Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 464 Parting ways (12:30)

Chapter 464 Parting ways (1230)

There are always many unexpected things in this world. For example, West suddenly had the idea of ​​becoming an opponent with Jiang Mingliang instead of continuing to be a partner. For example, Inter Milan went to China to play a friendly match, and then the main midfielder in the team unexpectedly He was spotted by the Chinese Super League team, and then the agent proposed that the team would let him go to China to make a lot of money.

Ecuadorian midfielder Guarin, nicknamed "Guarin Three Points" by fans, is very keen on long shots from the front of the penalty area. He performed well in the match between Inter Milan and Surin and scored a goal. Under the recommendation, the Shenhua team of the Chinese Super League also favored him and was willing to pay for the introduction of this Ecuadorian midfielder.

The Shanghai Greenland Group completed the acquisition of the Shenhua team in the summer, opened up the money bag and began to introduce strong support, with a view to impacting the dominance of Guangdong Evergrande in the league. Guarin, who plays for Inter Milan, has There are enough portions.

Originally, Inter Milan was unwilling to sell Guarin. The team's lineup has changed too much in the short term. Guarin is one of the few players who has stayed in the team for a long time, but Inter Milan can't match the salary Shenhua offered him, and they need transfer fees to operate other transfers, so , After the Shenhua team raised the offer to 17 million euros, the team agreed to the transfer in exchange for funds to strengthen the lineup.

13.5 million, the team changed hands and used Guarin's transfer fee to sign Udinese's central defender Benatia. This central defender has performed extremely well in the past two seasons, but his salary is only a mere 90% Ten thousand euros, Inter Milan offered him an annual salary of 3 million euros, allowing him to submit a transfer application to the Udinese team and successfully got the central defender.

Going to Inter Milan to report with Benatia is the German teenager Kimmich. The 18-year-old German teenager encountered the abandonment of the youth training team Stuttgart. He was invited by Rangnick to come to Inter Milan for a trial training for a month, and finally got the approval of the team boss. Although the player has been given up by Stuttgart, out of trouble, Rangnick paid Stuttgart 500,000 euros for youth training, completely breaking the ownership relationship between Kimmich and his home team.

The team's transfer budget is 12 million euros left. Under Jiang Mingliang's suggestion, the team will focus on the transfer of De Bruyne. Although the money is not much, it can be paid in installments . After Chelsea won back Mourinho, this season they have successively introduced Schurrle, Willian, Van Ginkel and other players who conflicted with De Bruyne. Relatively huge. De Bruyne, who Mourinho doesn't like very much, is indeed suitable as a voucher for blood recovery, and the relationship between Inter Milan and Mourinho also makes Mourinho willing to sell players to each other.

However, feelings belong to feelings, and business belongs to business. With a down payment of 12 million euros plus an installment payment of 8 million euros, the total expenditure is 20 million euros. The team successfully introduced De Bruyne and continued to move towards a younger lineup. stride.

So far, Inter Milan's summer transfers this season have all been completed. The entire lineup is young from the front to the back, and they are all good seedlings of players. If they are cultivated, I believe there will be great achievements in the future.

After thinking about it for a few days, West officially stated to Jiang Mingliang that he would leave the team after the end of this season. Jiang Mingliang also expressed his understanding of the opponent's decision. But at the same time, he also needs to find suitable candidates to join the team to assist him in managing the team.

Like West, there are not many people who have connections, vision, qualifications, and can accept other people's opinions. Jiang Mingliang also thought of some candidates, but each has its own shortcomings. Just like after Kidd came to the team, Stevens can also clearly find a lot of places where he is not as good as Schneider. After working with some people for a long time, others will become old~

Obviously, West's refusal to renew his contract caused Jiang Mingliang a lot of trouble in his smooth work, and even made him a little irritable. In addition to being irritable, he was also a little lonely. Counting the days, the last time Jiang Mingliang saw Taylor was in May.

How to describe the relationship between Jiang Mingliang and Taylor Swift? It used to be passionate, and Jiang Mingliang thought he could control it. . . . . . Hold this ambitious girl, in the first two years of their relationship, even he can feel that their hearts are slowly getting closer. But the hair style of the album "red" raised Taylor Swift's career to a whole new level. In the past year, Taylor Swift made a crazy $57 million in gold, held more than a dozen concerts, and took more than a dozen filmings. This ad went viral all over the world. But behind the busy work, the relationship between her and Jiang Mingliang gradually became cold.

Jiang Mingliang, who was complained about as a "workaholic", mistakenly thought that he and Taylor, who also regarded career as extremely important, were very compatible, but the reality is that distance can defeat feelings, and Taylor felt that his tacit approval of Jiang Mingliang's indulgence would ease the fundamental tension between the two parties. There are differences, but some things don't seem to be that simple. Women can't figure out what men think.

"Don't you think, as a rich second generation, you are a little bit emotionally hurt?" In the nightclub, Huang Zhengxuan teased Jiang Mingliang wantonly.

Well, the post-waves will also give their sincerity when they are 18 years old, and have a real love relationship. Think about how pure they were in those years, and they fought with netizens for a certain girlfriend. But that's just 18, okay?

"I didn't break up, I was just thinking calmly." Jiang Mingliang shook his head, not agreeing with Huang Zhengxuan's words.

"There's nothing to think about." Huang Zhengxuan patted Jiang Mingliang, "Tell me the names of the people you are closest to and most willing to hang out with, friends, let alone women."

"You, William, Xie Qirun, Ruben, Malorie." Jiang Mingliang reported five names, and then found the problem.

The first four people are all Asian, and Mallory has more or less beautiful attributes to get Jiang Mingliang's approval. It's not that Jiang Mingliang has any opinions on other races, but in his private life after work, he is more willing to play with Asians, which is a subconscious unconscious behavior projection.

This is a habit derived from the cultivation of a small family, and Jiang Mingliang's other advantage of "distinguishing between public and private" makes this habit easy to be magnified. He really likes Taylor Swift, but he only likes Taylor Swift, and he didn't go into the other party's circle. Similarly, Taylor Swift did not enter Jiang Mingliang's life circle. When we get together, all the problems are not a problem, or love can cover up all the contradictions, but when the two parties separate, calm down, and think about it, they will find conflicts, disagreements, and disagreements.

"You two, one of you must sacrifice for the other." Huang Zhengxuan said.

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