The continuous rain finally stopped on a cold night.

Song Zhi was wearing a sweater and sitting lazily in the supermarket reading a book.

The air-conditioning in the supermarket is fully turned on, and with the base air-raid cover, the temperature inside can be controlled intelligently, so it won't feel cold if the air-conditioning is only turned on.

Luo Xi came in from the outside wearing a scarf.

"Dr. Luo, why are you here when you are free?" Song Zhi sat on the chair and raised his head lazily.

Luo Xi raised his hand to loosen his scarf and said, "Counting the days, the New Year is almost here."

When Song Zhi heard this, he was a little surprised: "So fast."

She looked up at the perpetual calendar on the wall. Today was December 29th, and New Year's Day was coming in two days.

After New Year's Day, the Chinese New Year is not far away.

"Well, after careful calculation, this is the eleventh year since the end of the world. I didn't expect that I would still be alive, and the recent days are not much different from those before the end of the world."

Luo Xi felt very comfortable during these days living in the Doomsday Base.

I even made some friends.

Song Ci and the others made him feel special because they could play cards with him.

"Yeah, it goes by so fast." Song Zhi also sighed with emotion.

Time flies so fast, half a year has passed since she came into this world.

During this period, she had been busy and happy. Overall, her time in this world was quite meaningful.

"Boss Song, I have a request." Seeing that Song Zhi was in a good mood, Luo Xi continued to speak.

Song Zhi smiled and said: "Whatever the request is, if you need anything, just say it directly."

We are all friends, and among friends, requests are too informal.

Luo Xi nodded, "Okay, then I'll tell you straight."

"I want to take advantage of this New Year's Day to go back to Beiyuan Base. I also have a few friends there and I want to go back and see them."

Both of his parents are dead and he has no relatives in the world, so friends are the most important thing to him.

Although he had a good life here in Songzhi every day, he would also miss his friends at Beiyuan Base.

Counting the days, he has been here for two months, and he wants to go back to Beiyuan Base to have a look.

"Okay." Song Zhi nodded in agreement.

"Then, do you want to find some people to accompany you on the way back? It's not safe on the road."

Luo Xi: "No, people from Beiyuan Base have been coming to buy supplies in the past few days. I made an agreement with them and I will go back with them when they come tomorrow."

Song Zhi understood what was said and said no more.

"Okay, be careful on the road."



The situation in Beiyuan Base has been very unclear recently.

A large number of survivors from the southern base joined the Beiyuan base, many of whom had evil intentions.

This led to constant civil strife in the Beiyuan base.

Si Qing went on a mission a while ago and learned the news when he came back. He immediately found Qi Huo and wanted to discuss a solution.

But Qihuo didn't care at all and simply ignored Si Qing's suggestions and requests.

he thinks.

"The people who come are all capable survivors. Let them join the base and they can do better things for the base. Capable people are naturally arrogant. Temporary problems are inevitable. The situation in the south has been very chaotic. Now it is our north. Good time for base to rise.”

Si Qing retorted.

"They were able to cause such chaos when they first arrived. After they settle down here, are you sure you can still control them, Commander?"

Qi Huo didn't take it seriously and interrupted Si Qing's words irritably.

"Okay, you just came back, and you don't know the situation in the base yet, so go down and rest quickly. I am the head of the base. I have my own decision in my mind about how the base will develop in the future."

Qihuo didn't want to tell Si Qingduo at all, and the recent chaos really caused him a lot of anxiety, which made his temper even more irritable.

Si Qing left, but he did not give up.

He couldn't just watch Beiyuan Base be destroyed in Qihuo's hands.

Luo Xi returned to the base with a team of people and found that great changes had taken place in Beiyuan Base.

Qihuo is dead, and now the head of Beiyuan Base is Si Qing.

Chir was seriously injured and was still recovering in the hospital. Most of the important positions in the base had been replaced by Si Qing's own people.

"Is Leader Qi dead just like that?"

Sitting in Si Qing's office, Luo Xi's eyes widened in shock when he heard the changes that had taken place in the base in the past two months.

However, Si Qing was very calm and nodded.


Luo Xi: " killed the person?"

Luo Xi and Si Qing have a good relationship and trust each other, so they can ask this question so straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Si Qing looked up at Luo Xi, as if to confirm whether he was serious about what he said, but after noticing that Luo Xi looked serious, he spoke speechlessly.

"What are you thinking? Although I don't agree with some of Chief Qi's actions, I won't kill him to get the upper hand. He was on a mission outside and died on the road."

Luo Xi didn't believe it, "Really?"

Si Qing: "Of course it's true. It's so good. Why should I kill him? It's still the right time for the base to hire people. But I have to say, this saves me some trouble."

Si Qing's last sentence came from the bottom of his heart.

It will take a lot of effort for him to have the say in the base in his own hands, and Qihuo will not die. Win over people's hearts and gradually reduce Qiho's prestige in the hearts of everyone in the base.

Based on his previous speed, it would probably take another three months to accomplish what he wanted.

But Qihuo went out and died unexpectedly, and he only took a month to help him.

Hearing Si Qing say this, Luo Xi believed it.

He also felt that with Si Qing's character, he would not be able to kill the leader and replace him.

Si Qing suddenly thought: "You are helping Boss Song, why are you back?"

Luo Xi smiled at him: "It's almost New Year's Day, I came back to see you."

"Then I'll call everyone together tonight, let's get together?"

Si Qing has been busy all this time, and he didn't realize that New Year's Day is coming soon.

After New Year's Day, it will be the eleventh year of the end of the world.

Luo Xi nodded happily and agreed: "Okay, then let's make a deal first, don't go home until you are drunk tonight."



After New Year's Day, the New Year is getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere of the New Year is everywhere in the base.

Shi Shuwan spent the rest of her time in the restaurant, preparing various foods for the New Year with Wang Xiang, except for being busy in the hotel.

Most of the people in the base were very familiar with each other. Shi Shuwan planned to prepare a special food for the New Year for every guest staying in the hotel.

Some guests saw this and volunteered to help in the restaurant.

Going to the farm behind to pick vegetables, going to the restaurant to cook, everyone was happy and lively.

New Year's Eve.

The restaurant was brightly lit, and almost everyone in the base gathered here. All the private rooms were open, and everyone was busy and chatting together.

After dinner, Song Zhi walked outside alone to get some fresh air. Listening to the lively sounds coming from the hotel, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"A different experience. This time, everything is beautiful."

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