"Vice Commander, that man is coming up.

Listening to the increasing footsteps outside, Du Anhe raised his hand and pulled the corner of Shen Fengwang's clothes.

"I heard you, do you want to bet that they are not desperadoes?"

Shen Fengwang's face looked very bad, and beads of sweat kept appearing on his forehead.

He had seen the hands of those people just now. If they really fought, they had no chance of winning.

"At this point, we can only take a gamble. I hope God will favor us."

Du Anhe nodded, showing a helpless look.

What else can I do without taking a gamble? I can't beat them, and they can't run. They look like this, and it's hard to walk.

The two people discussed with each other, and Song Zhi had already walked up.

Song Zhi went up to the second floor. Only one side of the room was intact and the door was ajar.

If there was anyone upstairs, it would be over here.

Song Zhi held the dagger in his hand and walked there cautiously step by step.

"Is anyone there? I mean no harm. If you are the same, we can make friends."

Song Zhi's voice was cold, but he was confident.

It's not like asking, more like informing.

Lu Jialiang said that there is someone upstairs, so let's talk first. If it can be solved without taking action, that would be the best.

Song Zhi's voice made Shen Fengwang and Du Anhe stunned.

I didn't expect it to be such a young voice, it sounded like a little girl.

The two looked at each other, and then Shen Fengwang spoke hesitantly.

"Hello, we are from a nearby base. We encountered an accident on the way. We don't mean any harm. It would be best if... if we could make friends."

Shen Fengwang didn't have enough confidence to speak, so he spoke tentatively and cautiously.

Hearing the reply, Song Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and pushed the door in front of him open.

There was a "clang" sound.

The door fell off and fell to the ground, sending up a cloud of dust.

Both sides were stunned.

Shen Feng looked at the door that had fallen to the ground, and then at the girl standing at the door.

Shen Fengwang: So...we agreed that we could make friends?

Song Zhi was also confused.

She didn't use much strength at all. It was because the door was not strong and she was wronged.

"No..." Song Zhi waved his hands to the people in the room and explained: "I don't mean any harm, it's just that the door is not strong."

Shen Feng looked like he didn't believe it.

But it's impossible to beat him.

He recognized that the girl in front of him was the girl he had just seen holding two daggers and rushing straight into the zombie group to chop at them.

Thinking about that ferocious look, he still felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Ah, no...it's okay. Hello, my name is Shen Fengwang. I am the deputy commander of the nearby Crescent Base. This is my assistant, Du Anhe. These are Meng Jun, Meng He, and Guixin. ”

Shen Fengwang introduced Song Zhi in turn.

"We originally went to other bases to exchange supplies, but we were attacked by zombies on the way back. A few of us luckily escaped and hid here."

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for taking care of the zombies outside. Otherwise, we would probably be dead by now."

Shen Fengwang was very nervous and struggled to speak, but fortunately he explained their origins roughly clearly.

Once you decide to believe it, do it without reservation.

Show their sincerity.

Seeing his nervous look, Song Zhi couldn't help but chuckle.

"Haha, don't be so nervous, I'm not a bad person."

She explained, and then nodded to Shen Fengwang and the others as a greeting.

"My name is Song Zhi, and I am the owner of a supermarket. You can call me Boss Song. The zombies outside have been dealt with, so you don't have to worry."

"Boss Song?" Shen Fengwang was a little shocked.

Such a young girl is actually a supermarket owner.

Anyone who can open a supermarket in the apocalypse must be very powerful.

Otherwise, just anyone passing by might loot the supermarket.

In the apocalypse, no one has any basic morality, and ability is paramount.


Song Zhi took a rough look at them and found that each of them was more or less injured.

They said they were from the nearby Crescent Base.

The map Si Qing gave her did indeed show this base.

Crescent Base, to the west of Beiyuan Base, is located in the mountains. The terrain is complex, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Although there are few people and not many supplies, they can still survive and resist the waves of zombie attacks.

The most important thing is that there is a huge gold mine underground in the Crescent Base, and it is in the early stages of mining.

This is also the capital they use to exchange supplies with other bases.

When mining gold mines, other rare metals will also be extracted. This metal material is very hard and is an excellent material for building base defense facilities.

Thinking of this, Song Zhi suddenly had an idea.

"You are injured. I happen to have some medicine here. We also have healing powers in our team. If you can trust me, I can treat you."

It would be great if we could establish cooperation with Crescent Base.

They have gold mines, so the money is definitely not bad.

Shen Fengwang looked at Song Zhi in shock.

"Are you willing to treat us?"

Medicines are extremely rare goods in the apocalypse, so use them less.

But now, this girl is actually willing to give them medicine.

And what did she say, there were healing powers in her team?

"If it's possible, that would be troublesome." Shen Fengwang said sheepishly.

This is not the time to be pretentious. The injuries of the brothers behind cannot be delayed any longer.

Song Zhi looked around, "No problem, but this is not a place to stay for a long time. It's not safe. Can you still hold on? When I came, I saw an empty warehouse opposite, which was relatively clean."

The second floor is unstable and there is a risk of collapse at any time. Moreover, the environment here is too bad. If you don't pay attention, you can be infected.

It's really not a good place to stay for a long time.

"This..." Shen Fengwang was a little embarrassed. He looked at the teammates behind who had injured their legs.

They were seriously injured. If they walked, it would be difficult.

"Okay, we can hold on." Gui Xin spoke first, with a firm tone.

Her right leg was broken and her left shoulder was also injured.

But in order to survive, she can hold on.

If there is a chance to live, she doesn't want to die.

"You are all injured. I will carry you downstairs." Song Zhi said, stepped forward, and squatted in front of Gui Xin.

Gui Xin was a little flattered, her eyes were wide open, and her mouth was slightly open.

"Boss Song, this..."

Song Zhi comforted her: "Don't worry, I'm very strong and won't let you get hurt again."

Song Zhi briefly checked Gui Xin's injuries, took out two splints and gauze from the small cloth bag he carried with him, and fixed her broken leg.

During this period, Gui Xin bit her lower lip tightly and didn't say a word.

After Song Zhi finished all this, she gasped for breath.

Seeing this, Song Zhi cast an admiring look at her.

"I'll carry her downstairs first, and come to pick you up later."

After Song Zhi finished speaking, he steadily carried Gui Xin on his back and walked out.

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