Davis, the thick-browed brother, has been treated well in all aspects since he came to the league. It can be seen that the league also praises him very much. The Pelicans completed heavy signings and contract extensions one after another in the summer. Evans of the Kings joined the team. The team's shooting guard Eric Gordon was also chased by other teams and was forced to use a paper The contract remained. Although chasing Holiday failed, the team signed Devin Harris to supplement the team's back line, which can be regarded as a reinforcement. The starting lineup composed of Harris, Gordon, Evans, Anderson, and Davis made the team's paper strength look quite good. On the bench, there was also the former No. 1 favorite, and finally fell to the sixth overall pick Noel, who was picked up by the 76ers.

However, although the book strength is acceptable, there are still problems with the combat effectiveness of the Pelicans this season. First of all, the defense of the backcourt combination of Harris and Gordon is not very good. In addition, Evans is short at the small forward position, and the team's overall perimeter defense is very poor. Secondly, at this stage, Davis is not considered a leader with a strong carry ability, or he is still a child, and his assists account for a very high percentage of his points. As for Noll, who has been given high hopes, it will take some time for him to adapt to the NBA.

Originally thought that this was a game without any suspense, but in fact, the Nets encountered far more hardships than imagined. The first is physical strength. After all, the Nets are fighting back to back. It was not easy to win the previous game against the Spurs, and the Pelicans are waiting for work. Secondly, in this game, several scorers of the Pelicans who usually had conflicting styles of play were suddenly coordinated, especially Eric Gordon. 23 points, leading the team to a 57:50 lead.

However, when the game came to the second half, when the Nets used the advantages of lineup rotation to slowly offset the disadvantages in physical strength, the balance of combat effectiveness of the two sides slowly fell to the Nets. Curry, who supported the team's offense in the first half, turned into a dealer in the second half, creating scoring opportunities for his teammates through his own restraint. Fernandez became the vanguard of the Nets' offensive end. Players in contract years often have To perform with the strongest combat effectiveness, sometimes this kind of performance is directed in the right direction, which is of great benefit to the game. This game has undoubtedly proved this point. Fernandez scored 12 points in a single quarter. Helped the team complete the lead in the score in the third quarter.

When the game came to the fourth quarter, Stevens once again used his usual Tianji horse racing tactics to surprise the Pelicans. At the beginning of the fourth quarter, neither Curry nor Leonard ended up. Lun, under the organization and planning of Chasing Dream Green, chased the Pelicans' bench lineup to the death. After a 10:1 spurt, the difference between the two sides widened to 13 points, and Monty Williams took the lead. Despite the sap of Stevens, although the main players were brought back in time to face off, the situation of the game was already difficult to reverse. The Nets reaped this victory steadily and improved the team's record to 12 wins and 1 win. burden.

Curry scored 36 points in the whole game. At the critical moment of the selection of the best player of the month, he added another point to himself, or in other words, basically locked the title of the best player of the month in November.

. . . . . . . .

The winter in New York in 2013 was extremely cold, and it was almost impossible to stretch out your hands when walking outside. This day, picking up people at the airport at night is really hard work. But Jiang Mingliang couldn't help it. Who told him to call him to New York?

"Cough cough!" A cough came to her ears, the girl first glanced casually, then her eyes paused, her quiet face suddenly became lively, she stood on tiptoe, waved her hands and shouted: "Brother~"

Since the relationship has eased, Liu Lingfei has become more and more fond of calling Jiang Mingliang by this name, whether he wants to or not.

This time, he came here to invite Liu Lingfei to discuss cooperation. Instead of booking a hotel for the other party, he took her to an apartment that he had just bought under his name as Liu Lingfei's temporary foothold.

Four bedrooms and two living rooms, with a kitchen, a bathroom, and a balcony. Because it is a newly opened property, it has just taken over the house not long ago, giving people a brand-new feeling, and it looks even more beautiful. The only fly in the ointment is that there are too few furniture and not much arrangement, which makes it look a bit empty. However, this is nothing to Liu Lingfei who has lived here for a while.

"I thought you were going to take me to the place where your golden house hides your beauty?" Liu Lingfei teased.

"Aren't you the one?" Jiang Mingliang regretted saying this, and then started another topic, "You should be tired from the long-distance flight, so take a good rest."

"These words don't seem to be said by people who often fly between China and the United States." Liu Lingfei complained.

In fact, after such a flight, although you are tired, your first reaction is not to be sleepy, but to be mentally excited.

"Let's talk about the script." Liu Lingfei suggested.

After a slight pause, Jiang Mingliang took a deep breath, "Are you sure? Are you not sleepy?"

"Fortunately, if the script is boring enough, maybe I can fall asleep quickly."

Of course, this is just a joke. The foundation of "Gossip Girl" itself is here. Even if the parts that do not meet the national conditions need to be deleted, as long as the screenwriter is not a pig, it will be difficult to change the script. What's more, Qin Zhengwei has a screenwriting team to carry out multi-faceted integration and originality, and the lower limit is absolutely guaranteed.

Due to the differences in the national conditions of the two countries and problems with the review mechanism, the American version’s plot is from high school to college, while the Chinese version is changed from college to workplace. This is a necessary cut and also fits the age of the actors. Although Liu Lingfei and Zheng Xiujing are fairly young, everyone knows what high school students in China look like.

There is nothing to say about the plot. Some unnecessary X-scenes have been deleted, but the smoothness of the plot is generally guaranteed. The drama is roughly divided into 3 seasons, and each season is divided into 25 episodes, which also ensures the plot. The compactness and fluency of itself guarantee that there will be no water mixing.

"I know that you are already a movie star in China, and the low position is very high. And it is also a good publicity stunt for you to come back to film a TV series, so I am willing to pay you a high enough salary. Every episode, I can give you The salary of 600,000 yuan is 45 million yuan in total. This quotation should be much higher than that of your movie." Personal relationship is personal relationship, and money matters must be negotiated. Although this offer is high, it may not be a loss for Jiang Mingliang. One of the important functions of this TV series is the promotion of blanc\u0026eclare. In the play, Queen S played by Liu Lingfei and Queen B played by Zheng Xiujing will use a lot of blanc\u0026eclare products, such as Sunglasses, silk scarves, shirts, boots, hats, sweaters, etc., are equivalent to a large-scale publicity for the entire series of blanc\u0026eclare products.

If the drama itself has good ratings and broadcast volume, its influence and publicity effects will be unlimited.

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