Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 38 Extremely hot weather is coming

Chiho said getting angrier.

Qi'er was trained as the successor of the base. He needs excellent leadership skills, excellent judgment, and most importantly, the trust of the masses.

Now, he went to rob a supermarket alone, with more than a hundred superpowers.

It is said that there are abundant supplies inside, and the base will make you rich for a while.

But he should never have let everyone in the base know about it before he succeeded.

This made everyone, especially the more than a hundred superpowers who went with him, unconvinced by him.

Some have begun to question whether a person like this can really be the captain of a collection team.

"Dad, I know I was wrong. This kind of thing will never happen again next time. I promise you."

Qi'er drooped his head, and Qi Huo pointed at his nose and gave him a slap in the face.

But he didn't dare to refute at all, and finally got a break from Qi Huo, so he quickly admitted his mistake.

"You have said this to me at least a hundred times. When did you change it?"

Qihuo became even more angry when he said this admission of mistake.

Chir had said the same thing to him countless times since he was a child.

Chir dared not say anything.

"That's all, you are my son. You go down now and ask the people below to take more precautions and formulate an emergency plan to deal with the third-level zombies."

"Dad, haven't there been third-level zombies in our north yet?" Chir said innocently.

Qiho breaks the defense again.

"You kid! Do you understand how to nip things in the bud? Get out of here, get out of here!"

Qihuo screamed at the top of his lungs, and Qi'er ran away.


It's another sunny day.

Song Zhi, Guo Xiong, Shi Shuwan and others were sitting in the supermarket playing cards. Guo Leshan was on the side, playing Lego with Shen Ling.

Song Zhi exchanged Lego in the mall for 300 wealth points. For Song Zhi now, it was a drop in the bucket. He paid directly with a wave of his hand.

Song Zhi chose the most difficult one in Lego Difficulty. After finishing the puzzle, it was an ancient garden building.

The two children squatted together and had a great time.

Guo Xiong and Shi Shuwan have now become regular employees of the supermarket.

Since Si Qing came to the supermarket last time to clean up, Song Zhi felt that she was the only one in the supermarket, and she would be really busy in the future. Plus, there was a hotel there to take care of.

After observing Guo Xiong's family for two days, she felt that they were honest and honest and could be hired.

So, she found a close friend and told Guo Xiong's family about it.

At first, they were shocked and didn't believe it was true.

The second is to shirk, especially Guo Xiong, saying that he has no powers and has no ability in the apocalypse.

Finally, under Song Zhi's persistent persuasion, they all happily agreed.

But there is only a little persistence, they don't want wages.

Because Song Zhi proposed that they can live here for free in the future and eat for free, which is equivalent to including food and accommodation.

This is already a very good treatment for people living in the apocalypse.

They persisted, but Song Zhi couldn't resist and agreed.

On the other hand, Guo Leshan protested.

"Beautiful sister, I can also work, why don't you assign me a task. Dad helps in the supermarket, and mom is responsible for checking in at the hotel. As for me, I can also work. Even though I am young, I am also strong."

With that said, Guo Leshan showed Song Zhi the small muscles on his arms.

"You, you are still young. When you become an adult, I will arrange a job for you." Song Zhi said with a smile.

"If you insist on a job, then help take care of Shen Ling."

The two children are not much different in age, so they can have a playmate when they are together.

"Okay, thank you pretty sister, I will definitely try my best to take care of sister Lingling."

In the past few days, he and Shen Ling have gradually become familiar with each other and can play together.

"Okay, so be it."

So, this is the current situation.

The weather outside was getting hotter day by day, and Song Zhi felt that it was unlikely that anyone would go out.

I simply called Guo Xiong and his family into the supermarket. The adults just gathered at a table to play cards, while the children were building Lego.

The weather outside is hot, the air conditioning in the store is cool, and you can occasionally drink iced drinks. To sum up, it is comfortable.

A hot day like this doesn't go quickly, but it lasts for a week.

Walking outside, you can clearly feel that there is almost no moisture in the air, and it is dry everywhere.

If a tinder falls, it can instantly ignite a large area.

The land gradually loses moisture and begins to gradually develop cracks.

Even the zombies outside are getting more and more excited.

It was only early in the morning, and Song Zhi had already seen two waves of zombies trying to break through the system's defenses and rush into the supermarket.

"Boss Song, something is very wrong today. Counting carefully, it has not rained for half a month."

Guo Xiong looked outside the supermarket worriedly. He was also a little scared now, always feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Song Zhi was not too surprised.

In the apocalypse, extreme weather often occurs, and if it doesn't rain for half a month, it's okay.

In her previous life, she had seen no rain for half a year.

Until the end, she almost thought that the earth was really going to explode, but no, half a year later, there was a muddy heavy rain on the earth, which lasted for half a month.

It seems to be to cleanse the earth of viruses.

Also after the heavy rain, there were a lot less zombies, and great progress was made in researching virus inhibitors...

Not much to say, it was all a matter of the previous life.

Now, Song Zhi followed Guo Xiong's gaze and looked outside, echoing.

"Yeah, I feel like there won't be any more rainy days recently..."

"According to this situation, the wells in the base probably won't last long. They will have bottomed out when I left."

Guo Xiong secretly rejoiced, feeling that he was farther away from death.

But he started to worry again the next second. His good brother is still at the base. How will he survive if the base loses water?

"Well, Boss Song..."

Guo Xiong hesitated.

Song Zhi: "Just say what you have to say."

Guo Xiong: "Boss Song, I know you had a bad time with the base last time. I just want to ask, if the base is really short of water by then, can I buy water from the supermarket at my own expense and give it to my friends in the base? Past?"

Song Zhi did not answer, but lowered his head and thought for a moment.

Then, she seemed to think of something happy, and her eyes lit up.

"Of course. But I don't recommend you do that. It's dangerous outside, so it's better to be careful."

Seeing that Song Zhi agreed, Guo Xiong was overjoyed and nodded quickly to thank him.

"That's good. Thank you, Boss Song. I think what you said makes sense. I won't go out unless it's a special emergency."

Songzhi closed very early today.

The next day, a farm covering an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters suddenly appeared behind the supermarket.

In the center of the farm, there is a huge lake with cool water, and occasionally a few fish jump out of the water.

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