Song Zhi was confused: "What?"

Song Zhi said, and looked at herself to make sure that there was nothing wrong with her outfit today, and there was nothing strange about it.

What are these people doing?

Why are they so surprised?

This is not over yet.

After being surprised, the middle-aged man began to frown and mutter something in his mouth.

Then, he stepped forward, passed Song Zhi, and squatted in front of Shen Ling.

Shen Ling surprisingly did not retreat, but looked at him calmly.

At an angle that only Yan Bohou could see clearly, Shen Ling's eyes curved and showed a faint smile.

But Yan Bohou did not feel happy about it, but his face froze.

He quickly stood up from in front of Shen Ling.

He turned to look at Song Zhi and spoke apologetically.

"Sorry, I recognized the wrong person. My name is Yan Bohou, and this is my wife and daughter. I wonder what this lady's name is?"

Song Zhi narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a while, then looked down at Shen Ling.

Something is wrong, very wrong.

Shen Ling noticed Song Zhi's gaze and looked up. Her deep blue eyes blinked happily a few times, a little naughty.

Song Zhi didn't say anything.

"My name is Song Zhi."

"Miss Song." Yan Bohou said.

Song Zhi replied in a light tone, "Yeah. Are you here to stay in a hotel?"

The three of them stood at the door of the hotel. It was dark now, and there was wasteland all around. The only possibility was to stay in a hotel.

"Yes, yes, we were just discussing what kind of powerful person could open a hotel in the wasteland."

Song Zhi didn't say anything, but said secretly in his heart.

It was built by people, it was a system, there were not only hotels, but also supermarkets.

"Then go in, it's not safe outside at night." Song Zhi's tone seemed to be urging.

Her first impression of these people was not very good.

Especially the man, when he looked at Shen Ling, he clearly knew Shen Ling.

But why did he change his words and say that he had made a mistake?

And Shen Ling, who is she?

It has been more than a month since Yan Wushuang handed Shen Ling over to her, and there has been no news from the other party during this period.

These people obviously know Shen Ling. If they are on the same side, it would be fine, but if they are enemies, then...

Song Zhi's eyes flashed with murderous intent.


"Boss Song! Are these guests?"

Shi Shuwan was sitting at the front desk of the hotel. When she saw Song Zhi coming in, followed by several strangers, she immediately stood up from her chair and greeted Song Zhi.

"Yes." Song Zhi nodded to Shi Shuwan, then turned around and said to Yan Bohou and the other two.

"If you want to stay in the hotel, you can go there to handle the check-in procedures. By the way, there is an event for double rooms now, you can consider it."

Song Zhi is not so eager to complete the task now, anyway, Shen Ling looks fine.

The most important thing is that she is still unclear about the relationship between these people and Shen Ling.

It may not be good to contact them rashly.

"Okay, okay, thank you Miss Song." Yan Bohou smiled at Song Zhi and walked to the counter with his wife and daughter.

During the days when there were no guests, Shi Shuwan practiced this simple business countless times.

Finally, today, she can perform well.

Shi Shuwan smiled kindly and spoke gently.

"This is the price list of our hotel. There are only two types of rooms now. One is a single room, which costs 1,500 Chinese yuan per night, and the other is a double room. There is a promotion now, and it only costs 2,000 Chinese yuan per night."

Shi Shuwan thought of what Song Zhi said just now, and emphasized recommending the double room to them.

"By the way, I can take you to see the room before you check in. Please follow me."

Shi Shuwan did this for the first time, but she didn't expect it to be as difficult as she imagined, but it was easy to do.

Yan Bohou's family followed Shi Shuwan obediently to see the room.

The first one they saw was the single room.

Their expressions were the same as Shi Shuwan's family's when they saw the room for the first time.

Surprised expressions and shocked voices came one after another.

"Is this a single room? And 1,500 Chinese yuan a night?" Yan Shishi looked at the large bathtub in the private bathroom and swallowed hard.

God knows how much she wanted to take a nice bath in the bathtub during the more than half a month of wandering on the road.

But now it seems that there is a severe drought in the north, can there be water?

Yan Shishi stared at the bathtub with burning eyes, and Shi Shuwan couldn't help but notice it.

She tentatively said, "Is the guest dissatisfied with this? This bathtub can be used, and there is enough water. Don't worry about the water being cut off."

As she said that, Shi Shuwan took a step forward and turned on the faucet of the bathtub.

The water flowed out "clattering", and the water flow was not small.

Yan Shishi saw the flowing water, and her eyes became brighter, but the remaining rationality still made her ask the doubts in her heart.

"That... I still want to ask. The drought outside is so severe, can the water here still be used all the time?"

After Yan Shishi finished speaking, she stared at Shi Shuwan nervously, afraid to see a "no" on her face.

Shi Shuwan smiled and replied, "Yes, the hotel has a unique water supply system, which provides unlimited water supply. As long as it is not wasted, it is fine."

"Great, don't worry, I won't waste it." Yan Shishi nodded vigorously, already looking forward to the wonderful time of taking a bath in the bathtub.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the wonderful content!

"Dad, Mom, then I will live in this room, I won't look at the double room."

Yan Shishi's thoughts can't be hidden at all.

In addition, Yan Bohou and Gong Liu both know their daughter's temperament and know how much she loves this bathtub, so they agreed.

Yan Bohou: "Okay, then you can pack your things here now, your mother and I will go upstairs to see the double room."

Yan Bohou originally thought that living in a single room would be fine, living outside, how could there be so many particulars.

But when he saw the single room with such a good environment, he couldn't help but look forward to the double room.

He began to wonder what the double room would look like.

Gong Liu: "Good boy, you fix it here first, your father and I will come down to take you to handle the procedures after we see it."

"Okay, Mom." Yan Shishi nodded in agreement.

Yan Shishi stayed in the room alone to sort out the luggage she brought with her, and took off the dirty clothes she had worn for more than half a month.

She really couldn't hold on any longer.

On the other side.

Shi Shuwan took the other two upstairs to see the double room.

To be honest, she liked it very much after seeing the double room.

There was not only a small living room and a small balcony for hanging clothes, but also a place to cook.

Compared with a single room where they only lived for a short period of time, the double room looked more like a home.

She and Boss Song had already agreed that after their single room extension ended, they could move to the double room.

Because they had become employees here, they didn't have to pay rent, which was really great.

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