Jiang Mingliang was not active at this party. Although he is quite recognizable as a rich man of Chinese descent, and has had contact with some Victoria's Secret supermodels, most of the time, he is just a dutiful male companion, and Taylor Swift is holding Jiang Mingliang's hand. The two exchanged wine glasses from the hands of the waiter.

In the corner, a person stood alone, with slightly helpless eyes like a child lost in the jungle.

He Sui, a supermodel from China, received more or less cold reception at this party. Chinese models are not very popular in such gatherings, and He Sui has no close friends in Victoria's Secret, which resulted in the current situation.

So, when she saw Jiang Mingliang coming in, her eyes lit up, ready to find a chance to strike up a conversation. However, Jiang Mingliang never left Taylor Swift almost all the time, which also made He Sui feel a strange emotion in his heart.

The only life-saving straw!

"I saw a friend, let's go say hello." Jiang Mingliang approached Taylor and whispered.

"Friend?" Taylor Swift was stunned subconsciously, followed Jiang Mingliang's position and direction, and saw He Sui in the corner.

"Okay, I won't hinder you." Taylor Swift said with a smile.

A smart woman naturally knows when to enter and when to retreat.

"Ms. He Sui, hello." Jiang Mingliang came to stand in front of He Sui, and said with a light smile, "This should be the second time we meet, right?"

He Sui bowed slightly, and replied with some excitement: "Yes."

"Why are you alone?" Jiang Mingliang asked her, looking at her. A little black dress, black high-heeled sandals, no less tall than Taylor Swift, long hair shawl, delicate makeup, very beautiful.

"En." He Sui replied embarrassedly, the current situation was too embarrassing.

"If you don't mind, let's talk together." Jiang Mingliang said with a smile. He has roughly scanned the guests on the scene, and there are no familiar characters.

"I don't mind!" He Sui said hastily. Someone made a rescue, such a powerful person came to rescue, she was too happy, how could she refuse?

"Hehe..." Jiang Mingliang couldn't help chuckling. Before his words fell, He Sui couldn't wait to speak.

He Sui also noticed his gaffe, and couldn't help but blushed slightly.

At the table, two men and a woman were talking, looking very happy. Seeing Jiang Mingliang approaching, the woman greeted him excitedly regardless of the other man who was talking.

"Hello." Jiang Mingliang smiled, nodded to the two men again, picked up a cup, and prepared to pour a drink for He Sui.

At this moment, a person walked towards Jiang Mingliang: "Excuse me... are you Mr. Jiang Mingliang?"

"Mr. Moratti? Hello, hello!" At the beginning, Jiang Mingliang didn't react immediately, but who doesn't know the Moratti family among sports fans? Massimo Moratti is the chairman of the Serie A team Inter Milan, and the chairman who has paid the most for a team in the sports world. For the competitiveness of Inter Milan, he even squeezed his own pockets, even to this stage , He doesn't have much cash flow, "I have heard about everything the Moratti family won for Inter Milan in the United States. This is a great bond."

"Although I don't watch basketball very much, European media have also reported your deeds. I have to admit that you did a great job in New Jersey. I want to learn from you." Moratti praised, "If you If it's okay, let's find a quiet place to talk, shall we?"

"Well, I'm fine."

Under the leadership of Moratti, the two came to a balcony next to the banquet hall.

"I don't know issac, what do you think of the prospect of European football?" Moratti said naturally when he came to the secluded area.

"I think football, a sport with a globalized industry, is sure to have better prospects. As far as I can see, the attention of football in China and the United States is increasing. Like now, Manchester United can basically stabilize It has firmly entered the top three of the sports club market value list, right." Almost the top three are wandering between the Dallas Cowboys, New York Yankees, and Manchester United.

"Then are you interested in getting involved?" Moratti didn't beat around the bush and got into the topic.

"Me? You mean, you want to sell Inter Milan?" Jiang Mingliang was surprised at first, but then he realized that in his previous life, Inter Milan changed hands several times, and was finally acquired by China's giant Suning. According to the timeline, it has indeed come to Mo Ratti is unable to support Inter Milan's financial stage.

"I can sell about 30% of the shares to you, and at the same time, let you participate in the management of the team." Moratti waved his hands again and again, saying that he did not intend to really leave Inter Milan.

"This, I have to do some market research before reporting to my father, and he will decide." When he heard that Moratti just wanted to raise funds and introduce his own funds to Inter Milan, Jiang Mingliang's interest decreased a lot.

Moratti is the most respected boss in football, but he is definitely not a qualified businessman. Cooperate with him, invest money in Inter Milan, and then let him spend it, Jiang Mingliang is not going to do such a thing.

Furthermore, the football environment in Italy is not suitable for someone like him who has no foundation, no connections, and can't spare the energy to manage it every day. If Manchester United, Arsenal, Tottenham and other Premier League teams intend to sell their shares, Jiang Mingliang can consider it.

"Well, that's right. Then I'll trouble you to tell the story." Moratti seemed to be in financial crisis, and there were obviously some requests in his tone.


After chatting for a while, Jiang Mingliang bid farewell to Moratti. Then I went to the banquet hall to find Taylor Swift.

"Business matters?" Seeing that Jiang Mingliang was in a different state after he came out, Taylor asked with concern.

"Well. But the hope of this business is not very great." Jiang Mingliang shook his head, expressing his disbelief.

. . . . . . .

What Jiang Mingliang did not expect was that on the second day of the banquet, the news that Jiang Mingliang and Moratti met to discuss the Inter Milan share transaction made the front page of Gazzetta dello Sport. By the way, Jiang Mingliang's successful operation of the Nets in the United States was also popularized to Italian fans.

Jiang Mingliang carried an anti-eavesdropping device with him, and no one in the banquet hall could enter with a camera. But the behavior of secretly taking pictures with mobile phones is really hard to guard against. Gazzetta dello Sport published a photo of Jiang Mingliang and Moratti chatting on the balcony. Although it was a bit blurry, the two could be discerned.

Moratti called to apologize at the first time, and said that this matter was definitely not arranged by him. Jiang Mingliang also believed in this. The season is in progress, and the exposure of this news will definitely affect the morale of Inter Milan. Moratti's actions will harm others and not benefit himself, and will anger his potential partner.

Since it is not Moratti, there is a high probability that it is Inter Milan's opponents. Inter Milan is notoriously silent in the Italian media. Several large sports media are the mouthpieces of their enemies.

The Agnelli family? Jiang Mingliang raised his eyebrows, feeling dissatisfied.

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