"Host, the guest you just received was before the task was released. The task statistics are calculated after the task is released." The system reminded him in a mean way.

Song Zhi: ...Why didn't you say it earlier?

System: Host, you didn't ask before!

Song Zhi was angry, but he couldn't change anything, so he had to give up.

Today, Song Zhi planned to write a sign for the supermarket to attract passers-by.

What if someone just passed by.

Song Zhi found an abandoned cabinet in the ruins around the supermarket. The cabinet had become very brittle after years of wind and sun, and Song Zhi could break it with his bare hands.

Break off the four corners of the cabinet, and take out the drawer of the cabinet and throw it away, leaving only the relatively flat board on the back of the cabinet.

After washing it with clean water, a simple GG sign was made.

"The Doomsday Supermarket is open for business. There are abundant food and supplies inside, and the prices are cheap. Welcome to buy."

Song Zhi thought of the situation of the man just now and added a sentence in the second line.

"Both Huaxia currency and crystal core can be purchased."

"Not bad, then we just wait for customers to come." Song Zhi patted the dust on his hands and looked at the GG sign in front of him with satisfaction.

"Master host, are you sure that people will come if you put up such a sign? It looks so broken..." The system looked at it for a while and couldn't help but said.

It's okay that the board is broken, and the words written on it are also crooked, which makes this supermarket look particularly poor.

It's obviously a rich supermarket, as long as you have enough money, you can have whatever you want.

Song Zhi ignored the system's chattering and went back to the supermarket to eat happily.

It's pretty good to use the broken cabinet and small charcoal sticks that I picked up.

For lunch, Song Zhi chose a pack of instant noodles and a bottle of happy water.

Before, there was no hot water in the supermarket, so she couldn't eat instant noodles. Now she has unlocked the living room, which has complete kitchen utensils and hot water. Finally, she can change her taste.

With the fragrant instant noodles and a bottle of happy water, Song Zhi feels that life has become better again.

The only flaw is that it would be better if this bottle of water was chilled. It is October now and the weather is still very hot.

"Host, there is a refrigerator in the room." The system reminded, and now it is time to show its full functions.

After the system reminded her, Song Zhi remembered that there was indeed a refrigerator in the room she lived in.

"Little system, I didn't expect you to be so smart."

"That's not it!" The system was proud.

Song Zhi quickly went to the supermarket in front and moved a whole box of happy water, neatly stacked in the refrigerator. In addition to happy water, Song Zhi also put some other drinks.

After doing all this, Song Zhi was about to sit down to eat when a guest came.

"Are you the boss here?"

When Zhuang Xiaorui entered the supermarket and saw a little girl here, she was obviously stunned.

Tang Qi, who was held by Zhuang Xiaorui, was also surprised.

Tang Qi and Zhuang Xiaorui are a couple. They both like adventure. When the end of the world came, they awakened their superpowers one after another, so they left the base and started their adventure in the end of the world.

At present, they have very little food left, so they plan to buy some at a nearby base.

On the way, they happened to see this supermarket and the tattered sign outside, so they went in with a try-it attitude.

I thought that the owner of a supermarket in the wilderness must be a big and strong man who can scare those who have evil thoughts.

But after entering, I found that the owner of this supermarket is actually a little girl who looks fragile.

Song Zhi put down the fork in his hand, looked at the two people in front of him, and showed a kind smile the next second.

"Welcome two guests to our store. I am the owner. You can choose whatever you want to buy. There are prices below."

Sure enough, writing a sign is useful, and customers came so quickly.

"The host is so powerful, I didn't expect it to be really useful." The system also flattered Song Zhi in time.

Tang Qi and Zhuang Xiaorui looked at each other, obviously not believing what Song Zhi said.

"What is it, it smells so good!" Zhuang Xiaorui suddenly smelled a fragrance, and without questioning, she hurried to search for the source of the smell.

Finally, her eyes were fixed on the instant noodles in front of Song Zhi.

"Instant noodles! There are instant noodles here!" Zhuang Xiaorui pointed at the bowl of instant noodles in front of Song Zhi, making an excited voice and swallowing her saliva.

Before the end of the world, she didn't even bother to eat instant noodles. They were just fast food without nutrition.

But after the end of the world, the land and water sources were mostly polluted, fresh vegetables were not available, and delicious meat was sold at sky-high prices. They didn't have enough money, so they could only eat hard and tasteless noodles. At that time, she remembered the goodness of instant noodles before.

Although instant noodles are not nutritious, they are delicious no matter how they are soaked.

"It's instant noodles. If you want to buy them, you can go to the shelf over there to buy them. The price may be a little higher." Song Zhi didn't expect the woman in front of him to react so much, and quietly moved the instant noodles bowl in front of him.

If you want to eat, you can buy it yourself, but you can't covet her noodles.

Hearing that they were for sale, Zhuang Xiaorui rushed over impatiently.

Tang Qi looked at Zhuang Xiaorui's back as she ran over and sighed softly.

They didn't have much money, and instant noodles were a hot commodity in the apocalypse, so the price would probably not be low.

But Xiaorui wanted to eat it, so she could buy a bag and save a little for the next week, or go to other bases to take on some missions, which would probably be fine.

After thinking about his future life, Tang Qi also went in the direction of Zhuang Xiaorui.

Zhuang Xiaorui was immersed in the instant noodles of various flavors on the shelves at this time, and she also found some other foods that were only available before the end of the world.

"Wow, there are self-heating hot pots in this supermarket!"

"Wow, there are fat house happy water here!"

"Wow, potato chips! There are all kinds of flavors!"

"Wow, chocolate!"


Zhuang Xiaorui's exclamation sounded in waves.

"Husband, here are your favorite potato chips, should we buy a bag?" Zhuang Xiaorui took a bag of lime-flavored potato chips and shook it towards Tang Qi.

It's over, there are too many delicious things here, she wants to have them all.

Tang Qi was also a little surprised when he saw the potato chips.

This supermarket is amazing, the things sold are all available before the end of the world, and the quantity of each kind is not small.

Guarding such a rich supermarket, it seems that the identity of the little girl is not simple.

It is estimated that there is a supernatural power, which makes her look young.

Song Zhi didn't know that just now, in the eyes of others, she had become an old woman with a young girl's face.

Tang Qi came to Zhuang Xiaorui and took the potato chips.

The packaging of the potato chips was intact. With this appearance, even if it was expired, it would cost tens of thousands outside.

Tang Qi thought secretly.

But when he saw the price on the shelf, he was stunned.

"80 Chinese yuan?"

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