Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 496 Battle Spurs (12:30)

Chapter 496 Battle Spurs (1230)

It was rare to get playing time in the second quarter. Seth Curry was very active, but the consequence of being too active was that blind steals failed, leaving a wide open for Mills. The latter received a pass from Ginobili and easily Hit 3 points.

The point difference was widened to double digits, but Stevens had a good temper and loudly reminded his players on the sidelines, "Jike, you must wake up! Be sober! This is the Olympics! It has begun!"

Fortunately, back to the offensive end, Seth Curry still proved that he did not join the Nets through nepotism. Green blocked the chasing Mills, and Curry made a long two-pointer to bring the point difference back to single digits.

He played for two minutes, which was Seth Curry's only statistical contribution, and then he was replaced by his brother. Objectively speaking, Seth Curry's performance was not better than McCollum's, but he was different from McCollum. Yes, at this stage, he only has this level. Seth Curry is still a little far away from the NBA, and McCollum should not only have this level, but more of a blow to him.

Just debuted, Curry scored the ball after the pick-and-roll, and West made a 45-degree dislocation to the left and turned around for a jumper, reducing the point difference to 8 points.

Afterwards, Leonard launched the skill Death Coil, abruptly intercepted the ball from Butler, advanced, forced a layup, caused the opponent to foul, made an additional penalty, and completed a one-stop service, further narrowing the point difference.

Butler is a good player, but he is against Leonard, and he has the feeling that George is against Durant. You are very strong, but I am a little bit stronger than you. That picture is almost complete. . Popovich can't help it. In fact, in the 2011 draft, he had already negotiated with the Pacers to trade George Hill for the draft pick and choose Leonard. Who would have thought that Jiang Mingliang would be killed halfway!

Parsons came on the stage and replaced Diaw. The Spurs formed a formation of one big and four small. Organizational ability, the four outsiders of the Spurs are very comprehensive.

West beat Parsons and hit two points. Looking back, Parsons used the rhythm change to pass the veteran after pulling West out of the penalty area, and then attracted Lopez to defend. Assisted Butler to attack the frame from close range.

With Dream Chaser Green, the No. 4 tonnage and the mobility of the No. 3 guy, unless you have Durant, otherwise playing a big and a small, the average team really can't beat the Nets. It's just that West was a little unhappy when he was replaced just two minutes into the game. Stevens also explained to him specifically because of tactical adjustments and arrangements.

Players can have some doubts about the coach's decision. For a veteran like West, Stevens will be willing to give a reasonable explanation. The premise is that you can't make trouble like Reggie Jackson!

Green's debut first strengthens the Nets' ability to sweep the penalty area and even around the penalty area. He can go from the first position to the fifth position, and he can make the opponent uncomfortable when facing anyone. On the offensive end, Green's appearance made Curry more calm and comfortable on the offensive end.

It’s hard to say how much Seth Curry benefited from Curry, but Chasing Dream Green is definitely hugging Curry’s thigh and now he has successfully counterattacked. The team’s No. 8 pick Barnes is now much worse than him . Maybe, he can also get a big contract from the Nets next year.

Curry, Leonard, Dreaming Green. Even without considering McCollum and Barnes, who are already in the hands but have not yet been fully developed, and Porzingis, who the team is determined to win, the future of the Nets is scary enough.

Green's appearance changed the game. At halftime, the Nets chased the score to 57:56, only 1 point behind the Spurs.

Returning from the halftime break and starting the third quarter, the Nets obviously began to exert their strength, as can be seen from the frequency of their use of pick-and-roll tactics. Most of the time, the Nets' tactics may be pass-and-cut cooperation, allowing all teammates to participate in the team's offense, but when it comes to fatal times, it will definitely increase the frequency of the team's pick-and-roll. Solve the game. Once it becomes small and big, there are not many big men in the league who can limit Curry. This is Stevens' confidence.

The Spurs have three insiders, one is old, one is fat, and one is slow. No matter how you look at it, they are not the right candidates to switch to Curry.

The Spurs played by Curry complained endlessly, and the most painful thing was not the Spurs, but the Warriors. Thinking of the team's repeated defeats against the Spurs, I don't know how many games they have lost, and then think about the team once holding Curry in their hands. As a result, Curry has evolved rapidly to the Nets, and the FMVP has been played.

It's also funny to say, first let Curry partner with Ellis, who has no way to partner at all, and then because of Deron's personal wishes, he forced Curry to take the second position. How can the Warriors have any right to feel sorry for Curry!

With a nine-point advantage, the adjustment of the Nets' lineup was the same as usual, and the substitute players got time to exercise. The Spurs will continue to be led by Ginobili to compete with the Nets. Popovich's expectation for this lineup is to play a certain advantage, so that the next main lineup will be matched. He can also see now that the team's main lineup really can't beat the Nets.

However, McCollum, who performed poorly at the point guard position, returned to the shooting guard in the fourth quarter and made 2 of 3 shots, helping the team maintain the lead. McCollum's wonderful performance in this position may make Jiang Mingliang give up one of the two shooting guards whose contracts have expired during the summer offseason, giving him more opportunities.

"This Stevens, there are really many people who can use it!" Popovich looked at the content of the game with some frustration, and complained.

There is no way to be jealous, many people are trained by the team.

Although the key man Ginobili's performance in the fourth quarter is still remarkable, but as an MVP candidate, Curry's firepower is obviously stronger than Ginobili's. Coupled with the slight advantage of the younger Nets in physical fitness, in the end, the Nets defeated the Spurs 111:103 and completed another wave of winning streak.

Maybe it's really too early to mention it now, but judging from the performance of the Nets in defeating several strong teams, maybe they can really do something big this season, for example, hit 70 wins or something.

Curry contributed 42 points in this game. Although his performance this season is not as impressive as scoring 50+ 4 times last season, his statistics are not inferior, and his efficiency is higher. And anyone with a discerning eye can see that Curry or the entire Nets team has further improved their control over the game.

70 wins, 72 wins, etc., let’s put it over again first, and make sure that Curry won the best of the month in November. The only opponents standing in front of Curry are the Hornets led by champion Lang Davis.

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