Song Zhi stood there for a while, looked up at the person in front of him, and asked.

"What did you say just now? What together?"

She was so scared just now that she didn't hear what the man said at all.

Wen Jiu still looked at Song Zhi with a guilty look, pinching the hem of his shirt with his fingers.

He encouraged himself a few times in his heart before he mustered up the courage to speak.

"Boss Song, I heard that you are going out to collect crystal cores, I want to go with you." I want to protect you.

Wen Jiu didn't say the latter sentence, but thought about it in his heart.

Song Zhi is his lifesaver, he wants to repay her, but he has no idea. Now Boss Song is going out to collect crystal cores, he thinks they can go together, and he can protect her if they encounter danger on the road.

Wen Jiu has not realized a piece of information yet.

That is, with Song Zhi's skills, it is not certain who will protect whom if they encounter tricky zombies together.

But now he knows nothing about the "exceeding standard" Song Zhi, so he made his request very sincerely.

"You want to go with me?" Song Zhi was a little surprised by Wen Jiu's request.

She looked up and down at the man. He was wearing a white shirt with buttons buttoned up meticulously, and a pair of light blue jeans underneath.

At first glance, he looked like a clean and honest student.

Hmm... he didn't look like someone who had lived for so long in the apocalypse.

So well behaved.

Song Zhi also had an impression of this man. He was the last person she saved on the day when the zombies attacked.

Shi Shuwan also told her about this man. He was autistic and a little quiet, but he looked pleasing and made people happy.

"Yes, yes, is it okay? Boss Song." Wen Jiu nodded obediently, blinking his long eyelashes quickly.

Looking at his appearance, Song Zhi really didn't want to take him out with her.

It was dangerous outside, and such a pleasing and well-behaved person should be kept in the base.

When this idea came out, Song Zhi was shocked by herself.

What a dangerous idea.

She sighed and shook her head. No, how could she have such an idea? How old does he look? He has just become an adult. How could he think about those things?

Song Zhi said slowly: "It is dangerous to collect crystal cores. I think you can stay at the base to help. There is no need to go with us."

Wen Jiu immediately showed a wronged expression when he heard this.

There was a hint of sadness in his deep blue eyes.

He said in a low voice: "No... It's okay. I can protect myself and won't cause trouble to the team. I..."

He wanted to fight for himself, but because of his anxiety, his ability to organize language was reduced again.

So that he became more and more anxious later.

Seeing his anxious look, Song Zhi interrupted him.

"Then let me ask you a question. How old are you this year? If you are an adult, I will take you with me."

When Song Zhi said this, he was sure that this person was not an adult.

The young face and the clear dullness in his eyes, how could an adult have it?

"I'm an adult, 24 years old this year."

Wen Jiu's tone was a little cheerful.

This is a good feeling, he is an adult, but he doesn't look like one.

"Ah?" Now it was Song Zhi's turn to be confused.

How did he become an adult?

He doesn't look like an adult at all, he looks like a child.

"I'm not lying to you." Seeing that Song Zhi didn't believe him, Wen Jiu hurriedly added, "If you don't believe me, you can touch my bone age."

Before, in the base, the teacher tested his age by touching his bones, and there would be no problem.

Song Zhi blinked and waved at him: "No need, since you want to follow, then go back and pack up, we will gather at the supermarket tomorrow morning to set off."

Having said that, what's the point of touching or not.

Besides, it seems to be a good thing to have such a person in the team at any time to keep an eye on.

At most, she can just watch him anytime and anywhere.

"Okay, then I'll go back and pack up."

Wen Jiu was completely happy at this time, waved goodbye to Song Zhi, and then trotted back to his residence.

He now lives in a residential building, and Song Zhi arranged for him.

In the evening.

Going back to the room to rest, Song Zhi packed up simply.

To say packed up, in fact, it was just preparing clothes to wear tomorrow, and taking the small cloth bag she carried last time.

She can use the supplies in the system anytime and anywhere.

In order to make those things appear more reasonable, Song Zhi carried this small bag with her.

Asked, it was taken out of this bag.

This bag is a portable storage device.

After preparing all this, Song Zhi took a hot bath and went to bed early.

After tonight, it will be impossible to rest well for a long time in the future.

Early the next morning.

Song Zhi had a simple breakfast and went to the supermarket to gather.

It is now six o'clock in the morning, and it is still raining outside, and it is dark outside.

When Song Zhi arrived, everyone had assembled.

Seeing Song Zhi coming, everyone greeted Song Zhi enthusiastically.

Song Ci: "Boss Song, we are all ready, just waiting for your order to set off."

Pang Da also smiled and said: "Boss Song, good morning."

"Good morning." Song Zhi nodded at him.

Song Zhi stood there and counted the number of people. Including her, there were fifteen people in total.

Wen Jiu was also among them, but he stood at the edge, wearing a hat, and his presence was very low.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's set off now."

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.

Cars are definitely indispensable for this trip to collect crystal cores.

In the warehouse next to the supermarket, there are more than a dozen modified jeeps parked.

Some of them are parked here by guests who come here, and there are a few that Song Zhi obtained from the transaction with Beiyuan Base.

There are also fuels and other things, which are also from Beiyuan Base.

Everyone got on three cars respectively, most of them were familiar people sitting together, and each car was equipped with a communication device.

In case of danger, they can contact each other.

Five people from Song Ci's team sat in one car, five people from Pangda's team sat together, and another one sat in a car with Song Zhi.

Song Zhi drove and sat in the main driver's seat, and Wen Jiu, who was socially phobic, sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Behind them were the close sisters and Lu Jialiang.

Lu Jialiang opened the back door of the car and sat in.

"Boss Song, there's no room for the boss, so I'm here to help you. How about I drive? I'm pretty good at driving."

Song Zhi glanced at him through the rearview mirror and smiled.

"No need, I'll drive. How's your illness? Will the bumpy ride affect it?"


What illness?

Liu Yue and Shen Jie, who were sitting next to Lv Jialiang, looked over with curiosity.

At first, Lv Jialiang didn't react, "My illness? What?"

But the next second, a memory he would never forget emerged in his mind.

Instantly, his face flushed, he turned his head to look at the two people next to him, and spoke hurriedly.

"I'm not sick, I'm fine now, um, thank you Boss Song for your concern."

After saying this, Lv Jialiang immediately retracted his gaze, looked out the window, and pretended that everything was over.


If Boss Song didn't mention it, he would have forgotten it.

Hemorrhoids are a very embarrassing disease to talk about, could Boss Song not talk about it so lightly...

Song Zhi saw Lu Jialiang's ripe face, chuckled, responded lightly, and stopped talking.

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