Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 246 Maybe it's not a loss?

Back in his seat, Curry's excitement was palpable. In this game, he returned to the point guard position after a long absence, and got possession of the ball. It feels really great.

Although Curry's off-ball running is very strong, his ability to catch and shoot is also superb. But that doesn't mean his ball-handling talent should be squandered. A simple pick-and-roll can create this kind of threat. It's really a terrible weapon.

Stevens arranged the game, but the plan in his mind was no longer in this game. To truly fully demonstrate Curry's lethality in the game, he still needs to be guided by tactics.

In the second half of the game, Stevens reduced the waiting time of the main players. Including Curry, the waiting time in the second half gradually decreased, while the rookies including Dreaming Green, Barnes and Simmons all Got a lot of playing time. Also selected this year as a rookie, the strength of the lottery pick is still far stronger than the two second-round picks. The short and stout Green faced all kinds of disadvantages inside the traditional European big pyrenes, unable to attack or defend. And Simmons is completely unsuitable for FIBA ​​basketball rules. Including Jeremy Lin, under the FIBA ​​basketball rule of not defending for three seconds, it is extremely uncomfortable to face a big center who can't get out of the hole.

Difficult games have their training value. What Stevens intends to train is the player's temperament and calmness when facing headwinds. On the other hand, European teams' tactical thinking and teamwork are also worthy of NBA players. The team learns and learns from others, and everyone improves themselves through continuous learning.

In this game, the fighting spirit and mental outlook of the Real Madrid players were very strong, and they did not give up resistance because the score was behind. Under the command of the head coach, they played their own integrity in the second half, which also made the Nets quite uncomfortable. Although the final point difference was widened to more than 20 points by the Nets, but just looking at the game, they will still recognize the strength of Real Madrid, a European champion team.

After the first game of the trip to Spain, the players of the Nets will continue to train in Madrid for two days. On the 12th, the whole team will fly directly from Madrid to Barcelona for the second game of the preseason.

Compared with Madrid, the basketball atmosphere in the city of Barcelona is better. In 1992, the Olympic Games allowed professional players to participate for the first time. The dream team composed of 12 NBA superstars including Jordan can be called the strongest team in history. In addition to football, people in this city also have a certain enthusiasm for basketball. Even the Barcelona football team is also known as the dream team in the football world.

Jiang Mingliang actually likes Messi more than Ronaldo. However, who made the Nets and Real Madrid allies? Compared with the various activities of the Nets and Real Madrid, in Barcelona, ​​it is just a simple game.

Compared with the game against Real Madrid, the Nets shot more ruthlessly in the game and gave Barcelona less face. Even Ray Allen, who was hidden for most of the first game, got more than 20 minutes of playing time, and Barcelona, ​​who formed an "ethical combination" with Curry, was defeated. The lethality of this combination of outside lines is really a fortress.

Many fans in the United States also watched the game through the NBC broadcast. Curry's wonderful performance also dispelled many people's doubts about him.

"I know that the preseason can't prove anything, but maybe, George's trade for Curry is not such a bad deal. When I see how smooth our outside offense is, I really want to curse. How long has it been since we f***ed Such a beautiful attack?"

"I hope Curry will protect his fragile ankle in the new season, and then continue his preseason performance."

"Warriors fans have cross-districted, what kind of basketball genius would let Curry be a shooting guard and run without the ball!"

"Boss Jiang sees farther than any of us! I love him!"

After completing two preseason games in Spain, the Nets boarded a flight back to the United States, and Jiang Mingliang himself needed to go to Milan, the fashion capital, to participate in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

After dark, Milan adds a bit of coquettishness, which is also the time when the nightlife begins. When it was time to make an appointment with Taylor, Jiang Mingliang waited for her arrival in the hotel lobby.

Soon, an extended Lincoln came into Jiang Mingliang's sight.

The driver got out of the car, opened the rear door for Jiang Mingliang, and let Jiang Mingliang sit in.

Taylor Swift is sitting in the back row of the car. Today she is wearing a black shoulderless dress. The top of the dress is in a good position. It is estimated that it has been padded. Under the effect of the dress and the gathering effect, it is much more prominent than usual. The dark golden hair was tied on the top of her head, which added a bit of a different temperament to her.

Sitting in the extremely comfortable back seat of this extended Lincoln, Jiang Mingliang scanned the environment inside the car and nodded.

"You should buy a car like this, you can use the time on the road." Taylor Swift suggested.

Shaking his head, Jiang Mingliang showed resistance, "Most of the time, driving is not a time-consuming and laborious task for me, but a kind of relaxation, even in New York. The time period of driving is also something that can be done in my mind. When you let go of other things."

Pouting her lips, Taylor Swift didn't say anything more, the Maybach was fine too.

The two had another encounter, and after chatting for a few words, the car stopped in front of a luxurious clubhouse!

Jiang Mingliang didn't need to do anything, the doorman came to open the door.

Jiang Mingliang got out of the car first, then reached out to catch Taylor's hand, and helped her out of the car.

Taylor Swift handed the invitation letter to the doorman, who took a look at it and then led the two into the club.

The doorman helped the two of them open the glass door of the banquet hall, and Jiang Mingliang immediately smelled a mixture of champagne and roses. At this time, many people had already arrived in the banquet hall. Feasting, feasting, yingyingyanyan, flying skirts, dazzling diamonds, this is a world that some people cannot enter in their lifetime.

There are black people, white people, many celebrities who Jiang Mingliang is familiar with but don't know their names, and various celebrities in the fashion industry.

Of course, there are also some businessmen who are successful at first glance.

In Italy, the antagonism between North and South is even greater than the North and South that Americans are taboo to mention. Northern Italy is a developed country not inferior to Britain, France and Germany in terms of economy, culture, industry and fashion. The arts are top-notch, and the economic situation and industrial structure in southern Italy are basically similar to those of Greece and Spain. The competition is not fierce, and they lead a relatively comfortable and comfortable life. become more dependent on the North.

Milan is the representative city of northern Italy.

Of course, the largest number of people in this party must be the contracted models under Victoria's Secret, after all, this is their home field!

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