In itself, the Nets under Jiang Mingliang did not have the habit of signing in mid-season. For one thing, most of the veterans who have been bought out of their contracts will go for the championship in the next season, and the Nets only entered the championship class last season. Secondly, the team's roster for the playoffs can only report a roster of 13 players. Subjectively, Jiang Mingliang is not willing to sacrifice players who have worked hard for the team for a whole season to give a veteran who came to speculate. Opportunity. However, after entering the alliance, Jiang Mingliang is actually growing. He has gradually eliminated many idealistic measures. When his ability does not allow him, he can only pursue the plan to maximize the benefits.

West communicated with Butler through an intermediary. In principle, Butler is very interested in joining the Nets for a championship ring after buying out the contract. After all, Leonard still has about two months of injury. Stop, even after returning from injury, it may not be able to guarantee full blood recovery in the first time. At least in this regular season, Butler can show his ability to the fullest in a strong team with a lot of attention, and by the way, strive for a general team. Championship, which no other team can provide.

Next, it depends on when the buyout agreement between the Bucks and Butler is reached.

In the first game after the Christmas War, the Nets played away against the Chicago Bulls. Thibodeau's Bulls ushered in the return of Derrick Rose this season, but Rose is indeed no longer the omnipotent MVP of the 1011 season. The devastating injury took away his amazing explosive power. Now Rose is in a professional In the trough of his career, the desire to attack, the choice of offense, and the way of playing are still the same as in the MVP season, but his body can no longer support this way of playing. Rose this season can be called the league's starting point guard with the lowest efficiency and the one that hurts the team the most. He averaged 14 shots per game, only able to score 12 points, and his shooting percentage was less than 38%. Fortunately, the Bulls have a strict defensive system, both offensive and defensive, and the astonishing production value of Luol Deng is behind Rose, ensuring that the team ranks tenth in the Eastern Conference and has not lost hope of entering the playoffs.

Because of some grievances in the past, Jiang Mingliang has no affection for Rose. He is good at everything, but he also admits that he is not broad-minded enough. For opponents like Rose and the Lakers, he would like to see the opponents suffer as much as possible.

Even if Thibodeau's team is average, the defensive system is really not blown out. Moreover, the Bulls made a lot of moves on the defensive end, and the referees were a little biased, which made the anger between the two teams grow. Especially Fernandez, who has a tough personality, had friction with the Bulls several times.

With a certain lead, Stevens replaced Curry early to prevent the opponent's malicious foul from hurting his core players. The current Nets absolutely can't afford any mistakes in Curry.

Soon, Stevens was grateful for his wise decision. Courtney Lee and Gibson played a pick-and-roll. Fernandez chased Courtney Lee and was hit in the chest by Gibson's raised elbow. Meng Green was the first to step forward to assist, and then West, Sheved, and James Johnson were all involved. At the beginning, Curry wanted to fight, and hugged Noah's waist to pull it to the outside, but was thrown by Noah at random, and Curry rushed over again, but Luol Deng pushed him again. Handsome to the side.

The conflict between the two sides lasted for three minutes before being pulled away by teammates and stadium staff. On the Bulls side, Gibson, Hinrich, and Courtney Lee all failed. The Nets side mainly carried the opponent's output. The Spaniard was beaten into a pig's head.

Gibson, who made a big move to provoke a dispute, Fernandez who was the first to start the fight, Courtney Lee, Green, and West who came up to help the fist were sent off directly. The referee team repeatedly warned the players on both sides that there will be no next time. , and if there is any big move, he will be sent off directly.

In this big conflict, it was difficult to write the referee report after the game, and the referee on duty was also a headache. However, this has a lot to do with him blowing the home whistle and letting the Bulls play. However, in the past few years with the Nets, Fernandez has fought back and forth with him. He is not only a tough guy, but also a repeat offender. The Bulls have been called the most troubled team in the league in recent years. There is a high probability that the league will impose heavy penalties.

At 103:88, the Nets defeated the Bulls and continued to sit firmly on the league's No. 1 throne. But more important than the outcome is how the league will clarify the responsibilities of both parties in this stadium conflict.

In fact, it is said that the biggest responsibility for this conflict lies in the excessive indulgence of the referee's penalty scale. However, the league will obviously not blame its own family for its mistakes, and it is obviously not in the interests of the league for the Nets to be the best in the league. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is also Stern's intention to put resistance to the Nets. For that.

Jiang Mingliang arranged for the staff to edit the Bulls' malicious foul action in this game and handed it over to the league through Xiao Hua, but this move only made the Bulls get more severe sanctions, but did not reduce the league's attitude towards the Nets. severe punishment. Fernandez was suspended for eight games as a repeat offender. Green was suspended for two games and West for one. Curry and James Johnson came off the bench and were suspended for one game each.

To be honest, it is a bit of a fuss to add punishment for such a large-scale conflict after the game, focusing on the relatively negligible mistake of Curry's bench rushing into the field, which was not very involved. However, Stern has always been a person who does not promote the oligarchy of the NBA. Although the Nets have not even finished defending their title, the trio of Jiang Mingliang, West, and Stevens have made enough noise. It's not a bad thing to suppress their momentum.

"Just take it as a rotation, but the next game will be a bit difficult for the Wizards." Jiang Mingliang still accepts this kind of punishment. First, in fact, the Nets have always had the idea of ​​resting Curry, but in the case of Leonard’s injury, Curry’s rotation is equivalent to giving up the game. The team has never done a good job in which rotation. It was decided, and now the league has made arrangements for them, and the next opponent, the Wizards, picked up this head. Secondly, the Bulls were also heavily fined, four players were suspended, and the cumulative number of suspensions reached 17 games, which was a greater loss than the Nets. This wave of losses may cause the Nets to lose two or three more games and give up the No. 1 position in the Eastern Conference, but it will also allow the Bulls to directly withdraw from the Eastern Conference playoffs, and the loss will be even greater!

"I'm going to let Brook play for a while and rest for a while, so as to give the substitute players more playing time." Stevens also accepted the result of a big loss in the next game, and he was not even ready to resist.

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