"Qi'er, the commander asked you to come over."

Qin Mingyue came in from the door. When she saw this scene, her face was not very good, but she still finished her words.

Chir looked over and nodded in response.

"Okay, then I'll go over there. You come here and watch him. Don't let him get out of bed. Also, take a look at him. If there are any areas on his body that he hasn't cultivated well, please help check him out."

Qi'er ordered to Qin Mingyue.

Qin Mingyue is a person with healing powers. Although injuries like broken ribs cannot be cured directly, other minor injuries can still be cured.


Qin Mingyue couldn't believe that these words would come out of Qi Er's mouth, but when she looked at Qi Er's serious eyes, she still didn't say the words of rejection.

"Okay, you go ahead. I'll take care of you here, don't worry."

There was no joy or anger in Qin Mingyue's voice.

But Qi'er has always been very nervous, and he didn't hear anything wrong with Qin Mingyue at all.

"Then I'll trouble you."

Chier dropped these words and turned to leave.

Qin Mingyue and Si Qing were the only two people left in the room.

Si Qing leaned on the bedside, looking at Qin Mingyue with his cold eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Miss Qin, I can do it myself. If you have other things to be busy with, you can leave first."

Si Qing was not Qi'er. He could tell that Qin Mingyue didn't like him and didn't really want to stay here to check his health.

Everyone was at loggerheads before, so there was no need to pretend to be happy now.

"Oh, since I'm injured, don't talk so much. What I want to do and where I go are all my own business and have nothing to do with you, and I don't need you to meddle in my own business."

Qin Mingyue sneered.

After she finished speaking, she did not leave, but she also did not follow Qi Er's words and honestly check Si Qing's body.

Qin Mingyue pulled a chair from the side, sat in front of Si Qing, and just looked at Si Qing.

The stool made a creaking sound due to the strong dragging, which stood out in the silent space.

Qin Mingyue is in a very bad mood now.

If you didn't have a seizure, I would have to take care of you here for so long, why would the commander be so anxious waiting there?

Qi Er has been taking care of Si Qing in the ward since he returned to the base three days ago. The commander asked him to report on the completion of the mission, but he declined.

The task handover suddenly fell on her head.

She has completed the handover work, but the commander is also concerned about his son. He has not seen anyone for three days, so of course he is anxious.

Si Qing looked coldly at Qin Mingyue sitting next to him, and then said nothing.

He closed his eyes silently and lay down to rest.

Forget it, Chir is finally gone, and the task handover will probably be completed.

There is nothing he needs to do for the time being, so just cultivate well.

He feels almost in good health these days, and feels that he will be fully recovered tomorrow. Then he will go to the supermarket and thank Boss Song in person.

In the past three days, Si Qing and Qi Er also talked several times.

Although Qi'er had conflicts with Song Zhi before, he did not conceal Song Zhi's rescue of Si Qing, but explained it in detail.

For example, a large part of the credit for his rapid recovery must be attributed to the medicine Song Zhi injected into him.


Meanwhile, the apocalyptic supermarket.

Finally, there is no longer any barrier between Shen Ling and everyone, and everyone will still greet each other happily when they meet.

The only difference is that they are not used to Shen Ling being able to speak.

Occasionally, Shen Ling would be a little stunned when she responded to them.

After a few seconds, he smiled awkwardly at Shen Ling and then apologized sheepishly.

Shen Ling was not angry about this, but found their awkward apology funny.

this day.

Guo Xiong came to Song Zhi with a thick stack of questionnaires in his hand, saying that he was investigating the preferences and small wishes of the hotel guests in the past few days.

Because it is backed by a huge farm, Guo Xiong will intentionally guide them in the direction related to the farm when filling out the form.

In addition, the food they eat in the restaurant every day is so delicious and tempting.

The guests in the hotel really hope to eat the same delicious dishes as they do.

Fresh and tender vegetables, high quality meat, just thinking about it makes your mouth water.

Song Zhi reached out and took the questionnaire handed over by Guo Xiong in his hand and looked through it quickly.

There are a total of more than 60 questionnaires. Except for a few people who cannot write, the rest have been filled out.

They stayed here for a few days and found that not only was the environment here very good, but there was no need to worry about supplies or anything else.

Even zombies have never been able to break in. The safety index is extremely high.

So much so that they didn't want to leave here even more.

Most of them fled from the south and carried a lot of money with them, and as long as they had money, they could live here.

The two sides fit together perfectly.

Song Zhi looked at the questionnaire Guo Xiong brought over, and most of their demands were.

"Want to eat fresh vegetables again."

"I want to see a green plant again, see their vitality, instead of a gray and broken branch."


"If possible, I would like to experience the feeling of cooking again. I cook very delicious food, but after the end of the world, there will be no room for me to show off..."


"This!" Song Zhi saw something that interested her.

Guo Xiong leaned his head over and said, "What's wrong, Boss Song? Is that person's handwriting so blurry?"

"No." Song Zhi shook her head and handed the questionnaire that interested her to Guo Xiong.

"This man said he wanted to experience the feeling of cooking again. Such a strange request, I must satisfy him. Do you know this man?"

The cooking is delicious and I want to experience the feeling of cooking again.

Isn't that simple?

She prepares the ingredients, and after cooking the food, she just needs to give her the finished product to taste.

For Song Zhi, who only knows how to cook simple dishes but also likes to explore eating, this is a surprise that comes to her doorstep.

She gave her the ingredients and cooked one for her to try.

Guo Xiong approached Song Zhi with a serious look on his face and was about to answer Song Zhi's questions, but he heard Song Zhi say this.


That's it?

Just to eat delicious food?

Guo Xiong's passion for speaking instantly disappeared, but he still explained to Song Zhi.

"I have an impression of this man. When he was filling out the form, he pulled me and asked me if I could come to the kitchen to help with the cooking. I refused at the time. Boss Song, how about I call him over and you can chat in person? chat?"

Guo Xiong saw the expression on Song Zhi's eyes and knew that Song Zhi was looking forward to this person.


Song Zhi's eyes lit up, his expression filled with impatience.

Seeing Song Zhi's expression, Guo Xiong suddenly felt helpless in his heart.

He didn't expect that his boss would be so easily satisfied. All he needed was a good cook.

The tall and mighty image of Song Zhi built up in his heart suddenly dropped a little.

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