Song Zhi and others looked in the direction of Lu Jialiang's finger, and they saw the zombies wreaking havoc over there.

"Great, you kid, you found this!" Pang Da looked at the zombies over there with a surprised look, and gave Lu Jialiang an appreciative expression.

"Hehe, this telescope is more useful, and it's waterproof." Lu Jialiang shook the telescope in his hand.

Lu Jialiang pointed out the direction to everyone, and when everyone looked again, it was much easier to find.

Song Ci simply estimated the number of zombies.

"There are about a hundred zombies over there, Boss Song, should we go up?"

Song Ci asked aloud, they only had fifteen people, and they could fight against a hundred zombies, but there were risks.

"Well, of course." Song Zhi raised his eyebrows.

After Song Zhi finished speaking, he turned around and asked Liu Yue and Shen Jie.

"With your abilities, how many zombies can you control at most?"

Liu Yue answered: " depends on the time. If you control all of them in an instant, you can control them for about 30 seconds. If you control half of them, you can control them for one and a half minutes, and so on. In short, the fewer the number of zombies, the longer the control time."

The two of them are very skilled in controlling zombies, and will try to use less power to control them for a longer time.

Song Zhi was a little surprised to hear the time and number.

I thought it was good to control more than a dozen zombies, but I didn't expect that the two of them could control all the zombies at once.

"Okay. Then control them all for 30 seconds." Song Zhi finalized the plan.

"In these 30 seconds, all of us should output as much as possible, and it is best to end the battle within 30 seconds."

Thirty seconds is actually not a small amount.

To control the zombies, everyone only needs to focus on outputting as much as possible, and there is no need to spend extra energy to avoid the zombies' attacks.

"If they haven't been completely killed after 30 seconds, everyone will retreat first, don't fight."


Everyone nodded and agreed.

Proceed as planned.

The team of fifteen people first quietly moved to a position a hundred meters away from the zombie group, and then Liu Yue and Shen Jie stepped forward to activate their superpowers.

Liu Yue: "Now!"

She shouted loudly, and when the voice fell, the entire zombie group was fixed, and the noisy space instantly quieted down.

"Go!" Song Zhi said, and then he took the two daggers in his hand and rushed up quickly.

Seeing this, the others also reacted quickly.

They showed their superpowers one after another and launched devastating attacks on the zombies.

For a time, the scene was extremely chaotic, with various superpowers flashing and flying, accompanied by the death of zombies.

Wherever Song Zhi went, the zombies' heads moved together, but she was flexible in dodging, and there was no blood on her body.

Song Ci raised the gun in his hand, aimed at the zombies' heads, and shot one by one.

Pang Da waved his fists wrapped in flames, and when his fists touched the zombies, a "sizzling" sound was made, with extremely strong destructive power.

Thirty seconds of explosive continuous output.

Thirty seconds later, all the zombies on the field died without exception.

Lv Jialiang had never fought such a quick battle before. Looking at the zombies lying dead on the ground, he couldn't help but speak blankly.

"This... died already? So fast?"

Almost all of them were second-level zombies, and they, a dozen people, killed all the hundreds of zombies in thirty seconds.

So fierce?

"It's so cool to control and kill zombies. I've never had such a good time fighting." Pang Da looked at the results of the battle in front of him and laughed with satisfaction.

He really had a good time fighting.

One punch after another, each punch was fatal, no different from hitting a baby.

More importantly, there was no need to worry about getting hurt. The zombies couldn't even move, let alone wave their disgusting claws to scratch people.

"Don't chat for now. Let's spread out and check if there are any fish that have slipped through the net. If not, let's see if we can harvest the crystal core this time."

Song Zhi's eyes swept back and forth, just in case some zombies were not dead yet.

"Okay, then we spread out and be careful not to get hurt." Pang Da nodded and instructed his team members.

Song Ci also exchanged glances with the other members of his team.

Spread out and check if there are any fish that have slipped through the net.

"Boss Song!"

Lv Jialiang shouted just after walking a few steps.

Everyone's eyes were cast over.

"Boss Song, there seems to be someone on the second floor. I seemed to see two figures just now, but in a blink of an eye, they disappeared."

Lv Jialiang pointed to the building opposite that was severely damaged and only the second floor was crumbling.

Song Zhi walked over after hearing this.

Standing downstairs and looking up, you can't see the situation inside.

"This building is not safe. You go to other places to continue checking. I'll go up and take a look."

The building is shaky. There are so many of them. It is impossible for them to go up together, otherwise the building will collapse at any time.

It is most appropriate for her to go up alone.

"Okay, then Boss Song, I will go over there to check first." Lu Jialiang nodded, then turned to check in another direction.

The others continued and no longer cared about the situation here.

Since Boss Song went to see it in person, there must be no problem.

Song Zhi entered the building alone and carefully. The corridor was full of broken tiles, and some places were emitting bursts of stench.

It was raining and humid, and the smell in the corridor was not pleasant.

Song Zhi couldn't help but frowned and walked up the stairs little by little.

The handrail of the stairs was twisted and crooked, and Song Zhi tried to walk up along the wall inside.

She looked carefully at the places she passed by, and there were indeed signs of activity.

At this moment.

Shen Fengwang was staring at the direction of the door without blinking.

Duanhe was the same. She protected the three wounded behind her and stood shoulder to shoulder with Shen Fengwang.

Just now, the two of them had planned to fight the zombies below to the death, but they never thought that when they were about to start, the zombies were all strangely fixed in place.

Then, they saw a figure rushing in at a very fast speed.

She held a dagger in each hand, and all the zombies fell to the ground wherever she went.

She was so fast that Shen Fengwang and Duanhe had to work hard to barely see clearly.

I thought this was shocking enough, but I didn't expect that the next thirty seconds would be even more terrifying.

A group of people appeared out of nowhere.

They were well-trained. In just thirty seconds, more than a hundred zombies on the scene were all killed.

They cooperated with each other tacitly and acted fiercely and decisively.

Shen Fengwang guessed that they might be a team sent by a large base to collect supplies, or they might be desperate criminals rampant in the end times.

They wanted to ask for help, but they didn't dare to gamble.

If they made a wrong bet, they would all die here.

Finally, God blessed them and the zombies outside were solved. They only needed to wait for these people to leave, and it would not be too late to leave.

Unfortunately, their concealed movements were a little slow and they were discovered by the people below.

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