Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 240 Second Entry to the Palace

One is an offer from the Nets for an annual salary of 1.5 million U.S. dollars, and the other is a contract of 12 million RMB from the old club Hongyuan. If you consider that the tax rate in the United States is higher, the number of games in the NBA is twice that of the CBA, and in the It is inevitable that he will not adapt to an unfamiliar culture. From the perspective of being close to home with more money and less work, perhaps it is a matter of course for Yi Jianlian to choose to return to CBA.

This is actually a choice between being a phoenix tail or a chicken head. After five years of hard work in the NBA career, in fact, Yi Jianlian has a much clearer position on his own strength than others. This trip to the Nets, at the initial stage, he also It's just a drinking fountain role, the fifth choice for insiders, basically after Green. Unless Green performs poorly after the start of the game and is incapable of being a substitute, his pick will be raised.

This is not a very good opportunity, but it is the best opportunity Yi Jianlian can get in the NBA. Jiang Mingliang can play a role in taking care of him here. The Nets' internal strength belongs to the upper reaches of the league, but Lopez and West are both vulnerable to injury. Yi Jianlian's own characteristics are still comparable to the other two insiders in the team. Enns and Green are more open than wrong. As an afterthought, if Yi Jianlian stayed with the Nets last season, he could also get a lot of playing time after Lopez was injured.

In the development of his career and the stability of his personal life, Yi Jianlian also needs to make a choice.

The contract for Yi Jianlian is also a signing approved by Stevens. The reason is very simple. Yi Jianlian can adapt to the two positions of power forward and center in Stevens' tactical system. As a bench player, this is very suitable. Moreover, Yi Jianlian's introverted personality will not cause any problems in the locker room.

The Olympic group stage ended, and the Huaxia men's basketball team was eliminated. In his spare time, Yi Jianlian also met with Yao Ming. The content of the conversation is unknown. In short, under the encouragement of this senior, Yi Jianlian made a plan to continue to stay in the NBA. Decide.

Although some words are a bit false, they have a strong practical significance. At this stage, Yi Jianlian finally decided to give up the generous domestic treatment and insist on staying in the NBA to fight for it. On the one hand, he was not reconciled to his dream. Which basketball boy does not have an NBA dream in his heart? Even Rukawa Kaede in the comics is aimed at the United States. On the other hand, Yi Jianlian also bears the appearance of Chinese basketball in the NBA. Simply put, it is to continue the fire of the NBA in China, and at the same time, to set up for more latecomers. Set an example.

The dismal ending of the Olympic Games disappointed Chinese basketball fans. In the years when Chinese football became a meme, it can be said that Chinese basketball was the sport that Chinese people cared about the most. Perhaps only Liu Xiang's 110-meter hurdles could be compared with it. However, these two sports had tragic results in this Olympic Games due to the twilight of the two former heroes, Yao Ming and Liu Xiang. In this case, the news that the Nets officially announced to re-sign Yi Jianlian with a one-year contract worth $1.5 million is particularly exciting.

At least Yi Jianlian's performance has been recognized by the NBA, and the Nets are still a strong team, a strong team that can reach the Eastern Conference Finals, which is more important than anything else.

Flyed non-stop from London to New York and signed a contract with the team. Yi Jianlian originally planned to give up his vacation and start training directly in the training hall to prepare for the preseason game that will start in October. However, this idea was rejected by Jiang Mingliang, and he should go on vacation when he should enjoy his own vacation.

At least 82 games in a season, plus preseason, playoffs, national team games, at least 90 games, as many as 100 games, the athletes are already extremely tired. , Let him train more, it is easy for the player's body to fall into a vicious circle of fatigue. Arenas' experience tells many people that without scientific planning, hard work will ruin players.

The time came to September, and the players had not yet returned to the team. The head coach Stevens had already dragged his suitcase back to New York from the outside, and lived in the villa arranged by Jiang Mingliang. For him, two months of rest were enough. In the next time, it is time to recharge and prepare for the new season.

The team's reinforcement of the lineup has come to an end. Due to the huge adjustments made in the lineup in the new season, the goal of the Nets this season is clearly in the East for the time being. One of the most powerful competitors is of course the defending champion Miami Heat. After the Heat team led by the Big Three won the championship, their momentum was even stronger than before, and they chanted the slogan of defending the title early. James also used this championship to completely clean up his position. Rushing into the discussion of the top ten levels in history.

After all, James' data accumulation is very exaggerated. Before that, he just lacked a championship to prove himself, plus the huge black spot of the peak grouping of the Big Three. On the last gap in his honor. In the new season, how to deal with LeBron James will be a major problem in Stevens' next work.

The Celtics, who unfortunately lost 7 games against the Heat last season, continued to improve their team lineup by recruiting veterans this season. Although the loss of Ray Allen, a veteran player, has caused the team's outside shooting to decline, Bradley, who replaced Ray Allen as the team's main force last season, is a rookie with both offense and defense. The addition of head Terry has largely filled the firepower vacancy on the bench after Ray Allen left. Courtney Lee is also a fairly functional shooting guard. If you want to say that the strength of the Celtics is vacant, it should be inside. For a long time last season, Garnett was forced to top the center position, and it seems that the Wolf King will continue to do so in the new season.

The 76ers, who have also changed their lineup in the new season, are also an opponent that has to be paid attention to. Although Bynum will be absent for a period of time due to injury, he is the No. 1 center in the Western Conference after all. He has both height, strength and offensive skills. inestimable.

In addition, after getting Nene at the end of last season, they have improved significantly. This season, the Wizards who supplemented Bill have a potential impact on the Nets. How to deal with these opponents requires Stevens in pre-season training. Make proper arrangements.

The Olympic final ended with the American Dream Team defeating the Spanish team without incident. The game was not as exciting as the peak duel four years ago, but the two consecutive Olympic finals, the Spanish golden generation has proved with their wonderful performance that they are the only team in the world that can confront the dream team head-on. It has to be said that they are A respectable opponent for Team USA.

After the Olympic finals, Fernandez also received a call from Stevens. The head coach extended Fernandez's vacation for a week. Before the team went to Spain for training camp, he did not need to join the team for the time being.

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