Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 465: Great Harvest

From the non-stop busyness in August to the sudden leisurely life in September, only one month has passed, but it was in this September that Jiang Mingliang's work pressure suddenly reached its lowest point. The Nets are already on track to prepare for the new season. They won the championship ring in the opening game and are all ready for Kidd's retirement ceremony. Barclays Center ticket sales are good, and the docking work with the media has also been preliminarily finalized. The remaining adjustments will have to wait until the start of the preseason according to the actual situation. In terms of commercial development, whether it is the main sponsor or the 16 advertising spaces currently open at the Barclays Center, there are already owners. However, it is certain that there will be a qualitative improvement in profitability.

Of course, when the team is strong, profits are certain. Even a place like Oklahoma City, which doesn't shit like a bird, has made profits every year with the improvement of its record in the past few years, and even made a lot of money. The difficulty is that when the team's record has ups and downs, it can still maintain the enthusiasm of all parties for the team. Just like the Lakers, Warner offered the Lakers a huge contract of 3 billion for 20 years without blinking an eye. Isn't it because of the Lakers' strong fan base? As for the Nets, if they won the championship, the broadcast fee they got from NBC would not be able to get this amount, and the contract is only for five years. To put it bluntly, NNBC is also holding a wait-and-see attitude towards the future of the Nets.

However, the profit is not listed for the time being, but due to Jiang Mingliang's successful operation, the market value of the Nets is steadily increasing. Ratner sold the team that was about to relocate to New York at a price of 880 million, more than 100 million higher than the market price. He thought he had made a lot of money, but with the help of the New York platform, Jiang Mingliang conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the commercial value of the Nets. In addition to the fact that the value of Barclays Center has risen with the government's increased investment in Brooklyn, it can be said that even if anyone offers an offer of 2 billion US dollars at this stage, it is impossible to get it from Jiang Shixiao. Go to the Nets.

The success of the Nets has also brought Forbes' assessment of Jiang Shixiao's personal assets to 7.4 billion US dollars. This ranking can already enter the top 300 on the global Forbes rankings, which can be regarded as reaching Jiang Shixiao's personal peak. For Jiang Mingliang's performance, Jiang Shixiao also expressed his affirmation. As a reward, Jiang Mingliang's credit card balance that he could swipe by himself reached 50 million US dollars.

There were not many urgent matters to be dealt with in New York, so Jiang Mingliang simply packed up his work and took him to Milan City, where he stayed for a while. Compared with the already mature Nets, perhaps Inter Milan has more room for improvement, especially the young players of the team that Jiang Mingliang attaches great importance to. Ma, Kimmich, and Pulisic have been recruited successively. Perhaps in the next three to five years, these talents will grow into the pillars of Inter Milan in the future. Jiang Mingliang also attaches great importance to their growth.

I hope that by then, Inter Milan will be able to retain their capital and financial resources!

The development of the youth team is thriving, but the Inter Milan first team was defeated late in their return to the Champions League. Inter Milan, who returned to the Champions League this season, was assigned to the death group. The opponents in the same group included Arsenal, Dortmund, and Marseille, all from the five major leagues. In the first show of the team's return to the Champions League, the team lost 2:4 at home to Dortmund led by Klopp, and they were at a great disadvantage in the competition for the qualifying places in the group.

Inter Milan's lineup is not inferior to Dortmund, which has just been poached by Bayern's core player Gotze in the summer transfer, but Dortmund has not changed much in other positions except for replacing Gotze with Mkhitaryan and Aubameyang. It is possible to guarantee the tacit understanding of the lineup, and more than half of Inter Milan's main lineup are newly joined players, so the tacit understanding between players is at a great disadvantage. In the formation of the head coach, Klopp also completely defeated Stella Marjoni. In front of Uncle Scum, Stella Marjoni looked really weak.

Klopp is also the coach Jiang Mingliang most wants to cooperate with after taking charge of Inter Milan, but Klopp's infinite loyalty to Dortmund makes poaching difficult. Klopp is fascinated by the coaching environment Jiang Mingliang created for Stevens, but for Klopp, Dortmund is the most important.

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The program "This Is Slam Dunk" has maintained an audience rating of over 2% since its inception. Although it is not as popular as "Running Man", the development of this program has opened up the field of the entire variety show. A new market, that is sports. In the past, CCTV had programs such as "Wulin General Assembly" and "Who Is the King of the Ball", but they were not comparable to "This Is Slam Dunk" in terms of content and performance. For example, when various kinds of boxing are introduced, they are full of vigor, and the players are all fighting each other with eight punches. And "This Is Slam Dunk" made changes in the format of the program. First of all, it really went to auditions for the top domestic streetball players and campus basketball players. The strength of these players may be a little behind the CBA, but they really have Unique skills, each has its own strengths. Secondly, the lineup of national players, celebrities, and beauties is quite attractive to the vast majority of audiences. Basketball fans and Jay Chou fans are the basic set. He Sui's long legs also attract LSPs. Victoria's Secret The supermodel crushed Krystal, Song Qian, and Zhang Tian with their real aura, and their popularity soared. In the end, Curry and Yao Ming's surprise appearance made the ratings of the finals close to 4%. There is nothing to say about it. What is an international superstar?

In addition to good ratings, this variety show brings more of a social effect, allowing the teenagers who insist on basketball to gain popularity and a platform. When they can rely on basketball to get a better life, There is no doubt that more people will be willing to participate in basketball, which has played a certain role in promoting the development of basketball in China, which is unmatched by other programs.

"From April to September, we have achieved pretty good ratings for the three programs. Counting the sales to TV stations, the copyright fees of video websites, the sponsorship fees of advertisers, and the development of peripheral products, etc., our this year's The turnover is approaching 650 million." After the financial statement came out, Qin Zhengwei happily announced the good news to Jiang Mingliang.

Compared with the net profit of more than 250 million yuan, Qin Zhengwei is more excited about the good prospects of the entire company. Needless to say, "Running Man" is the most influential program in China. Although the initial influence of "Heartbeat Signal" was average in the first season, it showed a trend of driving low and moving high, and the ratings were getting higher and higher. And in the second season, with the improvement of the quality of amateur guests and the good reputation accumulated in the first season, the ratings of the second season also increased to more than 2%, coupled with the ratings of "This is Slam Dunk" Double Harvest, this year is a successful year for Lengrui.

"Keep working hard, keep this momentum, maybe we can make some changes!" As the boss, Jiang Mingliang gave his own encouragement.

Already have the idea to continue to bring about change!

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