Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 44 Discussing academic matters in front of the hotel?

On the wasteland one kilometer away from the supermarket.

A middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman supported each other, and a younger girl followed them to look after them.

A group of three people walked slowly towards the supermarket.

They looked like they had been walking for a long time, their clothes were dirty, their hair was messy, and the dark circles under their eyes could no longer be covered.

But they still did not stop, even if they walked slowly, they were still walking.

The young girl looked after them left and right, which was very strenuous, and the sun above her head was scorching her, so she could not hold on.

Yan Shishi staggered and knelt on the ground, and she just took advantage of the situation and sat down directly, regardless of whether she was hurt or not.

The middle-aged man saw Yan Shishi fall down and stopped as well.

"Dad, let's take a break. I really can't walk anymore. The sun above is so strong, I feel like I'm going to get heatstroke."

Yan Shishi said, looking at Yan's father who was stopped two meters in front of her.

Seeing that he didn't speak, he just frowned and continued.

"Dad, how about you and mom go first?"

"I don't care. Even if there are zombies chasing me, I can't walk anymore. The worst case scenario is that I will die. I won't resist and will just put my arm in its mouth to quickly mutate."

Yan Shishi said with a firm face, and she had made up her mind.

Yan's mother stood aside and retorted gently when she heard Yan Shishi's words.

"Shishi, although I am tired, I still want to remind you that if you put your arm directly into the zombie's mouth, you may die directly and cannot mutate. The probability of a human being infected with the zombie virus and becoming a zombie and continuing to survive is almost zero."

Yan's mother said it with a serious face, but she was always smiling.

Yan Shishi didn't know how Yan's mother could say such cold words with her 36-degree mouth, and began to sigh.

"Oh, I don't care, Dad, Mom, I really can't walk anymore. We have been walking for more than half a month since we left the base. We can only rest for a short night if we find a suitable place."

"We have already reached the northern territory, there shouldn't be those mutant zombies."

Father Yan still didn't speak, but looked around with a vigilant look, and then he took out a small purple compass from somewhere.

He fiddled with it casually twice, and found that the pointer on it didn't move, so he spoke.

"Okay, then take a rest, A Liu, you are tired too, I just checked, there is no strong energy fluctuation around, I guess there are no scary zombies."

Mother Yan Gong Liu also looked at the compass in Father Yan's hand, and nodded after seeing it clearly.


The family began to rest on the spot and took out water and energy blocks from their backpacks.

After they came out of the base half a month ago, they have been rushing towards the north without stopping.

The cause was that a large number of high-level zombies began to appear in the south, and many large bases were not spared. In order to protect himself, Yan Bohou decided to take his family away from the base and escape to the north.

It is said that there are no high-level zombies in the north.

But now... it seems that the north is not suitable for survival.

Yan Bohou pinched a handful of soil next to him and scattered it in his hands.

"The soil is very dry. There is no moisture even at this deep bottom. The surrounding trees are almost all dead. It feels like the north will usher in a severe drought."

"Severe drought?" Yan Shishi had just finished drinking half a bottle of water and felt alive. Hearing her father's words, she looked up in confusion.

Yan Bohou looked at her puzzled look and suddenly felt a little angry.

"Did you not listen to the knowledge I told you before?"

When the knowledge was mentioned, Yan Shishi immediately stood up and said, "That... Dad, I'm rested, let's continue on our way!"

Yan Bohou: "..."

Here it comes again.

Gong Liu saw a familiar scene and immediately came out to smooth things over.

"Okay, it's getting late. Shishi's words make sense. Let's get some rest and then set off. Let's see if we can have better luck today and find a place to rest."

"Just spoil her!" Yan Bohou smiled helplessly at Gong Liu, but he didn't say anything more. The three of them set off again.


Shen Ling hasn't gotten better today.

She only drank two bowls of white porridge all day.

Song Zhi stayed with her for the whole day.

Near dusk, Shen Ling suddenly jumped out of bed for some reason, looking like nothing happened.

Her deep blue eyes were filled with indescribable emotions.

Song Zhi came back with a glass of water and saw Shen Ling's complicated eyes, but didn't think much about it, but asked softly.

"Lingling, why did you get out of bed? Are you feeling better? I poured you a glass of water. Do you want to drink some?"

Hearing this, Shen Ling instantly put away the emotions in her eyes and replaced them with her previous well-behaved and simple eyes.

She walked step by step to Song Zhi and hugged her.

She stayed in Song Zhi's arms for a while before coming out, taking the water cup from Song Zhi's hand and drinking half of it.

She smiled and shook her head at Song Zhi.

I'm fine, thank you sister.

Song Zhi raised her hand and touched her messy hair after a day of sleep, "I'm glad you're fine, you..."

Before Song Zhi finished speaking, she heard a knock on the bedroom door.

It was Guo Xiong's voice on the other side of the door.

"Boss Song, someone is here, they are a little strange, they just want to stay in the hotel, but don't want to... Do you want to come out and take a look?"

Guo Xiong didn't explain it clearly, but Song Zhi understood what he meant.

Someone should want to stay in the hotel, but is hesitating.

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"Okay, I'll go and see right away." Song Zhi responded.

Before leaving, Song Zhi felt her clothes sink, and looked down to see Shen Ling holding the corner of her clothes, looking at her pitifully.

Song Zhi: "You want to go with me too?"

Shen Ling nodded, yes.

Song Zhi narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Ling. Seeing this, Shen Ling loosened the corner of Song Zhi's clothes and turned around on the spot.

As if to say, I'm fine, sister.

Song Zhi received it perfectly: "Okay, since you're well, let's go with you. After lying in bed for a day, it's okay to walk."

With Song Zhi's permission, Shen Ling happily took small steps and jumped behind Song Zhi's buttocks.

Outside the supermarket, at the entrance of the hotel.

Yan Shishi's family of three were studying the hotel and supermarket with a serious face.

They didn't dare to go in, but just observed a little bit from outside, and occasionally communicated with each other.

Yan Shishi: "Dad, can such a big hotel be built in this wasteland? It looks new."

Yan Bohou: "I don't know, it seems unlikely to be built by humans..."

Gong Liu: "Do you want to listen to what you are saying? It is unlikely to be built by humans. It was built by the zombie organization?"

Yan Bohou: "Uh... That being said, the conclusion I came to, from the geographical location, material conditions, and..."

"Are you discussing academics at the door of this hotel?" Song Zhi's voice came from behind them.

The three of them were all startled and looked over.

At first glance, they saw a young and beautiful girl, and at second glance, ah?

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