Years later.

Song Zhi continued to be busy.

The leader of Beiyuan Base was replaced.

Because Si Qing and Song Zhi had a good relationship, the exchanges between the Doomsday Base and Beiyuan Base became closer.

Under the leadership of Si Qing, Beiyuan Base gradually restored its previous harmony and peace.

Among them, a large part of the credit was due to the cooperation with the Doomsday Base. Beiyuan Base has money, and the Doomsday Base has supplies.

After Song Zhi earned enough wealth, he went to Beiyuan Base and opened a chain supermarket.

Most of the scrambles in the Doomsday are due to supplies.

Solve this most important problem, and the rest are easy to say.

Days passed by.

"Boss Song."

Song Zhi was checking the revenue of the chain supermarket in the supermarket in the past few days. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her. She looked up and saw that it was Si Qing.

"Commander Si?"

Song Zhi was a little surprised. After Si Qing became the leader of Beiyuan Base, he became busier and busier. The last time she went to Beiyuan Base to unlock the chain supermarket, he just went to the scene to take a look and was hurriedly called away.

I didn't expect that he still had time to come to the supermarket by himself now.

"Oh, no, you can't call me Commander Si now, you have to call me Chief Si." Song Zhi smiled.

Si Qing walked over and said in a deep voice: "Still call me Commander Si. I'm still a little uncomfortable with the sudden change of title after calling you for so long."

Especially when seeing Song Zhi's gloating expression, Si Qing felt that this title was weird.

"Okay, then I will continue to call you Commander Si." Song Zhi didn't think it mattered, it was just a title, "By the way, what wind blew you here? Haven't you been very busy recently? Are you done now?"

Si Qing shook his head, "No, but it will be soon."

"I came here this time because I have something to say to Boss Song."

"What?" Song Zhi was puzzled.

"Boss Song, do you still remember the exchange meeting at the Southern Base that I mentioned to you before? Counting the days on the road, we will set off in a few weeks."

"If Boss Song wants to go together, we should start preparing now."

There are not many bases that are qualified to participate in the Southern Base Exchange Meeting, but Beiyuan Base happens to be one of them.

At that time, it was agreed that when Beiyuan Base went to the South to participate in the exchange meeting, it would take Song Zhi with it.

Although Si Qing was busy during this period, he never forgot his agreement with Song Zhi. So he took a day off to discuss with Song Zhi.

"So that's it." Song Zhi heard this and straightened his face, "I was originally planning to find you in a few days, but I didn't expect you to come first."

"What are Boss Song's plans?"

"Of course we will go together. It doesn't matter whether I am in this base or not. When you leave, just call me."

Song Zhi was ready a long time ago.

Go to the south and see if you can find Shen Ling.

"Okay, I'll pick you up then."


Si Qing came to Song Zhi just to talk about this, and left without stopping after he finished talking.

In the future, he will be away from Beiyuan Base for a long time, and during this period, he must make arrangements for the follow-up.

After Si Qing left, Song Zhi took out a piece of paper full of handwriting from the drawer beside the table.

On it was the overall planning map of the Doomsday Base, and the plan to participate in the Southern Base Exchange Conference.

The paper had been worn for some time, and the folds were deep.

There was a blank area to be planned, which had never been filled.

Song Zhi originally planned to build a laboratory there, and the equipment could be traded with Si Qing, and it could be done.

But Song Zhi finally gave up.

Because she felt that even if there was a laboratory and the Doomsday Base had the conditions to participate in the Southern Base Exchange Conference, there would be no researchers in the base.

That would just be a waste of space and equipment, so it would be better not to build it.

So Song Zhi thought carefully and decided to go to the meeting with Si Qing in the name of Beiyuan Base.

She went alone, which was convenient for her to move. When she got news about Shen Ling, she could also find her by herself.

"Host, if you are not in a hurry, wait for the supermarket to upgrade slowly, and there will be experimental equipment for sale in the mall." The system suddenly popped up at this time.

After unlocking the chain supermarket, the daily increase in wealth is very considerable.

In addition, Song Zhi led the team to search for crystal cores several times.

Unlocking a higher-level supermarket is just around the corner.

"No need, I always have a premonition that the situation in the south is very bad recently. I can go as soon as possible."

Song Zhi rejected the system's proposal without thinking.

In the dream, Shen Ling always fought alone in the zombie group, lonely. She wanted to rush up to save her, but every time she touched Shen Ling's body, she would wake up from the dream.

She always dreamed of scenes like this recently.

Although Song Zhi is a firm materialist, she is still a little worried.

"Host, don't be too anxious. Lingling is smart and capable, and nothing will happen to her."

The system comforted Song Zhi when it noticed her worry.

"Well, she will be fine."


The day of departure came soon.

In order to avoid everyone in the base seeing her off, Song Zhi left alone before dawn.

She was not afraid of parting, but if she saw a group of people seeing her off, she would become shy.

It was better to leave alone early.

Si Qing's team was waiting for her one kilometer away from the base, and she walked there quickly.

"Boss Song, are you sure you're going alone?"

Si Qing said, glanced behind Song Zhi, and asked again uncertainly.

Song Zhi nodded: "Well, the road is dangerous, I just go alone."

Si Qingming opened the passenger door of the car and said, "Okay, let's get in the car. We'll set off immediately."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Commander-in-Chief."

Song Zhi got into the car and fastened his seat belt. Seeing that there was no problem, Si Qing walked to the other side of the car and sat down in the driver's seat.

Si Qing went to the southern base this time and brought a total of thirty people with him.

All of them are very capable and have good ability to deal with emergencies.

According to the news coming from the south, the situation there is much more serious than in the north. If you don't bring more people, the road will be unsafe.

"Boss Song, it's been a long time. Why didn't you come to play with me when you went to the base last time? You don't have time to play, so it's good to meet up. I've missed you."

Gu Wanru was sitting at the back of the car and said coquettishly when she saw Song Zhi getting into the car.

Gu Si on the side heard this and said with a look of disgust: "Hey, what's your tone? It's so disgusting!"

Where has his sister, who usually works neatly and coolly at the base, gone?

"Tsk." Gu Wanru glared at Gu Si, and raised her hand to show her fist.

Gu Wanru: If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will throw you out!

Gu Si: ...Sister, you have changed.

Gu Wanru: Humph! I've always been like this.

Seeing this, Gu Si silently switched himself to silent mode.

Seeing the familiar fight between the two, Song Zhi couldn't help laughing.

"I was in a rush last time...but this time we had a chance to chat. There was plenty of time on the way."

Gu Wanru felt that what Song Zhi said made sense: "That's true. Let's set off now and reach the sky base. It will probably take a month."

"It's good to be here in one month. The situation over there is not ideal." Si Qing spoke from the front, and after saying that, he sighed softly.

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