, checked out and left neatly.

"Take care, guests, welcome next time."

Guo Xiong politely said goodbye to these people and continued to check out the next person.

After getting up today, Song Zhi began to count the survivors who guarded the base yesterday, and how many wanted to join here.

After counting, everyone agreed.

This did not surprise Song Zhi.

They can all spontaneously join forces to stop the zombies' attack. If they don't keep the base in mind, how can they risk their lives to do so.

Song Zhi's actions were also very fast. After counting the list, he arranged a residential building for them that afternoon and let them move in.

A total of 56 people moved in this time.

Although there are still a few people short of 60, Song Zhi bargained with the system.

Song Zhi: "Can this number be relaxed a little? I can't force them to stay if there are no people, or if there are a few more people, can I still not let them live here?"

System: "Master host, this is the system's regulations, and I have no right to interfere."

Song Zhi: "... No, you must relax it for me. Do you still want me to make more money?"

System: "What does this have to do with whether it can make money?"

Song Zhi narrowed his eyes and made up a story.

"Think about it, if they join the base, they will be members of the base, and they will be able to work for the base. In the future, they will go to other bases to open up markets, and the order amount will increase."

"Little system, don't always look at the revenue of this small supermarket. We should take a long-term view and explore the cooperation between bases. Think about it, with so many people in a base, the demand will naturally not be small..."

Song Zhi explained it with emotion and reason.

Finally, Song Zhi talked to the system for half an hour, and the system agreed.

As long as the number of people staying exceeds four-fifths of the basic number, the residential building can be unlocked.

If more than 60 people stay at a time, but not more than one-tenth of the basic number, the residential building can be expanded as appropriate.

In summary, the buildings must be unlocked one by one, and the limit on the number of people can be relaxed.

Days passed by.

The survivors who had just joined the base became familiar with each other after getting along for a while.

They ended their daily life of eating and sleeping and playing in their spare time.

They began to spontaneously find some suitable things to do in the base.

Since they have chosen to join the base, they must contribute to the construction of the base.

The foundation of the doomsday base is to build buildings around the supermarket in the middle.

Within the 500-meter range of the building, there is a transparent protective wall to defend against zombies.

But five hundred meters is still too close for a base.

If they encounter a siege of hundreds of zombies, they may be able to clear it, but if they encounter a zombie tide of hundreds or thousands, who can guarantee that the protective shield will not have problems at five hundred meters?

So, headed by Song Ci, a small team for external base construction was established.

"We need to build a physical protective wall about two kilometers outside the base as our first line of defense against zombies."

Song Ci stood in front of a blackboard with a picture on it, which was the floor plan of the base and the location and distribution of his preliminary idea of ​​the defense line.

This is an office.

In the second residential building, several rooms on the first floor were vacated and merged.

Song Zhi also added tables, chairs and benches inside, as an office and meeting room for the future base planning and construction.

Song Zhi had no idea about the office building for the time being, so he simply made a simple one.

"What about the material of the protective wall? We don't have so many rare metals here. Would concrete not be enough for defense?"

A middle-aged man raised his doubts. His name was Xie Dong. Before the end of the world, he worked in the construction industry. After the end of the world, he was lucky to awaken the earth-related supernatural power.

He came here with Yu Jin, and his supernatural power level was second level.

"Tsk, that's right. This is my initial idea. It may need more improvements when it is implemented later." Song Ci felt that what he said made sense.

He forgot that this was a preliminary construction base, and there were almost no such materials.

Xie Dong continued: "Not only the materials, but also the construction is difficult for us. It has been raining outside, and the temperature has dropped a lot. In a while, it will be winter. If we want to start construction, we have to wait until the beginning of next spring when the weather is good."

Xie Dong's words were well-reasoned, and everyone looked embarrassed when they heard it.

"That's right, then this, we can only take a long-term view."

Song Ci sighed softly.

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