This time, their first destination was Qinghe Town, dozens of kilometers away from the Doomsday Base.

According to the display on the map, Song Zhi drove the car first and led the way, while the two cars behind him followed behind.

Because the purpose of this outing is to find as many crystal nuclei as possible, the place with a large population before the end of the world and the first place to fall when the end of the world comes is the best choice.

Qinghe Town, Song Zhi mentioned a few things when chatting with Si Qing before.

It is known as the granary of the north. It covers a large area and has a large population. The food produced every year can supply a quarter of the country's needs.

But unfortunately, after the end of the world, Qinghe Town is the place that will fall the fastest.

There are many and dense people, and the zombie virus spreads infection extremely quickly.

At the beginning of the construction of Beiyuan base, they sent people there many times, hoping to bring back some food inside, but there were too many zombies inside.

Every time a team of people is sent out, less than one-tenth of them come back, let alone bring back food.

After that, as time passed, most of the food in the granary inside became moldy and spoiled, and Beiyuan Base stopped sending people there.

"Boss Song, would it be too risky for us to go directly to the town? What if we are attacked by many zombies? Is that okay?"

Lu Jialiang asked while sitting in the back seat, looking at the increasingly bright sky outside the car window.

"We will not directly enter the center of the town. We will first sweep the outer area for a few days. If the situation is not good, we will retreat. We will not let you risk your death in vain." Song Zhi replied while driving.

Lu Jialiang waved his hand quickly: "Boss Song, that's not what I meant. Of course you will not let us die in vain. I have never been on a mission with the purpose of collecting crystal cores, so I am a little confused about the direction."

If you want to collect as many crystal cores as possible, it's best to go to a place with a lot of zombies.

But when he went to a place with a lot of zombies, he was worried that they wouldn't be able to defeat them with a small number of people.

The key is that before they went on missions, they tried their best to avoid zombies. How could they directly attack them? Isn't this a fool? Rush to death.

"It's okay. I understand your worries and entanglements. Don't worry, I won't let you take risks."

Song Zhi expressed his understanding of Lu Jialiang's confusion.

The car drove smoothly.

Song Zhi's driving skills are very good, and he is very quick in memorizing roads and always observing the surrounding situation and changing roads.

The car drove for about three hours, and the sky became completely bright.

The surrounding situation can be seen clearly.

Song Zhi sat in the driver's seat, checking the surroundings while driving.

The other people sitting in the car also kept their eyes looking out the window, always observing, waiting for any movement if there was any movement.

"Tell them to park in the open space in front, put on rain gear, and we'll walk."

Song Zhi concluded from the changes in the surrounding landforms that there seemed to be a cliff ahead, making it unsuitable for driving.


Lu Jialiang held the communication device in his hand, responded, and started to communicate with the two cars following him.

"Boss Song said to park in the open space in front. Everyone wear rain gear and pay attention to protection."



It's still raining outside, but it's a little lighter than yesterday. It's drizzle, which is acceptable.

After contacting the people behind, Lu Jialiang and others also started to put on rain gear in the car.

"Didn't you bring a raincoat?" Song Zhi asked when Wen Jiu in the passenger seat didn't move.

Wen Jiu shook his head: "No."

The rain outside was nothing to him, and it wouldn't have any impact if he was soaked in it, so he never considered it.

"Yes." Song Zhi nodded, holding the steering wheel with one hand and taking out a raincoat from the small cloth bag he carried with him with the other hand.

She threw the raincoat over and said, "Put it on. Although the rain is not heavy, you will catch a cold if you stay in it for a long time. It's better to put it on."

Wen Jiu held the raincoat firmly in his hand. Hearing Song Zhi's words, his heart warmed and a smile unconsciously appeared on his lips.


He responded, then unpacked the raincoat and put it on.

After stopping the car, Song Zhi also put on a raincoat before getting out of the car.

The weather was a bit cold today. Song Zhi blew a puff of white mist into the air.

"It's really cold today."

Liu Yue got out of the car, shrank her neck and said something.

Shen Jie on the side saw it and took a step forward to tighten the hood on her raincoat, "Buckle the hood tighter. It's weird if you don't feel cold with your neckline open like this."

"Okay, okay, this is because of you, thank you." Liu Yue stood there obediently, waiting for Shen Jie to get everything done.

When Shen Jie saw the other party's playful look, she could only smile helplessly and speed up the movements of her hands.

During the chat, the two cars following behind also arrived.

Everyone got off the car and joined together.

"Shishi, please put the car away." Song Ci counted the number of people and made sure no one was in the car before telling Wen Shishi.

Wen Shishi nodded, waved her hand, and moved the car into the space, "Okay."

You can't drive on the next road, so you can avoid being destroyed by zombies by staying in space.

Song Zhi clapped his hands and gathered everyone together.

"We have to walk on the next road. Everyone on the road will look after each other. If there is danger, we must respond immediately and don't show off..." Song Zhi warned earnestly.

Pang Da couldn't help but smile on his face as he listened.

He interrupted Song Zhi's words.

"Boss Song, don't worry. The brothers are familiar with these things and won't make such low-level mistakes."

Boss Song's careful instructions showed that he treated them as rookies on their first mission.

Song Zhi looked at him and felt that what he said made some sense. He chuckled and said, "That's right."

With superpowers, it is impossible not to go out on missions in the base.

Song Zhi: "Then let's go now. Everyone try to stay together. If you encounter zombies, tell them in time."

"Boss Song, do you want to name our operation this time? After all, this is the first time our base goes out for an operation, which is worth commemorating!"

Liu Yue's eyes were full of excitement and expectation.

"Okay, what do you think?" Song Zhi thought Liu Yue's idea was good and asked everyone.

Everyone tried hard to think.

Lu Jialiang raised his hand first: "How about calling it the first operation? It's concise and to the point."

"What a crappy name, it doesn't have any momentum. With the little knowledge you have, you'd better not come out and embarrass yourself." Pang Da patted Lu Jialiang on the shoulder, dissatisfied with the name he gave.

Lu Jialiang said aggrievedly: "Why doesn't it have momentum? It sounds okay..."

Pang Da looked at him sideways.

"Okay, okay, let's think of other names." Lu Jialiang changed his words immediately.

Humph! The boss always bullies him!

Everyone discussed heatedly and was very interested in the naming of this operation.

"How about calling it the hunting operation?" A gentle female voice sounded.

Everyone looked over, it was Fang Li who said it.

"The purpose of our operation this time is to search for zombie crystal cores, which inevitably involves killing zombies. Hunting Operation fits the bill."

"This is a good name!"

"Indeed, this name is good."

"Hunting Operation, this action is unique to our base."

Other bases mainly go out to search for supplies, and avoid zombies if they encounter them, but they are different. They face zombies directly in order to kill them.

"Hunting Operation" fits the theme of their mission this time very well.

"Okay, let's call it Hunting Operation." Song Zhi finally decided on the name, "Now, the Hunting Operation begins, let's go!"

Everyone also responded in unison: "Let's go!"

Everyone was in high spirits and set off with full confidence.

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