Everyone signed up enthusiastically, and Song Zhi also selected thirteen according to their strength and the coordination of their abilities.

They were Pangda's six-man team, Song Ci's five-man team, and two sisters.

Pangda and Song Ci knew each other before and had experience in fighting together. Their team was also strong and met the requirements.

The other team of sisters was a pair of good sisters.

The two of them traveled together in the apocalypse. Something happened in the base they were in before. They didn't say much about the details, and Song Zhi didn't ask.

However, their abilities are very special.

One is an ice ability, mainly controlling, and the other is a wood ability, combined with ice, combined with dual control, the main function is to make zombies unable to leave.

When Song Zhi knew their abilities and knew that they came from the southern base together, he couldn't help but ask.

"How can you two come so far with this ability?"

Although dual control can control zombies to death, it has no lethality and zombies can't die.

Liu Yue, the ice-type superpower, smiled shyly at Song Zhi when she heard this.

"Actually, well... when we encounter zombies, we use superpowers to control them, and then we will run away quickly or hide. Hiding all the way, in addition to walking slower, we can also survive."

Yes, that's right.

They controlled the zombies without fighting, and turned around and ran.

When the superpowers were removed and the zombies resumed their actions, the two of them had already run far away.

And Shen Jie's wood-type superpowers can also reinforce the crumbling platform, shielding the breath of the two of them, hiding, and running slowly.

Song Zhi: So this is the way?

"Is that so..."

Her eyes blinked with a little shock, and she couldn't help but raise a shallow arc at the corner of her mouth.

Liu Yue: Boss Song, we know that our method is actually stupid. If you want to laugh, just laugh, don't hold it in and hurt your body.

Song Zhi:... Ahem, I didn't laugh, you saw it wrong, um, you saw it wrong...

Song Zhi was also convinced.

Since the zombies were already under control, they didn't kill them all at once to see if they would be lucky enough to get one or two crystal cores, but ran away directly.

What's the difference between this and killing monsters and not opening the final reward treasure chest!

Song Zhi felt a little heartache.

If he had better luck, how many crystal cores would he have lost.

"You two have very good abilities. If you cooperate with us, you will definitely gain a lot."

It's great to have such an expert in control in the team.

The probability of getting injured in a head-on fight with zombies will be greatly reduced.

"Then it's settled. Let's go back and rest today, and we'll set off tomorrow morning."

Everyone agreed in unison: "Okay."


After leaving the meeting room, Song Zhi went to the hospital first.

When Song Zhi arrived, Luo Xi had just finished treating a patient.

When he returned to the office, he ran into Song Zhi at the door.

Seeing Song Zhi coming, Luo Xi was a little surprised: "Boss Song?"

The hospital has not been very busy these days. Maybe it's because of the evolution of the zombies outside, the chance of everyone surviving has become smaller.

So he didn't see Song Zhi coming.

"Well, are you just done? Do you have time? I want to talk to you about something."

Song Zhi asked him because he was still wearing a white coat.

Luo Xi waved at Song Zhi, "I have time, I have time. I just finished my work. Boss Song, what do you want to talk to me about? Just tell me directly."

Luo Xi said, stepped forward and opened the door of the office, and called Song Zhi in.

Song Zhi nodded, went in and sat opposite Luo Xi.

Song Zhi didn't hesitate and directly stated his purpose.

"I will take some people out to collect crystal cores tomorrow. I may not be there for a few days, so I need you to help take care of the base."

Luo Xi: "Ah? Boss Song is going out? At this time?"

Luo Xi didn't expect Song Zhi to go out at this time.

The situation of zombies outside is very unclear now, and there are many second-level zombies.

Go out at this time. If you encounter zombies, what should we do if we are in danger?

"Yes, I have selected the candidates. They are all capable and can protect themselves. There is no problem."

Luo Xi saw that Song Zhi had made up his mind, but he was still worried, so he hesitated to speak.

"That... Boss Song, let me say one more thing. The situation outside is very bad now. The degree of danger is more than a little bit higher than before. There are fewer survivors passing by recently. It is very likely that they died on the road."

"Why don't you consider it again? The base has super defense and sufficient supplies. There is no need to go out and take risks."

Luo Xi didn't know what Song Zhi was thinking.

But in his eyes, staying in the base all the time is the best choice.

There is such a safe place where you can live without worries, why should you consider going out and taking risks?

"Well, the situation outside is indeed much worse." Song Zhi lowered his eyes and thought.

"However, if we stay here all the time, everyone's abilities will improve too slowly. If we stay here and don't find a way to improve them, it's not much different from a slow death."

At this point, Song Zhi's thinking is actually the same as in her previous life.

In her previous life, without the blessing of the system, she was committed to improving everyone's strength to prevent problems before they happen.

This habit has taken root in Song Zhi's heart, so now that there is a system, it is difficult to change it in a short time.

Luo Xi didn't expect Song Zhi to think of this, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Song Zhi.

Unexpectedly, Boss Song is not only very capable, but also has a long-term vision.

"Boss Song is still thoughtful." Luo Xi smiled at Song Zhi, "Boss Song, don't worry, I will help you protect the base during your absence."

"Thank you, I'll trouble you in the future."

"Boss Song, you are too polite."

After greeting Luo Xi, Song Zhi gave Guo Xiong and others a separate instruction.

"If you encounter something that can't be solved, go to Dr. Luo. I told him that those who live in these two buildings are all our own people."

Guo Xiong: "Boss Song, don't worry, I have remembered all these and will ensure that the task is completed."

Song Zhi: "Okay, we will set off early tomorrow morning, and it will depend on you during this period of time."

While Song Zhi was instructing Guo Xiong, a little head quietly popped out from behind a shelf in the supermarket.

The deep blue eyes stared at Song Zhi's direction without blinking. He was a little nervous when he heard something.

Finally, the two people in front of him finished talking.

He walked out timidly from behind the shelf.

"Um... Boss Song, can you take me with you when you go out?"

"Oh my god, where did you come from!"

Song Zhi was startled by the sudden voice and took several steps back.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, sorry."

Wen Jiu didn't expect Song Zhi to be scared by him, and he felt guilty and apologized repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine." Song Zhi waved at him and looked him up and down.

I don't know if it was her own illusion, why did she feel that the person in front of her was a little overly sensitive.

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