Just as everyone was thinking about how to carry out this project in the future, the door of the conference room was knocked.

"Knock, knock, knock."

Everyone looked over.

Song Ci turned his head to look at the door and said loudly: "Come in."

Song Zhi pushed the door open and was a little surprised to see that the room was full of people.

"You are all here."

She was still wondering why there were so few people in the base today, and she didn't expect that they were all gathered here.

"Boss Song." Song Ci stood in the front and greeted Song Zhi with a smile when he saw her come in.

"What are you doing?"

Song Zhi looked at the handwriting on the blackboard in front and asked curiously.

If she was not mistaken, it was a plan of the base, which was drawn quite well, and the proportions were similar to what she saw in the system interface.

"Oh, we are discussing building a physical defense line two kilometers away from the base."

Song Ci pointed to the picture on the blackboard and explained.

"Do you have any ideas?" Song Zhi's eyes lit up and he was a little surprised.

Song Ci shook his head and showed a frustrated expression.

"No, we just discussed that we don't have any materials in our base right now, and it's not suitable to start work on rainy days, so we have to think about it in the long run."

He came here with full enthusiasm, but he didn't expect that after discussing it over and over again, there was no result.

Alas, sad...

"That's perfect."

"What?" Song Ci was puzzled. Can't start work? Is this a good thing?

Song Zhi slowly walked to Song Ci, smiled at him, and then turned to face the other survivors sitting below.

"Since it's not suitable to start work on rainy days, let's put this matter aside for now. Right now, I have something more important to do."

Pang Da became interested and rubbed his hands, "What do you want, Boss Song?"

To be honest, he has lived here for a while, and he has long wanted to serve Song Zhi and make a difference.

But unfortunately, Song Zhi's ability is too strong. If someone comes to make trouble, she can easily solve it with one move, and even facing so many zombies, she is also at ease.

He wanted to take action, but he didn't have the chance.

At this moment, when Song Zhi said this, Pang Da smelled some opportunities, and he seemed to be useful.

Song Zhi: "Since you have all joined the base, you are part of the base. Although many of you are capable, it's okay to face the second-level zombies, but above the second level, there is no chance of winning."

"My base, everything in it, should be the best. I plan to take you out to search for some crystal cores to improve your ability level."

In the end times, everyone's awakened abilities, in addition to relying on their own efforts to understand or being inspired by actual combat, there is another way to advance.

That is to absorb crystal cores.

The higher the level of the crystal core, the better the effect of absorption, but at the same time, the difficulty of absorption will become higher.

For an ordinary second-level psychic, it takes one hour to absorb a first-level crystal core, and it takes half a day, more than six hours, to absorb a second-level crystal core.

The energy contained in the third-level crystal core is too large for the second-level psychic to absorb.

"Boss Song, do you mean... you want to take us out to search for crystal cores, and then use them to upgrade our ability levels?"

When Song Zhi said this, the entire conference room fell into silence for a minute.

Everyone looked at each other, and tried to tell from other people's faces that they had misheard something wrong with their ears.

But everyone's expression was the same, unbelievable.

It made them more certain that there was nothing wrong with their hearing just now, and Song Zhi did say that.

But...is it true?

Use crystal cores to upgrade their ability levels?

Are you sure you don't have a problem with your brain? That's a crystal core, not some Chinese currency that can be obtained casually.

In addition to allowing people with abilities to upgrade their levels, this thing is also a very good currency, which can be exchanged with some large bases for many unimaginable things.

Guns, machinery, experimental equipment...

"Yes, I believe you have also discovered that the level of zombies is gradually increasing, and the speed is extremely fast. Now it is generally level 2. I predict that it will not be long before level 3 zombies will appear everywhere."

"Our ability level is increasing slowly. If that time comes, we will not have the ability to fight back at all."

"The simplest way is to kill more of them before they are upgraded to such an outrageous level, and obtain as many crystal cores as possible to upgrade our level. In this way, we can withstand the impact of level 3 or even higher zombies in the future."

This is Song Zhi's idea after careful consideration.

There will be more and more people in the base in the future, and she has to establish contact with bases in other parts of the world. It is impossible for her to go alone.

The system's protection is only effective within 500 meters of the base building.

So on the road to opening up the market, you can only rely on yourself.

Song Zhi can guarantee that there is no problem for herself, but she cannot guarantee others.

So, it is necessary to improve together.

Of course, this is just Song Zhi's idea, and others have not kept up with Song Zhi's pace.

"Boss Song, that... crystal core is precious and rare, are you sure you want to give it to us to improve our ability level?"

After listening to this, Song Ci was extremely shocked. Even though he knew that he only needed to listen to what Song Zhi said, he still asked another question.

"Yes." Song Zhi nodded.

She looked calm, as if she thought it was not a big deal, and continued.

"Of course, it's dangerous to get the crystal cores, so I will distribute the crystal cores according to work, but don't worry too much. You will record your abilities later. Those with suitable attributes will have a chance."

Among the crystal cores dropped by zombies, a small number of them will carry attributes, and survivors with the same attributes will get twice the result with half the effort when absorbing them.

Song Zhi wants all the staff to improve together, which will be more efficient, so he will naturally come first.

"Really? That means we all have a chance to get the crystal core?"

"Oh my God, am I really not dreaming?"

"In the base I was in before, all the crystal cores obtained outside had to be handed in. Except for those people at the top who could enjoy the treatment of crystal cores to improve their abilities, we didn't even get a fart."

"Yeah, it seems that Boss Song is really generous, no, it can't be said to be generous, he is simply a god!"

Song Zhi's expression is very clear.

And with Song Zhi's identity, everyone will not think that Song Zhi is framing them, tricking them to go out and take risks, and then taking away all the crystal cores without leaving any for them.

If you can say it in front of everyone, you will definitely keep your promise.

In the end times, no one will hesitate to improve their strength.

Almost everyone can't wait to agree.

Song Zhi: "It's the first time to go out, there won't be too many people. I plan to form a team of about 15 people. Those who want to participate can sign up actively."

A team of 15 people is not too many, but not too few.

It won't attract the attention of so many zombies at once, and it can also have a great chance of survival when many zombies are besieging.

"Me! I want to sign up, I want to sign up!"

"Me, I want to too!"

"Ah, Boss Song, I can, I can cook, and I can let you eat delicious meals on the road anytime, anywhere."

There are more than 40 people in the room, and there are only 15 places.

All of a sudden, everyone started to scramble.

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