Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 241 See you in half an hour

After successfully selling "Heartbeat Signal" and "Running Man" to Tomato TV, Jiang Mingliang finally let go of a stone in his heart. Dad's guidance may not be the best solution, but it is definitely a solution that can solve the problem. Jiang Mingliang, who was in a good mood, called Huang Zhengxuan to the bar for a drink together.

Invited by Jiang Mingliang, Huang Zhengxuan also returned to China for a month and participated in the recording of "Signal of Heartbeat". However, Huang Zhengxuan, who thinks he is romantic and suave, has a slightly sad ending. The girl he likes is finally taken away by other guests. However, the appearance fee of 500,000 RMB was earned. On the other hand, it can be regarded as promoting his concept of sports medicine in the show. To him, this is more meaningful than finding a girlfriend on the show. many.

Although it was just two people gathering casually, out of the pursuit of comfort, the two came to the nightclub and went straight to the VIP seat on the second floor. Several long sofas formed a half circle, with a large coffee table in the middle, filled with various alcoholic drinks.

"A few days after I returned to China, did my sister come to you for treatment?" Jiang Mingliang clinked glasses with Huang Zhengxuan and confirmed.

"Hehe~" Shaking his head, Huang Zhengxuan said with a smile, "As a doctor, I can't casually disclose the patient's information. This is a matter of professional ethics~"

"Just say it's okay, I don't care how she is hurt!" Jiang Mingliang said angrily.

"Yes!" Huang Zhengxuan nodded, confirming Jiang Mingliang's guess, "I wish I had such a younger sister~"

The sentimental emotions disappeared in a flash. Jiang Mingliang put away his distracting thoughts, took a sip from his wine glass, got up and lay down on the iron railing, and watched the sexy girl dancing in the hall on the first floor.

Although the nightclub culture in the United States is very good. But one thing is really not good, that is, the more popular girls in the mainstream are all the big S-shaped figures that are beyond Jiang Mingliang's acceptance. Don't look at his Pan Zhengru, Ouyang Mi are all curvy Asian top figures, that is already accepted by him limit. To Jiang Mingliang, this American internet celebrity's figure was a little nauseating.

Of course, there are also some relatively slender girls in the nightclub. For example, Jiang Ming glanced over, and soon saw a little white girl with a beautiful and refined appearance.

"Hey, that's not bad~" Huang Zhengxuan showed a wretched smile, and pointed to the girl Jiang Mingliang looked around a few times. As expected of friends who can walk together, their aesthetic vision is very similar.

In other words, the white girls that most Asians like are tall and thin or small and exquisite like a doll. The tanks of the Kardashian family are only suitable for some heavy tastes.

"!!!" I don't know if there is a sympathy, but when Huang Zhengxuan pointed at the girl with a wretched smile, the girl happened to look in this direction, and immediately, her face was full of anger.

"You deserve it!" Seeing the girl walking over dissatisfied, Jiang Mingliang broke away from Huang Zhengxuan's arm on his shoulder and tried to leave, but Huang Zhengxuan was more straightforward than him and pushed him directly to the front.

Looking at it from a distance, I think it's okay, but looking at it up close, the blond girl is as agile as an elf.

"issac?" After carefully confirming Jiang Mingliang's face, the dissatisfaction on the girl's face immediately turned into joy, and she even jumped a little.

"It's me, hello." Generally, the white girls who know themselves are either fans of the Nets or fans of Taylor Swift, no matter what kind of attributes the other party has, they can talk to each other.

"Do you still remember me?" The girl's big bright eyes flickered.

"Uh, you are..." Jiang Mingliang thought hard for a while, and finally confirmed that he didn't know, really didn't know.

"Mallory Edens! Your memory is really bad!" The girl said her name and revealed her identity.

Hearing this name, two completely different images appeared in Jiang Mingliang's mind. One came from Jiang Mingliang's original memory, and the other came from his previous life.

"Uncle Edens's daughter. I remember you are not yet eighteen years old!" This is based on Jiang Mingliang's original memory, subconsciously complaining, and at the same time, another impression is also combined with the girl in front of him now, the Bucks The beautiful daughter of the boss!

Mallory's father, Wesley Edens, is the co-founder, director, and chairman of the Fortress Investment Group. His investment group has also cooperated with and competed with Jiang Shixiao's investment company. They are both rivals and friends.

"Hush!" Mallory quickly made a silent gesture, "I used someone else's ID card to get in."

"This is not recommended!" Jiang Mingliang said sternly, "Under the age of eighteen, this kind of occasion is not suitable for you."

"Heh!" Mallory sneered, "Please, don't be so old-fashioned, okay. Do you really think you have to be 18 now to be considered an adult?"

These words made Jiang Mingliang a little speechless.

"Rules are rules, and they must be obeyed here." Huang Zhengxuan suddenly appeared from behind and cheered Jiang Mingliang, "If you are seen by the police here, the owner of this bar will have to go to jail."

Compared with Jiang Mingliang, Huang Zhengxuan's sense of justice is much stronger. Perhaps as a doctor, he often faces the disadvantages of patients lying about their illnesses, which brings risks to the treatment work. He has a very tough attitude towards Mallory's cross-border behavior.

Jiang Mingliang and Huang Zhengxuan talked to each other, even threatened to notify the security guards, and finally ran Mallory out of the bar. As a price, the two of them gave up the VIP seats worth thousands of dollars and came out with Mallory.

"You are the future publicist of the Bucks. You must have a good image, and you can't have such a bad resume." Looking at Mallory in front of him, Jiang Mingliang made her more and more overlap with the future image.

"Bucks?" The girl looked blank, what the hell was that?

There are still two years before Wesley Edens bought the Bucks, and now Mallory is still an out-and-out Knicks fan.

Consciously making a slip of the tongue, Jiang Mingliang quickly retracted his words, "I drank alcohol and my mind was a little confused. Why did I talk about work?"

"Oh~ the female publicist of the Bucks!" Mallory looked at Jiang Mingliang contemptuously, with a dignified appearance!

"Next time I see Wesley, I have to tell him about it. Miss Angelina~" Jiang Mingliang shook the ID card in his hand, which was someone else's ID card that Mallory had borrowed.

"Give it back to me!" Mallory stood on tiptoe and snatched it from Jiang Mingliang's hands in one fell swoop.

Carefully putting away the documents, Mallory looked at Jiang Mingliang with some resentment in his eyes. How should I put it, this Jiang Mingliang, who likes to play tricks, is completely different from the one he knew before.

But on the other hand, didn't Mallory change from a doll-like girl to a rebellious girl who grew up in a few days. Many times, people change without knowing it, and old friends who haven't seen for many years can have a deeper experience in getting along.

After sending Mallory away, Jiang Mingliang had to face Huang Zhengxuan's questioning: "Who is the female publicist of the Bucks?"

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