Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 454 Wait half an hour and watch again (full attendance)

After only staying in the capital for a day and a half, Jiang Mingliang immediately flew to Jinling. Here, he met with the management personnel of the Su Lin Group and visited some people by the way.

The sponsorship agreement with Inter Milan was personally signed by Zhang Kangyang, the young club. Jiang Mingliang is also Zhang Kangyang's certified friend. Su Lin gave Jiang Mingliang the highest courtesy to Jiang Mingliang's visit, and cooperated to complete all the inspections. Afterwards, a special banquet was also arranged.

To be honest, Jiang Mingliang really doesn't like this type of banquet. The dishes made by the chefs of five-star hotels are not ordinary, but they have eaten all the delicious ones. When they return to China, Jiang Mingliang prefers to eat some familiar dishes. yes, simple stuff. But after all, he was a sponsor of Inter Milan, and with the old saying "Do as the Romans do", Jiang Mingliang had to give up his life to accompany the gentleman, and even drank a few glasses of liquor.

"The stamina is a bit strong." Back in the hotel room, Jiang Mingliang specially washed his face to drive away the drunkenness lurking on the nerve line, and went back to the balcony to blow the cool breeze, which made him sober up a lot.

Counting the days, Krystal should have arrived in the magic capital. Thinking of seeing Krystal tomorrow, Jiang Mingliang was in a good mood, so he took the initiative to call.


"Little wife~" Jiang Mingliang called out cheerfully when the phone was connected.

"Ah?" The voice on the other side was slightly surprised, and then realized, "Mr. Jiang, hello, I'm Song Qian."

"..." Perhaps the alcohol affected Jiang Mingliang's judgment, and he didn't immediately judge that the person on the other end of the phone wasn't Krystal, and even the rare frivolity was heard by outsiders, Jiang Mingliang couldn't help but knocked himself on the head .

"Well, hello. Is Xiujing's cell phone with you?" Jiang Mingliang asked.

"She went shopping, and her cell phone was left in the hotel. I heard the ringtone, so I answered the phone for her." Song Qian carefully explained. From her point of view, she didn't think Jiang Mingliang and Krystal were spied on. Her secret is a good thing. On the contrary, she was very worried that Jiang Mingliang would guard against herself because of this.

"That's it, she was too careless." Jiang Mingliang sighed helplessly, and then thanked Song Qian, "I've always heard that you take good care of Krystal, thank you."

At this time, there is no point in forcibly concealing Jiang Mingliang's identity, and there is no need to hide Song Qian's identity. The other party knows what to do.

"Actually, it should."

"I have sent you an invitation before, and now I can tell you that this invitation is still valid. If you want, you can get my contact information through Krystal. I think I may be able to help you." Of course, Jiang Mingliang Said these things to Song Qian so positively, of course the goal was not for her.

"I know, but..." Song Qian was still a little torn between returning home or staying behind. If she and Jiang Mingliang had the relationship between Krystal and Jiang Mingliang, then she would not hesitate, but now, this relationship is too unstable.

"OK, you just have to figure it out yourself." Jiang Mingliang ended the topic, he didn't have the heart to argue with a third-tier artist, "Please tell Xiujing about my call. Thank you."

After finishing the call, Jiang Mingliang took out his IPAD, returned to the balcony, and browsed the latest NBA news.

The 76ers under Schneider finally started to exert their strength. First, they signed the Rockets' backup point guard Patrick Beverley last season. This news made Jiang Mingliang a little nervous. This dirty point guard is a player Jiang Mingliang hates very much. He is used to using very dangerous moves to show his toughness, and it is easy to cause injuries to his opponents.

Subsequently, Australian striker Ingles also got Schneider's favor and joined the 76ers. Although these two signings have not been recognized, and even the local media in Philadelphia are ridiculing Schneider for not bringing any difference to the team, but in Jiang Mingliang's view, the 76ers have begun to build a team that is very suitable for him around Harden up. The strength of these two role players should not be underestimated, and training them may cause trouble for the Nets.

Especially Beverly, a dirty bitch!

It was nine o'clock in the morning in the United States, but Will Craig received a call from Jiang Mingliang, informing him to contact James Johnson's agent as soon as possible and give him a contract.

"???"What's happening here? Will Craig was a little confused. After hanging up the phone, he immediately contacted Stevens to discuss the signing.

James Johnson, the biggest label in the league is "very good at playing" and "no one dares to mess with". In addition, his performance on the court is lackluster.

"What Isaac means is to protect Curry and give opponents a deterrent. After all, we are quite easy to be targeted." Stevens is not satisfied with James Johnson, but now, the Nets lineup is too thin, counting There are only 12 Boban and McCollum who have not officially signed a contract. Now that Jiang Mingliang is willing to spend money to pay the luxury tax to add a striker, Stevens has nothing to refuse.

For Stevens, James Johnson's "water cooler attribute" is more important than his "bodyguard attribute".

Although he has the best fighting ability in the league, James Johnson has not actually gotten any opportunities to perform in the past two seasons. Last season, in the unavailable Kings, James Johnson only contributed 16 minutes of playing time per game. The bleak data of "5+2" made James Johnson snubbed in this season's free agent market. When he received the fully guaranteed basic salary offer from the defending champion Nets, he seemed a little unbelievable.

"With a 1+1 contract, the Nets have team options in 2014. I personally think that this is already the best choice for you." The agent also tactfully advised Johnson not to hesitate , quickly agree.

"Why did this contract come now?" Johnson's brain circuit was a little unusual, and he didn't expect that the Nets were looking for him to find a bodyguard for Curry. However, on the day of the official announcement, the old iron on reddit They are all excited to say that the team is no longer afraid of other people's criminals.

"Seven taekwondo world champion titles! MMA won all 8 battles, I see who will dare to mess with Curry in the future~!"

"Brooklyn Fight Team~!"

"King fans cross-regional science, although Zhan Yue can play, but he has a good temper, don't take the initiative to cause trouble, unless you provoke him."

"The point is, you messed with him!"

"I like the added value of this's so fucking deterrent."

James Johnson has this concept: "You signed me because of a fight?"

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