Du Anhe could barely remain calm, but her questioning tone could not hide her surprise.

"Boss Song, this... when you are out on a mission, do you always have such a big fight when eating?"

There was even a table and oven set up.

What to bake?

Are those dry nutritious nuggets actually roasted before eating? Or do they also have people with special abilities who master planting techniques?

But for vegetables, wouldn’t it be better to make soup?

This is beyond the scope of Du Anhe's understanding.

My brain is a little down.

"Well... yes and no." Song Zhi didn't want to admit it, and didn't know how to explain.

"The surroundings are relatively safe, and the smell won't spread too far on rainy days. The fire can keep us warm. Overall, it's a good choice."

Song Zhi described trying to make his team look more professional.

After all, I still want to cooperate with their base. What if I give them the impression that they are unreliable?

This is not okay.

"They are ready. Let's go over and eat."

When Du Anhe heard this, he secretly thought that Boss Song was still thoughtful.

It rains for a long time, the air is humid, and there is a lot of moisture in the body. It is indeed not a good state.

Du Anhe: "Okay, thank you very much, Boss Song."

"Thank you, Boss Song."

"Thank you."

The few people behind took turns thanking Song Zhi, and then followed her steps to the dining table.

This time, they were shocked again.

Before this, they never thought that one day they would see such fresh and edible meat.

The fresh and tender meat slices are marinated in honey sauce and grilled over high fire, giving off an alluring aroma.

It made everyone's stomach growl.

They all swallowed their saliva and stared at the plate of barbecue that was still sizzling with oil, their eyes gleaming.

"Eat, it's enough."

Seeing that they seemed embarrassed to eat, Song Zhi pushed the two plates of roasted meat in front of them.

Guixin couldn't wait to grab the chopsticks in front of her, and before stretching them out, she asked again in disbelief: "Is it really edible?"

Song Zhi smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Pang Da held the barbecue tongs in his hand and said with a smile: "Have a try on my craftsmanship. I think it's pretty good."

Only then did Guixin tentatively pick up the chopsticks, pick up a piece of grilled meat and stuff it into her mouth.

The rich fat instantly explodes in your mouth, the aroma from the flame grilling, and the special sauce make this piece of barbecue taste surprisingly delicious.

"It's delicious." Guixin couldn't help exclaiming.

"I never thought I would be able to eat such delicious barbecue in my lifetime. I almost forgot the taste."

Guixin told the truth.

When the end of the world comes, the cost of raising animals will be very high. It will be difficult for people in each base to survive, and it will be even more impossible to raise things.

Their base is okay. Thanks to the deputy commander's unique ability, they can occasionally eat some green vegetables. The other bases are not so lucky.

But I didn’t expect that these people could actually eat meat of such good quality.

It was almost like a dream.

Pang Da was very satisfied with Guixin's reaction and happily went to barbecue again.

"Everyone, eat quickly. After eating and taking a rest, we are leaving." Song Zhi said.

Shen Fengwang and others did not hesitate this time. They all picked up the chopsticks in front of them, picked up the barbecue in front of them and started to eat happily.

They originally wanted to restrain themselves.

They were already grateful for being rescued, and it would be embarrassing if they had to eat so much food again.

But it's a pity.

The taste of the barbecue was really delicious, and before they knew it, they were all full.

After taking the last gulp of the drink in the cup in front of them, they all slumped on their chairs and burped.

Chen Fengwang smiled awkwardly at Song Zhi.

"Sorry, I ate too much without realizing it."

Song Zhi waved his hand, "It's okay, just eat more if you like. Our base has no shortage of food."

"Yes, you haven't seen Boss Song's supermarket yet. There are all kinds of delicious things there, as well as many daily medicines. You can get everything you need, and the prices are cheap and high-quality."

Fang Li came over at this time, sat next to Song Zhi, and took the opportunity to sell the products in the supermarket.

Song Zhi glanced at Fang Li, and the two looked at each other, and then both smiled knowingly.

"Well, these things are all sold in my supermarket. If we establish contact with your base in the future, it's not impossible for me to open a chain of supermarkets there."

Song Zhi followed Fang Li's words and continued.

Shen Fengwang was shocked, as was Du Anhe.

Du Anhe: "Boss Song, are you saying that these things are sold in your supermarket?"

If she hadn't eaten such delicious food in person and witnessed the attitude of having a picnic while on a mission, she would never have believed that she was not hungry.

Song Zhi nodded: "Of course, if you don't believe it, you can go to my base and have a look. I welcome you all."

I have abundant supplies here, so what else are you thinking about? Come and establish diplomacy with me!

Song Zhi shouted invisibly in his heart.

make money!

She wants to make more money.

Du Anhe was silent for a moment, and then she spoke.

"No, I believe Boss Song. If you are willing, you can come to our base to have a look and discuss with our commander how to contact us later."

Just one meal made her see the gap between the two bases.

Shen Fengwang agreed with Duanhe's words.

"Boss Song, we have considered it and are willing to agree to your request. You can go back to the base with us. But on the way, we may have to trouble Boss Song again."

This is what Song Zhi wanted to see.

They said it themselves, and Song Zhi was happy.

Almost without thinking, he responded: "Okay, okay, then we will rest for a while, and we will set off after we clean up here."

Duanhe \u0026 Shen Fengwang nodded: "Okay."

Here, Wen Shishi piled up the tables they cleaned up and put them in the space.

They will take them out next time they eat.

After eating, they rested for a while in the original place, and then they set off.

It is two o'clock in the afternoon now, and it is getting dark, but it does not affect the journey.

The road back to Xinyue Base is winding and not suitable for cars, so everyone lined up in a row, with Shen Fengwang and others leading the way.

Song Zhi was worried that they would be in danger, so he walked in front.

At the end of the team, Song Ci and his men blocked the way, and in the middle were the two sisters and Pang Da's team.

In this way, everyone could take precautions in time when they encountered danger.

The way back to the Crescent Base was not safe.

The number of zombies encountered was much more than the number of zombies encountered by Shen Fengwang in his lifetime.

After Song Zhi and his men once again eliminated the zombies in front of them, Shen Fengwang stood there and sighed.

"My luck on this trip was too bad. No matter where I went, I could encounter zombies."

Song Zhi calmly replied to him: "Don't worry, just kill as many as you can. Besides, along the way, we also gained a lot from these zombies."

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