A large farm appeared in the wasteland around the supermarket. Guo Xiong discovered such a big change when he got up early in the morning.

He first came to the edge of the farm alone, and tentatively took a step inside. After finding that there was nothing unusual, he continued in.

The farm has access rights, but because Guo Xiong and his family are now her employees, their rights are temporarily released.

Anyway, entry and exit will be inevitable in the future, so it’s okay to open the permissions now.

"Wow, it's amazing. The soil here is actually black soil, and it's very moist. It's completely different from the cracked land outside due to drought."

Guo Xiong sighed as he bent down and grabbed a handful of soil on the ground while walking inside the farm.

This farm is very large, and Guo Xiong can distinguish the boundaries very well because of the different soil quality.

Nearing the center, Guo Xiong discovered the huge lake.

The lake inside is clear and occupies about 500 square meters.

He knelt down, raised his hand and touched it.

The moment my fingertips touched the lake water, my fingertips felt cold and my whole body felt refreshed.

"The water is so cold and comfortable."

Guo Xiong walked around the lake again before walking back slowly.

Guo Xiong was not too panicked about the sudden appearance of the farm, and subconsciously believed that it was Boss Song who created it.

Who told him to go to the supermarket to look for Song Zhi after one night, but the empty supermarket was filled up again.

Obviously they played cards in the hotel all afternoon that day, but Boss Song was not busy in the supermarket at all.

Sometimes, he really felt that Boss Song was a god sent to save survivors like them who were struggling to live in the apocalypse.


When Guo Xiong came back, he passed by the entrance of the supermarket. Song Zhi got up and opened the door. She saw Guo Xiong and greeted him warmly.

"Good morning, Boss Song."

Hearing the sound, Guo Xiong also waved towards Song Zhi and said with a smile.

"Did you go around the back?" Song Zhi found that there was some wet soil on Guo Xiong's shoes, which was not like what could be found in the wasteland outside.

Guo Xiong replied calmly.

"Well, I think there seems to be an extra farm in the back. I went in and walked around. Boss Song, you made this farm too, right? It's amazing. There's a big lake in it with a lot of water! Even if it's like this, it won't stop. Even if it rains, we won’t be short of water.”

Guo Xiong said with a happy face.

The continuous sunny weather in the past half month made him feel a little uneasy, fearing that the supermarkets and hotels would also run out of water.

And the sudden appearance of the lake made him feel completely at ease.

For such a big lake, the surrounding land is still moist, so it is definitely not afraid of drought.

Song Zhi originally thought that Guo Xiong had discovered the farm behind and would chase her to find out, asking how the farm appeared overnight, or what her powers were.

But Guo Xiong didn't ask anything.

Attribute the appearance of that farm to her, but not why.

Song Zhi was a little happy and didn't have to think too hard to explain.

"Yes, there is quite a lot of water in the lake. We don't have to worry about water problems for the time being." Song Zhi followed Guo Xiong's words and said.

Afterwards, Guo Xiong left and went back to the hotel to have breakfast with his family.

And Song Zhi also went back to the supermarket, waiting for the first customer of the day.

She had a hunch that this new guest was coming soon.

"Host, why do you suddenly have to spend wealth to unlock an organic farm? You can unlock this by doing tasks."

The host came out and asked.

It released a new mission last night.

"New task: The number of guests received is 100, currently 0. Reward for completing the task: The supermarket area is expanded to 210 square meters, unlocking a new industry, organic farm."

"In organic farms, you can buy plant seeds in the mall for planting. Planting can be done manually or automatically by the system."

This was a task it released last night, but when Song Zhi saw this task, he had no intention of completing it. Instead, he went directly to the system mall to unlock the organic farm by spending wealth.

Song Zhi was sitting leisurely in a chair and resting. When he heard the system's question, he raised his eyebrows and smiled.

The system waits quietly for an answer.

But Song Zhi spread his hands in the next second, and his tone was slightly innocent.

"I don't know. Maybe I saw this farm and liked it so much that I just bought it."

system:? Are you talking serious nonsense?

"..." The system was silent.

But Song Zhi enjoyed it and did not intend to shut up, but continued to speak.

"System, you are serious. I spent so much wealth on buying this farm yesterday, and you didn't know how to stop me. I regret it so much now. How about you return the wealth to me?"

The system was at a loss for words, but felt that it could not remain silent.

"Host, do you know what you are talking about?"

The system suppressed its tone.

Song Zhi: "Of course I know. What's the matter? Do you think what I said is wrong? By the way, do you really not consider returning some wealth value to me?"

Song Zhi's tone gradually became more sincere.

The system felt that if it continued like this, its points would be in danger, so it immediately left after just one sentence.

"Host, something suddenly happened on my side. I have to leave first. Come on!"

The system was running fast, but Song Zhi was not angry. On the contrary, she was in a very good mood, humming a little tune leisurely.

It’s so funny, she has earned so much wealth now, what can she do with it if she doesn’t have to spend it?

Does she have to save it all the time, wait until she dies suddenly one day, and take it to the next world to spend?

Of course not!

If you think something is suitable and you can afford it, of course you should buy it directly.

In fact, Song Zhi didn't suddenly want to buy the farm on a whim.

The main reason is that she thinks the farm is very valuable.

Now the weather outside is getting hotter and hotter, and the water resources in the north are not abundant.

This makes the already scarce water resources even worse.

And the description of the farm in the system.

There is a huge lake in the center, which can automatically irrigate the entire farm and accelerate the growth of plants in the farm. Moreover, the water in the lake is inexhaustible.

Just this last one, she can take action without hesitation.

She has a hunch that this lake will come in handy.


Beiyuan Base.

The huge sun above seems to be able to plunder all the water in the world.

The whole base seems to be in a big steamer, and it is so hot that people can't breathe.

Top floor office.

"Chief, the water levels of several water sources close to our base have been dropping in the past few days, and four of them have completely dried up. Now there are more than 10,000 people in the entire base, and they can only use the water from the North Lake."

"But it's hard to say when it will rain these days, and the water from the North Lake may not last for a few days."

The people below sent the survey report to Qihuo.

Since Qihuo came back, important matters in the base have been reported to him for review again.

Qier is no longer the acting chief.

Qihuo frowned as he listened to the people below.

"The zombies in the south are evolving, and there is a severe drought in the north. Do they really not want us humans to survive?"

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