Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 526 Opinions on Reform

As soon as he returned to New York, Jiang Mingliang welcomed an important visitor. Yao Ming, who had just joined the CBA company not long ago, came to New York in person to visit Jiang Mingliang. As an old friend, Jiang Mingliang naturally wanted to entertain him well.

The meeting place was a western restaurant. When Jiang Mingliang arrived, Yao Ming was already waiting in the private room. It is naturally inconvenient to discuss things in the lobby outside.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two took their seats.

Yao Ming came to New York this time mainly to learn from Jiang Mingliang. As the general manager of the CBA company, he needs to use his own efforts to improve the entire CBA business environment. In this important position, every small step he takes, Both will be a big step for Huaxia basketball.

Jiang Mingliang ordered steak and fried foie gras casually, and he was already organizing words in his mind, how to express his thoughts and tell Yao Ming.

"The CBA is developing in the direction of the NBA. The conditions are not mature at this stage, and it means a lot of imitation. In fact, the national conditions of the two countries are different. If the status quo of the separation of sports and education is not resolved, any reform will have no substantive effect. Treating the symptoms but not the root cause, football and basketball, which are highly commercialized and highly competitive, will not see a big improvement."

Yao Ming didn't understand what Jiang Mingliang saw, but this was a national policy, and it couldn't be changed by anyone's will. For ordinary people in China, the existing mechanism is currently the fairest solution. If sports expertise can tear a hole in education, it will be a devastating disaster. It's like South Korea's military service system. Is it really inferior to those athletes and entertainment stars? It's really not bad. But this is a manifestation of institutional fairness.

"At present, I think you can complete the work. First, extend the CBA schedule. This is actually not difficult, but it will definitely affect the national team and the Basketball Association in a short period of time. After all..." Jiang Mingliang met Yao Ming With a smile, everyone understands, "First of all, a longer schedule and more games will increase the commercial value, and secondly, it is also a reflection of the comprehensive capabilities of each club."

"This kind of growth is actually within a reasonable range, but it's actually not bad. In addition to the Olympic year, the CBA has actually had more and more competitions in these years." Yao Ming nodded and agreed.

"The second is to enhance the circulation of personnel. Under the transparent mechanism of the NBA, there is no shortage of buried talents, not to mention that Huaxia is a society of personal relationships. In fact, we all understand some truths. The chaos that has occurred in Huaxia Sports over the years is really true. There are a lot of gifts, even young players’ mothers sleeping with the coach. Players trained by the provincial youth team, the local CBA and NBL teams have the priority to sign, but if they don’t sign, they are free to go to other teams to try. Training, signing, the local sports bureau must not obstruct."

Among them, one of the problems that arises is that there will be conflicts with the competition with the National Games. In fact, the root of many chaos in Huaxia Sports is that there is such a competition as the National Games in China, and the results of the National Games are determined by the sports bureaus of various regions. An indicator of how good a leadership job is. Including the first-class shady scene of changing the age of players is also based on this. However, Jiang Mingliang, as an outsider, can only suggest, how to implement, how to weigh, Yao Ming can not make the decision, let alone Jiang Mingliang.

Jiang Mingliang's second suggestion was something Yao Ming hadn't thought about. After thinking deeply for a few minutes, Yao Ming nodded. In fact, this is not without positive examples in the history of Chinese basketball. Du Feng joined the Hongyuan team from Xinjiang Province, Zhu Ba joined the Hongyuan Team from Guangxi Province, and Wang Qi joined the Hongyuan Team from Liao Province. The minister of the CBA Hongyuan Dynasty.

Think about how many Zhu Ba Wang Qi will be buried if there is no such situation in the CBA follow-up.

"The most important proposal is to commercialize the CBA to make investors profitable on the bright side. The Sharks are actually a positive example. The Nets' help to the Sharks is actually quite fruitful." Jiang Mingliang is not Taking credit for it, but it's true.

However, Jiang Mingliang can support the Sharks, but if you ask him to support all the CBA teams, that's impossible. To put it bluntly, Jiang Mingliang pinched his nose for many of the overt and covert expenses.

In fact, Jiang Mingliang also has ideas for deeper reforms. But obviously, this is not something that Yao Ming can solve at this level. Jiang Mingliang is not going to play all his cards at once. He always has to save one hand for everything.

After all that should be said, the two stopped talking about work, but changed to talking about some topics inside and outside the circle. Until the end of lunch, Jiang Mingliang returned to his office and continued to work on other work left behind by going to Canada.

For the "Gossip Girl" project handed over to Qin Zhengwei, the preliminary information from the director to the actors was sent to Jiang Mingliang. Because the two most important roles in the play were given to Liu Lingfei and Krystal respectively, in the selection of other actors, Qin Zhengwei did not choose artists who are too popular, but chose some artists who have popular resources in their hands and may become popular in the future. . Li Yifeng played the role of Dan Humphrey, the male number one. This little fresh meat is highly praised by his own company. In another TV series, he directly partnered with Ouyang Mi, who is currently the most popular in China, and has the potential to become popular. After the role of the male number two Nate was handed over to Wu Fan, the role of Chuck Bass was taken by Hong Kong artist Wei Ting. The role of Little J belongs to Li Xin, who has a relatively fresh temperament, while the role of Vanessa is assigned to Zhang Tian, ​​who has an unusual relationship with Qin Zhengwei.

Removing the position of Ouyang Mi's No. 1 female is Jiang Mingliang's blow to Ouyang Mi, but Jiang Mingliang has no intention of terminating the cooperative relationship with Ouyang Mi. It is not Jiang Mingliang's original intention to not allocate any resources to her in the whole project. Based on this, Jiang Mingliang subjectively approved the allocation of male roles, but asked Qin Zhengwei to seek Ouyang Mi's opinion on the arrangement of female roles and come up with a plan together. Basically, it is to tell Ouyang Mi that the female number one has been given to Liu Lingfei, and it is a done deal, but using other roles to praise your artist is a kind of compensation.

Losing his stable role meant that he began to fall out of favor with Jiang Mingliang. Ouyang Mi was a little annoyed and helpless. The annoyance is obvious, the so-called "sister" has changed her identity to become a "lover", poaching her own corner, whether it is good or bad, the relationship between the two of them in the past is beyond Ouyang Mi's reach, and helpless is If I want to develop, or in other words, if I want to make progress, it is still unknown whether I can get rid of Jiang Mingliang. After all, his relationship with Qin Zhengwei broke down. If Jiang Mingliang hadn't made up his mind, "Running Man" would replace her this time, and this is the resource that Ouyang Mi can't abandon at present. Right now, the situation is developing towards Ouyang Mi's unfavorable side. If she doesn't do something, everything she currently has is likely to be eroded step by step by others.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Mi made a difficult decision, and called Qin Zhengwei to turn hostility into friendship.

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