Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 455 Return of the Legend

No one knows better than Jiang Mingliang how dirty this guy is Beverly. Zaza Pachulia knows how to be cowardly after stepping on his feet. Beverly is a dangerous move and you want to cause conflict after you finish it. Try to kill your team again A few ruthless people, this kind of people, if they get the chance, they must be beaten to death once, not exaggerating, literally.

Fortunately, at least Schneider is Beverly's coach. Subjectively, this is also a reason for Jiang Mingliang to feel relieved. If it is someone like George Karl. . . . . .

After James Johnson, the Nets have another "strong aid" to join. The team history legend Kidd who announced his retirement at the end of last season officially returned to the Nets as the team's assistant coach. The "lineup" of the Nets has been strengthened again. In fact, Kidd's original idea was to find a team as the head coach. For this reason, he also interviewed some teams, but the Knicks chose to continue to trust Woodson, the Eagles chose Budenholzer, the Spurs assistant, and the Suns appointed Hornacek as the team's head coach, and sold him away. Rivers' Celtics hired Gentry as the team's head coach. Unable to find a suitable next home, Kidd could only settle for the next best thing, starting as an assistant coach and saving some experience points first. After all, Kidd is the first player in team history. Kidd's experience as a player can still help the young defenders in the team improve. After Schneider left, the team also needed to add manpower to share Stevens' work, so Jiang Mingliang finally agreed with Kidd. Germany's joining.

Of course, Kidd's ultimate goal is of course the position of head coach, but in the Nets, it may be difficult for him to get this opportunity. The cooperation between Jiang Mingliang and Stevens is really the ultimate of the boss and the head coach. Nets fans have said that the core of team building is "young master and young coach".

For the return of the legend, the fans of the Nets expressed their warm welcome. On the second day after the official announcement of Kidd's return, the Nets' official website released another big news. The team will hold a retirement ceremony for Kidd's No. 5 jersey during the halftime break of the first game of the new season.

In the first official game at the Barclays Center, the championship ring was received at the beginning, and the jersey retirement ceremony was held for Kidd in the midfield. Is there any more prestigious opening game than this? It's hard to think of it!

It's just that it's hard for the Nets' opponent in the opening game of the new season, although they don't know who it is yet!

On Jinling's side, Jiang Mingliang needed someone else to take care of him, but on this side of Shanghai, Jiang Mingliang had his own team, and everything was well arranged.

Instead of going back to Tomson Yipin, Jiang Mingliang bought another high-end apartment in Sijiyuan, JA District, for Krystal to live in when recording the show. This also became a good place for Jessica and Krystal to work in China point. The driver arranged by Qin Zhengwei also took Jiang Mingliang back there directly.

The summer in Shanghai is really very hot. The daytime temperature is close to 40 degrees. Coupled with the heat island effect caused by the huge flow of people, Jiang Mingliang can sweat profusely for a distance of 200 meters.

"Wait~!" The elevator door was about to close when a girl yelled and ran over. Jiang Mingliang quickly pressed the door open button and let her in.

"Thank you." The girl thanked softly, flicking her long hair by her ear.


It was a coincidence that the girl happened to live in the opposite door of the apartment that Jiang Mingliang bought. When they left the door, both of them got out of the elevator, and they both realized this at the same time. Nodding politely, Jiang Mingliang walked quickly to his side.

"..." Well, after entering the apartment, Jiang Mingliang quickly noticed something strange, and then, he felt a little bad.

According to his judgment, there should be two girls living in this apartment, and the closest person around Krystal is Song Qian. It should be Krystal who brought Song Qian here to live with him. Isn't this destroying his plan? At least tonight, he will definitely not be able to rest here.

"This younger sister is much less enlightened than her elder sister!" Jiang Mingliang complained secretly in his heart, then took out his computer and continued to work.

Serbian center Boban’s short-term trial performance with the Nets can only be described as mixed. His movement is slow, his defensive position is average, and his shooting ability is slightly greater than zero. His successor is far behind. But this player has his own characteristics. First of all, Boban is the height that attracts the most attention. The height of 221 cm is the first altitude in today's league. After all, basketball is a sport for big men. At that time, what the giant center forward could do, no one else could do. Secondly, the center forward from Eastern Europe was not weak at all in terms of physical confrontation. Both static strength and dynamic confrontation were quite good. Standing in the position, the score is actually quite sure. Similarly, Boban stands in the penalty area on the defensive end, and he is also very sure that he can limit the opponent's strong inside play. In certain situations, the defense may be better than Baynes.

For enriching the team's style of play, Boban's joining is of great significance. Stevens gave such a view. Jiang Mingliang, who was determined to complete his title defense in the first season in New York, did not hesitate to pay for the signing and offered a 1+1 contract with a total of 2.9 million US dollars to the Serbian center. . As long as the other party agrees, he can realize his NBA dream for many years.

Curry, Reggie Jackson, McCollum, Fernandez, Ray Allen, Leonard, Barnes, Hill, James Johnson, West, Dreaming Green, Yi Jianlian, Lopez, Boban. The Nets' lineup for the new season is officially assembled.

With the sound of the door opening, Krystal and Song Qian appeared in the apartment. The two girls each carried a bag of snacks in their hands and hurried inside, seemingly unable to stand the weather outside.

"Mr. Jiang." Song Qian first spotted Jiang Mingliang's figure, and hurriedly bowed to say hello. It was quite awkward to meet under this scene.

Because the work arranged by Jiang Mingliang came to Huaxia, and in Jiang Mingliang's apartment, it disturbed his intimacy with his "little wife", which felt absurd when he thought about it.

"Well, hello." Jiang Mingliang greeted, and then watched Song Qian run back to her room, leaving space for Jiang Mingliang and Krystal.

Sitting heavily on the sofa, Krystal picked up the remote control on the coffee table and turned on the TV, put his legs together, raised them up high, and sat up to do leg exercises.

In front of Song Qian, Krystal didn't dare to be too affectionate. However, Jiang Mingliang had no scruples, and moved his body to Krystal's side, resting her two legs on his knees.

"It's been hard recently. Huaxia and South Korea are running at both ends." Jiang Mingliang comforted.

"I don't know whether I should be happy or depressed. The work has hit a home run." Anyway, the filming of the TV series "The Heirs" has just been completed recently, and "This is Slam Dunk" only has the last two recordings left. After completing this wave of work, Krystal can also get a longer vacation.

"As an artist, you should be happy. After all, it's hard to find a job now." Jiang Mingliang said sternly as he massaged Krystal's thigh.

Others don't talk about it, just talk about Song Qian in the room now, isn't she envious of Krystal's workload?

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