At the same time, on the edge of Qinghe Town, on a shaky building.

A middle-aged man, barely cheered up, stared at the movement downstairs.

One of his arms was injured, and the gauze was twisted and twisted to barely cover the wound, but blood was still oozing out of it.

"Deputy Commander, why don't you go by yourself? If you take us with you, we will all die here."

There were four seriously injured people in the inner part of the building. Some of them were injured in the legs, and some were injured in the abdomen. They all had difficulty moving.

Shen Fengwang turned his head with anger and scolded: "An He, what are you talking about? How can I abandon you and go by myself?"

"Yes, Deputy Commander, we can't hold on for long like this, and we can't walk. Without medicine, infection is a matter of time. While you still have strength, go by yourself and don't worry about us."

The people on the side followed suit.

His thigh was pierced by the steel bar. He endured the pain and cut off both ends of the steel bar. The remaining section was still in his leg.

Now, he was speaking with all his strength, not to mention hurrying on his way.

"Deputy Commander, I know you can't bear to leave us behind. You can go first, and we'll stay here. If you're lucky, you can go back to the base to get help!" Duanhe raised his hand to put his long hair behind his ears, and looked at Shen Fengwang weakly.

Shen Fengwang watched them persuading each other, and his heart was in an unstoppable tangle.

He knew that if everyone stayed here together, they would have no medicine or food, and the only outcome would be death.

But how could he abandon his brothers who had been through life and death together?

Their team sent a total of 20 people, with the purpose of trading some medicine, food and rare metals with other bases.

They were fine on the way there, but they were attacked by a large wave of second-level zombies on the way back.

Twenty people, now only five of them survived.

Everyone was injured, and the medicines and food they exchanged were also thrown on the road.

Perhaps, he could hold on and go back to the base to get help?

Shen Fengwang was slightly moved. He sighed tiredly and glanced at the other four people in the room. Just when he was about to agree, a roar came from outside.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

His face suddenly changed, and he immediately looked out the window vigilantly.

He was now on the second floor. Through the broken window, he saw a second-level zombie appear not far away. It kept roaring, and wherever it went, it was a huge destruction.

Shen Fengwang swallowed nervously, his brain working fast, thinking if this second-level zombie found them, in his current situation, whether he could beat it.

But he only thought for a moment.

Then, something even more deadly happened.

Behind that second-level zombie, another second-level zombie appeared, followed by one, and another...

"What's the situation outside, deputy commander?"

Duanhe noticed that Shen Fengwang's expression was wrong, and asked tentatively.

Shen Fengwang shook his head helplessly.

"There is a group of second-level zombies outside. The number is unknown, but it can only be confirmed that there are a lot of them. We... We may really die this time."

"A group?"

Duanhe was also shocked. A trace of despair flashed in her beautiful eyes, and then she smiled resignedly.

"Well, I'll die, anyway, before I die, when will all the damn things be exterminated?"

Duanhe cursed, then supported the wall behind her and stood up.

She injured her abdomen, and every movement was accompanied by great pain, but she seemed to be unable to feel it. She walked towards Shen Fengwang step by step, firmly.

Seeing this, the few people behind also wanted to fight, but were stopped by Duanhe.

"Don't move, I'm not dead yet. It's not too late for you to come after I die." They all injured their legs and were not convenient to move.

Shen Fengwang saw the person who came to him: "An He, you..."

"Deputy Commander, let the two of us fight this last battle." She said, with a smile of fearlessness.

Her abdominal injury was no less serious than his. Because of the pain, her face was pale and sweat kept rolling down her forehead.

But her beautiful eyes were full of determination.

Shen Fengwang looked at her, and a force was born in his heart.


After he said that, he turned his eyes to the zombies that were constantly approaching downstairs, waiting for an opportunity, and then he attacked with all his strength.


"Boss Song, the bridge in front is broken, and the river below looks very deep. Should we take a detour?"

Situ Feng ran all the way back and reported the situation in front to everyone.

Originally, Song Zhi was walking in front. When encountering danger, he could resist it and give time for the people behind to prepare.

But Situ Feng stood up and said that when his team was on a mission, he would go to the front to explore the way.

His special ability is wind-related. With the blessing of special ability, he moves very fast and is not easily detected by zombies. It is very suitable for this position, so Song Zhi agreed, but asked him to carry a communicator with him to notify in case of danger.

Song Zhi saw the person coming, "The bridge is broken? Is there any other way around?"

Situ Feng shook his head: "No, the river is quite long. It may have been raining recently, and the water level has risen a lot. The rocks in the river are covered by water."

"Is that so? Let me look at the map." Song Zhi walked to the side and took out a map from the small cloth bag he carried with him.

In the end times, most of the prominent signs on the map have been destroyed, and Song Zhi can only determine the current location by relying on some remaining scenes.

"That river is indeed quite long, almost separating Qinghe Town from us. If we want to go there, except for this road, we can only take a detour here."

Song Zhi pointed to the map, about three centimeters above and to the left of here, "There is also a bridge here, I hope that bridge has not been destroyed."

Song Ci also came over, saw the location Song Zhi pointed to, and nodded.

"Indeed, from there, the river water is divided and the river channel becomes narrower. If the bridge is broken, we can also build a temporary bridge to get there."

Song Zhi put away the map: "Okay, we will get there in about half an hour from this path."

Everyone set off again.

Half an hour later, everyone came to a shaky bridge.

Song Zhi first stepped forward to test a few steps, and confirmed that the current condition of the bridge was enough to support the weight of them, and then stepped back and said to everyone.

"You can walk on this bridge, but be careful. Walk in the middle. If you encounter an uncertain place, just step over it."

"Okay." Everyone nodded and followed Song Zhi, walking towards the other side of the bridge little by little.

After crossing the bridge, you have reached the edge of Qinghe Town. In front of you, there are a large area of ​​abandoned farmland and some buildings.

"Boss Song, Boss Song, do you see zombies over there!"

In the team, Lu Jialiang pointed in a direction with excitement.

He had a small telescope in his hand, which he bought in the supermarket. He liked to use it to see the scenery when he had nothing to do. This time, he took it out to observe the situation in the distance when he had nothing to do.

Unexpectedly, his luck was really good. He really saw something good.

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