When Tang Qi and Zhuang Xiaorui saw the prices on the shelves, they didn't believe it at first.

Like Guo Xiong before, he went to the front and checked with Song Zhi again before starting a shopping spree.

After Song Zhi responded that the price was correct, he decided to add one to the sign outside later. He couldn't ask every customer who came to buy something.

Braised beef noodles for 80 Huaxia coins, buy it!

Chocolate cake for 100 Chinese coins, buy it!

Lime flavored potato chips are 100 Hua Xia coins, buy them!

Self-heating beef hotpot for 300 Huaxia coins, buy it!

Feizhai Happy Water is 30 Chinese coins, buy it!

purchase! purchase! purchase! I bought everything I wanted to eat.

The price of this food is in the apocalypse. Anyone who sees it and doesn’t buy more has a bad mind. Besides, these are delicious.

After Tang Qi and Zhuang Xiaorui's crazy shopping, the cashier was soon filled to the brim.

Song Zhi quickly finished the instant noodles and started to check out happily.

The more she buys, the more wealth she gains, and she can upgrade the supermarket and unlock other supermarket types.

Come to think of it, I actually have a little bit of expectations.

"These total Huaxia coins. If you don't have enough money, you can use the machine over there to exchange for a point card. One point can be worth 100 Huaxia coins."

Song Zhi was afraid that the two people in front of him didn't have enough money, so he reminded them.

In fact, Song Zhi still hopes that these two people will use crystal cores to settle, so they will definitely come back to consume in the future, and then they will be able to harvest wool.

But unfortunately, Song Zhi's plan failed.

"Thanks for the reminder, but we have enough money." Tang Qi responded politely, and took out a stack of Chinese coins out of thin air and handed it to Song Zhi.

They can still afford the money. After all, the currency has depreciated sharply in the last days. Every time they go to other bases to replenish supplies, they have to spend hundreds of thousands. This time they only spent tens of thousands, which is already very good.

After Song Zhi took it, Tang Qi raised his hand and collected the food on the cashier.

Zhuang Xiaorui on the side saw Song Zhi's puzzled expression and immediately explained.

"This is my husband's special ability. It is an independent space and can store eighty cubic meters of items. The space inside is static, so there is no need to worry about it breaking."

Zhuang Xiaorui had just bought so much delicious food, and instantly felt that Song Zhi in front of her was a lot more friendly, and she didn't hide it.

And now that the end of the world has arrived, many people have awakened their supernatural powers. This is not a strange thing.

She and Tang Qi traveled lightly, and others could guess it when they saw it.

"That's it." Song Zhi nodded, indicating that he understood.

After buying the necessary supplies, Tang Qi and Zhuang Xiaorui didn't stay long. After chatting with Song Zhi for a few words, they set out again.

This is enough food for them to last a week.

"Current task progress: Number of guests received 2/5 (in progress)."

"Current accumulated wealth value: 872 points."

The system reports the progress in a timely manner.

"Although these two people bought a lot of things here, when converted into wealth value, it is still too little." Song Zhi saw the three digits in the wealth value column and shook his head in disgust.

The supermarket currently only unlocks the food area, which is also at the lowest level. To unlock other areas, the wealth required is huge. If she saves according to this progress, it is estimated that she will not be able to reach the full level of the supermarket even if she dies.

Song Zhi always has a goal in doing things and wants to do his best.

The same goes for this supermarket. She decided to live a good life, and her first goal was to upgrade this supermarket to the full level.

but now……

"The location of this supermarket is still not good." Song Zhi found out the most fundamental reason.

When the system heard what Song Zhi said, it silently minimized its own presence.

But Song Zhi only felt sad for a short time, and immediately became full of energy again.

I found a biscuit box in front of the supermarket shelf, wrote a brand with the charcoal strips I picked up, and stood it in front of the cashier.

"The prices listed and sold in supermarkets are fair game."

This way no one will probably ask again.

I can only blame her for being too conscientious in pricing, alas.

For the next afternoon, no one came to the supermarket. Song Zhi sat on a chair and waited until dark before closing the door and going to the room to rest.


at the same time.

Guo Xiong finally took advantage of the darkness and sneaked into the base carrying a bag full of food.

"Who?" Shi Shuwan had just put her daughter to sleep when she suddenly saw the door being pushed open and a dark figure coming in.

Guo Xiong quickly entered the room, closed the door, and whispered to Shi Shuwan, "Shh, keep your voice down, it's me."

"Ah Xiong?" When Shi Shuwan saw it was Guo Xiong, she was obviously stunned for a moment, and then tears couldn't stop pouring out of her eyes.

The people who went out to search for supplies with Guo Xiong came back and said that they were attacked by zombies on the road. Many people died and the remaining people who were alive ran away.

If he didn't return to the base for three days, it would probably be a disaster.

Today happened to be the third day, and Shi Shuwan thought Guo Xiong would never come back.

"I'm still alive, I'm fine." Guo Xiong saw Shi Shuwan crying and quickly took her into his arms to comfort her. When the person in his arms recovered, Guo Xiong couldn't wait to pull Shi Shuwan to the door and give her Look at the food brought back.

"Where did you get these things? Ah Xiong, although we are in the end of the world, we cannot forget the fundamentals of being human." Shi Shuwan looked at the various kinds in the bag, which they could only afford before the end of the world. Food, handed Guo Xiong a strange look.

Husband and wife for many years, Guo Xiong suddenly understood the meaning in his eyes.

"What are you thinking? Your husband is not that kind of person. I bought these in the supermarket."

Shi Shuwan still didn't believe it. These foods are sky-high in the base, and they can't afford them at all, not to mention that there is such a big bag here.

It's hard not to doubt the origin of these foods.

"Really, but I bought them in the supermarket outside the base. I didn't have enough money on me, so I spent a crystal core. There were still some crystal cores left, so I exchanged them for this card, which can be used later." Guo Xiong continued to explain and took out the points card from his body.

Guo Xiong told Shi Shuwan about everything from his arrival at the supermarket and afterwards, and Shi Shuwan believed it.

"Are the things sold in that supermarket really so cheap?"

"Really, if you still don't believe it, I can take you there next time. It's not far from our base."

"Okay." Shi Shuwan nodded and agreed. She was willing to believe her husband, but the supermarket still sounded fantasy. If there was a chance, she would also like to go and see it.

"But we have to hide these foods for the time being, don't let other people in the base find them."

If they are regarded as supplies for searching outside, they will all be handed over to those people with superpowers in the base. People like him who don't have superpowers can only get a few hard biscuits.

This is the rule of the apocalypse base, even if you searched for these supplies, it will not work. People with superpowers are high and mighty in the base.

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