Song Zhi thought that Shen Ling might have some kind of supernatural power to kill those people.

But he didn't expect that Shen Ling's move was to tear people apart with bare hands!

She was very happy talking, and even started to use her hands to gesture in the middle.

Fortunately, Song Zhi was more receptive.

For those who coveted the hotel and wanted to kill Shi Shuwan and others and take it for themselves, it was not innocent to die.

After listening to Shen Ling's description, Song Zhi understood it completely.

Why was the atmosphere of the meal just now so strange? Shi Shuwan and others looked at Shen Ling with a bit of fear.

"So, you did it in front of your aunt Shi?" Song Zhi silently mourned for Shi Shuwan and others in his heart.

"Yeah." Shen Ling nodded, and didn't think there was anything wrong with what Song Zhi said.

"They wanted to make trouble for Aunt Shi. The situation was urgent at the time, so I had to rush over. Aunt Shi didn't leave, so I saw it."


"Later, Uncle Guo and the others came out and saw the remains of the battlefield, so that's it..."

The remains of the battlefield are the broken and unmatched corpses of those people.

Shen Ling regrets it now.

If she had known that they would have the same expression as the teacher at that time after seeing it, she should have dragged the people to a place where no one could see them before taking action.

She likes Aunt Shi and the others, and doesn't want them to be afraid of her.

Thinking of this, Shen Ling's little face wrinkled and curled up, very annoyed.

"You scared Aunt Shi and the others. But they know you are kind and have no ill will towards them, so give them some time to slow down and don't think too much."

Song Zhi conveyed the meaning of Shi Shuwan and the others to Shen Ling.

They actually discussed it behind Shen Ling's back once.

They felt that Shen Ling did that to protect them and had no ill will towards them. Moreover, if the superpowers of other people were like that, they could not discriminate against superpowers, right?

But even if they figured it out, the bloody scene that day was too unforgettable.

So when they saw Shen Ling again, they couldn't help but feel scared.

Such a contradictory mentality created today's scene.

"Okay, then I'll hide from Aunt Shi and the others for a few days, and I'll go out when they recover."

Shen Ling decided quickly.

As long as they still like her, it's fine.

Song Zhi also agreed with Shen Ling's idea and went out to get her some food.

In the past few days, Shen Ling stayed in her room, occasionally going back to Song Zhi's room to watch TV.

The situation of Shi Shuwan and others gradually improved. Occasionally thinking of the bloody scene that day, they were no longer pale with fear, but could accept it and felt nothing in the end.

Everyone was grateful to Shen Ling in their hearts.

If she hadn't been there that day, Shi Shuwan's family and Li Puquan would have suffered.

Those people, with the resentment of being beaten out by Song Zhi a few days ago, wanted to activate their supernatural powers and kill them all.

Fortunately, Shen Ling acted in time.

"Sister Song, we are not afraid now. Why don't you let Lingling come out for some fresh air? Staying in the room all day will make you feel bored."

On a sunny afternoon, Guo Leshan trotted over and said to Song Zhi.

Song Zhi touched his head and asked him with his head down.

"Then are you not afraid?"

You have to ask first to be safe.

Shen Ling likes them and doesn't want them to feel bad. Now ask them clearly to avoid being afraid of meeting and making both parties feel uncomfortable.

Guo Leshan hesitated for half a second, then shook his head quickly.

"No, I'm not afraid anymore. Lingling has no ill will towards us. She just wanted to protect us that day. I also want to apologize to Lingling. I shouldn't have treated her like that that day and didn't talk to her."

Guo Leshan said sincerely.

"This is what we all think. We are not afraid anymore. Sister Song, just let Lingling come out."

"Okay, since you have all decided, then you can go in and find her yourself. You can just play with her for a while. She has missed you these days."

It is rare to meet a playmate of the same age.

Guo Leshan is naturally a little different from others to Shen Ling.

"Well, thank you Sister Song, then I will go in first. Bye."

Seeing that Song Zhi agreed, Guo Leshan waved goodbye to Song Zhi happily and ran to Shen Ling's room impatiently.


"Knock knock knock!"

"Come in."

Shen Ling was sitting at the desk, reading the comic book Song Zhi gave her. When she heard the door ring, she closed the book and looked over.

"Lingling, I'm here!"

Guo Leshan came in from the door with a happy face and jumped to Shen Ling's side.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Shen Ling suddenly felt shy.

A wave of heat rose on her face, and she quickly looked away in shame, looking at the chair beside her for a while, and then turned back to look at Guo Leshan.

"Are you... not afraid of me anymore?" Shen Ling said carefully, and her body unconsciously stepped back a little.

Her deep blue eyes were full of exploration and worry.

She was afraid.

She was afraid that Guo Leshan had not let go of his knot, was still afraid of her, and was afraid of losing this playmate.


Guo Leshan hesitated and froze for a moment.

Before, he communicated with Shen Ling purely by consciousness, and now he suddenly heard the other side talking, and he was a little uncomfortable for a while.

"No, I'm not afraid anymore. It was my fault before. You obviously saved us, but I was still afraid of you and didn't talk to you. I was wrong. Now, I apologize to you."

"I'm sorry."

Guo Leshan apologized to Shen Ling solemnly and bowed to her.

Shen Ling's deep blue eyes suddenly became much lighter. She stared at Guo Leshan's expression and was silent for a while.

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After a while, she slowly spoke.

"It's okay, I forgive you. That... we will still be good friends in the future, right?"

"Of course, we will be best friends in the future!"

After Guo Leshan finished speaking, he grabbed Shen Ling's hand and rushed out with her.

"My mother made a delicious cake, your favorite strawberry flavor, let's go."

Guo Leshan smiled sunny, and Shen Ling even felt that there was sunlight shining in his eyes.

It's great, their situation seems to be different from that of the teacher.

Shen Ling thought secretly in her heart.

"Okay." Shen Ling responded and went out with Guo Leshan.


Beiyuan Base.

After three full days of recuperation, Si Qing used a lot of drugs from the base during the period. Finally, on the third day, he could get out of bed and walk.

In fact, he thought that he could get out of bed the next day, but every time he exerted a little force, his shoulders would be suddenly held down.

Qi'er stood in front of him with an angry look, saying something he had repeated countless times.

"I've told you so many times that you need to take good care of yourself now. You have two broken ribs and other injuries. If you don't want to live, just tell me. I can give you a quick death. Don't waste the base's resources here!"

He was thinking about getting out of bed even though he hadn't recovered yet.

If you are missing from the base, can't it be turned around?

"I... that..."

Si Qing wanted to refute, but seeing Qi'er's expression that looked like he was going to eat someone, he swallowed the words back.

Forget it, let's take another day off.

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