Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 215: The First Game of the Eastern Conference Finals

Two days later, as the Miami Heat beat the Celtics 112:106 at home and won the tiebreaker in the Eastern Conference semifinals, the Eastern Conference finals matchup was officially finalized. The Celtics strongly resisted, but in the end, relying on their strength, they reached the Eastern Conference Finals for two consecutive years!

If the Nets' entry into the Eastern Conference Finals is due to the combination of the right time, place and people, then it is natural for the Heat to enter the Eastern Conference Finals. Three superstars in their prime are huddled together to keep warm, this kind of lethality, whoever matches will know!

The gap in strength exists objectively. On the management side, Jiang Mingliang and West are very satisfied with the team's season so far. They also have a hard-working attitude towards the Eastern Conference finals. Look at the current Nets What can the team do against the Heat?

However, Coach Cong's perception of players is not the mentality of the management. At this point in the season, to put it bluntly, everyone has already smelled the smell of the championship, no matter how weak their strength is, they will definitely not surrender.

After the training, Stevens leaned on his office chair and thought quietly, what should come is still coming, and he couldn’t avoid it even if he wanted to. After seven fierce battles with the Celtics , the Heat still defeated the Celtics, James' biggest enemy since he entered the league. With help, James looks unstoppable.

One of the strongest points of the Nets lies in the team's flanks. Although the combination of George and Leonard is young, they are really both offensive and defensive, especially the word "defense", which is quite well done. Fernandez also Can provide fire support, but the Heat's journey to the playoffs first strangled Anthony, JR Smith, Shumpert's Knicks, and then knocked down Pierce, Ray Allen, Bradley's Celtics , Their flanks are two nuclear weapons!

Against most teams, the Nets' small ball tactics will be a killer move, but when facing the Heat, the inside offense and defense are the most important. Without Lopez, the offensive end is really The trouble is not small.


The first game of the Eastern Conference Finals was held at the Heat's home stadium, the American Airlines Center. In the opening game, the Heat took the initiative to send out a lineup of one big and four small. Battier appeared in the fourth position, but he often defended West on the inside. Yes, indeed James himself.

In the position of small forward, James can be said to be a steel and iron frame, but in the hand-to-hand combat inside, James is fighting against the pure inside, and You West is still quite thick inside, but it is still a little difficult.

However, the strength of the inside line did not give the Nets an advantage on the court.

The Heat's defensive intensity is completely different from the Nets' previous opponents.

Even if it is the best pick-and-roll, it is difficult for the Nets players to find good shooting opportunities from the outside. Wade, James, and Battier wove a big net on the outside, making it very difficult for the Nets to attack.

It should not be difficult for a team with James, Wade, and Bosh to run in for two years and play a smooth offense like mercury. However, under Pat Riley's behind-the-scenes control, Spoelstra's daily system During construction, the Heat have become an out-and-out defensive team, and on the offensive end, James, who has won the team's offensive dominance, is also constantly enriching his arsenal, playing post-up singles and holding three-pointers , James is constantly strengthening himself and working hard towards his first championship in his career.

In the first half of the game, the Nets were at a disadvantage, and the familiar tactical ideas were basically not played out.

In the second half of the game, Stevens made adjustments and dealt with the Heat for a period of time with the tactics of one big and four small ones, but unfortunately, it still couldn't match James' ultimate talent after all.

The first round of the confrontation between the two teams ended in the Heat's victory.

The performance of the two young men, Leonard and George, is not without hard work, but objectively speaking, the effect can only be said to be really mediocre. James, Wade is an old world after all, both in terms of personal ability and game experience, he is much better than the two rookies, especially Wade, who made George and Leonard a Harden-style foul successively. Solidly taught the two newcomers a lesson!

Although they lost the game, in this case, no one on the Internet or in the forums blamed Leonard or other players like they did in the semifinals. In the absence of the main center, the Nets have brought them extremely Incredible performance.

"issac, here is the rookie information I compiled this year!" During the next day, West sent the rookie information he had collected to Jiang Mingliang.

Although the team only has a late second-round draft pick, West has a high degree of freedom in his work. He must directly investigate the valuable information. As for whether to choose or not, That's not what he should care about, look at Jiang Mingliang's city~

Since the 11th draft just happened to catch up with the suspension of the season, popular rookies including Barnes and Perry Jones were adjusted to this year's draft, which also led to this year's draft being rated as a big year for selection.

The most popular candidate for the No. 1 pick is of course Anthony Davis from the University of Kentucky. In West's report, he described his advantages in great detail: 6 feet 10 tall, with excellent athletic ability, incredible wingspan, guard-like His flexibility, defensive ability is very good, his jumping ability is extremely strong, his wingspan is as long as 7 feet 6, and his defensive awareness is also at a high level; in addition to his long arms, his speed also expands his defensive area, which can almost cover the entire area. On the field, the disadvantage is that the overall strength is not enough, the shoulders are very broad, but the waist is thin, and the range of weight gain needs to be controlled, otherwise there will be potential injuries. The offensive skills are still relatively rough, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

The son of America, the honor swingman, the number one insider in the league in the future, Jiang Mingliang said that it is impossible not to want him to come, but at the same time, it is impossible to trade him, even George cannot be exchanged.

Then after reading the rookie reports of Bill, Drummond, Barnes, Lillard and others, it is not difficult to see that in this rookie class, apart from Big Eyebrows, West's favorite player is Bill. Typical technical player. Good physical fitness, fast movement, strong ability to attack the basket, excellent jumper ability and ability to make free throws.

The media has a high opinion of Bill. Bill's draft pick will most likely stay at No. 3. The Nets have no chance. Moreover, the Nets already have several outstanding wings! No duplication of investment is required.

Except for these talented people who are visible to the naked eye, the status quo of the Nets is doomed that they can only choose what others have left. Of course, there must be some leftover beads of dust among them.

Drummond Green, Crowder, Middleton, Kyle O'Quinn, and Jiang Mingliang focused on studying the information of these four people.

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