"Go to our base?"

Du Anhe was stunned, but he didn't expect Song Zhi to speak so straightforwardly.

If they met injured survivors on the road, they might bring them back to the base, but these people in front of them...

They were so powerful that she couldn't even estimate how much damage they could cause.

If you take them to the base, if you plot against the base, they are so strong, there is no difference between them and luring a wolf into the house.


If Boss Song hadn't saved them, the five of them wouldn't have been able to survive the siege of so many zombies just now.

On the one hand, it is a consideration for the safety of the base, and on the other hand, it is gratitude for the life-saving grace of the person in front of me.

Du Anhe was very entangled in his heart, and his brows couldn't help but frown, feeling in trouble.

"Why, are you worried that we are bad people?" Song Zhi's words revealed Du Anhe's inner thoughts.

Du Anhe raised his head in surprise and was silent for a few seconds before saying: "Sorry, our base is not big and there are not many people, so I may need to discuss it with the deputy commander when I take you to the base."

"Okay, I'll wait for your reply." Song Zhi nodded, expressing complete understanding.

"But I'm really not a bad person. I just want to do business at your base. They call me Boss Song because I originally opened a supermarket."

Song Zhi added later. After saying that, she smiled at Du Anhe, then turned and left.

Du Anhe looked at Song Zhi's leaving figure and lowered his eyes in thought.

Intuitively, she felt that Boss Song was not a bad person and bringing him to the base would not cause any harm to the base.

But this matter is of great importance, so we still need to discuss it with Shen Fengwang before taking a look.

Du Anhe withdrew his gaze and walked towards Shen Fengwang.

When she arrived, Fang Li had already healed all these people's injuries.

With the healing power and the special injury medicine that Song Zhi took out, he recovered very quickly.

Those who injured their legs can now stand up and walk upright without feeling any pain.

Most of Shen Fengwang's injuries have healed. His broken arm has been reattached. It doesn't even need to be fixed with a board. It can fully support activities with a small range of motion.

"Thank you, Miss Fang." Shen Fengwang politely thanked Fang Li.

"It's okay. If you want to thank me, just thank our boss Song. She asked me to save you." Fang Li's eyebrows were curved and her voice was gentle. As she spoke, she raised her finger and pointed at Song Zhi's back.

She had also lived in the Doomsday Base for a while and knew that Song Zhi was not a person who would show kindness casually.

Otherwise, those survivors who had begged to stay would not have been driven away by her.

She may have her own considerations in saving these people.

In this case, as a member of the Doomsday Base, if the leader wants to do something, she, as a subordinate, must naturally be smarter.

"Oh, yes, we have remembered Boss Song's kindness." Shen Fengwang was not a fool. He understood immediately and agreed repeatedly.

"Your injuries are fine now, but try not to do strenuous activities in a short period of time. Your body still needs it and it needs to be recuperated for a while."

Fang Li gave another instruction.

Shen Fengwang: "Okay, thank you Miss Fang for reminding me."

Fang Li nodded: "Well, I'll leave first then, you guys have a good rest."

Du Anhe also smiled at Fang Li and watched her leave.

Turning around, Du Anhe checked everyone's bodies again, and after making sure they were okay, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally survived for the time being.

Shen Fengwang stepped forward: "Anhe, that boss Song asked you to come over and what did he say to you? It seems that you are in a bad mood."

Du Anhe shook his head, and then nodded.

"It's not that I'm in a bad mood, but I'm a little confused."

"Tangled? Tangled about what?"

Du Anhe waved to Shen Fengwang and called him aside.

"Boss Song said that she hopes we will take her to visit our Crescent Base and talk about future cooperation. She said that the Doomsday Base where she is located is a newly established base and she wants to have more contact with surrounding bases."

When Shen Fengwang heard the words "Go to Crescent Base", his expression suddenly became serious.

This is no small matter.

"Then what do you say?"

Du Anhe sighed, "I didn't reply. I said I would discuss it with you. What do you think? They have extraordinary skills and unknown strength, but they are our saviors."

Shen Fengwang was silent.

Du Anhe spoke again: "Why don't we just take Boss Song back with us? She is the leader of the Doomsday Base. By herself, we will have the power to take precautions no matter what."

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate, not to mention whether she will agree. If we only take her alone, and the six of us go together, there is still a question whether we can go back..."

Of their team of twenty, only five of them died.

Shen Fengwang felt melancholy, this was too confusing.

This seemed to make Du Anhe come back to discuss with him, but in fact, they had no room to refuse.

There is still about 20 kilometers away from Crescent Base. In addition, the road is not easy to walk on rainy days and we need to take a detour. The actual distance may be longer.

The five of them had no supplies and no ability to fight many times. It was simply a wishful thinking to return to the base safely.

So the only way to survive is to agree to Boss Song's request.

Take them to the base and establish cooperation.

During this time, there may be a risk that they are the bad guys, but they have no choice.

Shen Fengwang's words reminded Duanhe, and within a few seconds, her thoughts overlapped with Shen Fengwang's.

"In this case, we can only agree."


On the other side.

Pangda led everyone to prepare the barbecue in full swing.

Seeing Song Zhi coming, Pangda couldn't wait to run over.

"Boss Song, everything is ready, we can start grilling and eating right away!"

Pangda couldn't wait, staring at Song Zhi with fiery eyes.

Seeing their boss like this, Lu Jialiang and others couldn't help but feel disgusted in their hearts.

Lu Jialiang: Oh my God, boss, you really can make such an expression for a bite of food!

Yuan Meng: Tsk tsk... I can't bear to watch it, I can't bear to watch it!

Pangda: Hmm? Do you two have any objections?

Lu Jialiang \u0026 Yuan Meng: No, no, how could we have any objections to you, boss? You are tall and mighty, and you are the boss forever in our hearts!

Song Zhi glanced behind Pangda, and his eyes widened instantly.

On the huge picnic blanket, three tables were neatly arranged, and the tableware was neatly laid out.

On one side of each table, there was a grill, surrounded by plates of marinated meat and other food.

Even in front of each seat, there were drinks and cups.

At first glance, they were not out for a mission, but more like a picnic.

"Then let's eat." Song Zhi stiffly retracted his gaze.

Pang Da was immediately happy, "Okay, I'll start grilling now, Boss Song, just sit there and wait for the food, my grilling skills are also great!"

Pang Da was very happy, and after saying that, he ran away.

Song Zhi glanced at the table and seats, and it was obvious that Pang Da had included Shen Fengwang and the others.

This was good, so she didn't have to add more tables.

"We've cooked, let's eat together." Song Zhi invited Shen Fengwang and the others.

Shen Fengwang and the others were always thinking about the wound, and hadn't noticed what was happening on the other side of the warehouse.

It wasn't until Song Zhi invited them that their eyes turned.

Then... they all widened their eyes in shock.


Could it be that the wounds that were just being treated were all last moments of life, and now that the time has come, it's an illusion?

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