Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 542 Indulgence, see you at 12:30

Chapter 542 Indulgence

While announcing the starting list, the league also announced the participants of each individual competition. As the defending champion of the skills competition, Curry only signed up for this one in the individual competition, but declined the request for the three-point competition. In fact, Curry himself didn't even want to participate in the skills competition, but it was hard to refuse because of the sponsor's request.

Except for McCollum to participate in the Rookie Challenge, no one else in the Nets needs to go to New Orleans. It seems that except for players participating in the Rookie Challenge every year, the Nets players have no fate in other All-Star games. Indifferently, it might just be a coincidence. At least as a head coach, Stevens is secretly amused by this. For the coaches, everyone wants their team's players to enjoy a vacation during the long season and recover their physical condition.

. . . . . . .

"The magic city where this club is located is recognized as the top three. Do you know where this western-style building is?"

Jiang Mingliang saw that Qin Zhengwei wanted to show off to him, so he shook his head cooperatively.

"Haha, this building turned out to be the English Consulate, don't you know?"

"Hehe, no wonder there are so many luxury cars parked outside." With the naked eye, almost all of the luxury cars parked outside this western-style building are Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, etc. Qin Zhengwei's Porsche seems a bit insufficient up.

Qin Zhengwei led Jiang Mingliang into the clubhouse. Of course there was security outside the door. Qin Zhengwei showed the card in his hand, and then completed a simple registration for Jiang Mingliang.

It can be seen that this private club has been carefully planned and built, and it is already a garden restaurant that is almost a museum. The clubhouse covers an area of ​​about three acres. After years of accumulation and the careful arrangement of the clubhouse owner, every plant and tree here permeates the cultural temperament of ancient and modern, East and West. The combination of each other is so perfect, and it seems like a natural one A mesmerizing work of art.

It was quiet and peaceful outside the box, but inside the box, it was already singing and dancing. Except for the beauties, Deng Chao and Jay Chou were all playing high inside.

These two people are Jiang Mingliang's very important cooperation partners. Qin Zhengwei expected that their arrival would not trigger Jiang Mingliang's plan. Now it seems that it is so.

Jiang Mingliang's presence was so great that Yingying and Yanyan didn't surround him. This year is not an ancient brothel. When a big guest comes, everyone will show off and surround him. In fact, that will only make people look down, feel contemptuous, and have no interest. If Jiang Mingliang wanted to pick someone to accompany him, he would naturally make the move.

"Let's eat something first?" Jiang Mingliang walked to the restaurant and said.

"Alright." Qin Zhengwei gestured, and the waiter came in to serve the dishes. The dishes were presented exquisitely and exuded a unique fragrance. At the same time, the five girls arranged by Qin Zhengwei in advance also accompanied the two of them to the restaurant.

Jiang Mingliang took a general look, and probably knew three of them, Li Xin, the third female lead of "Gossip Girl". Gulina, a beauty of a different race. Wen Yongshan, a young model in Hong Kong City, when I was in love with Pan Zhengru in the early years, I went to Hong Kong City and saw her photo album. As for the other two girls, although they each had their own characteristics, Jiang Mingliang really didn't know each other.

But the dresses of these girls are enough to attract attention. Li Xin was wearing a tube top and short skirt, which was already the most conservative of the three women. Gulina is wearing a black see-through outfit, anyway, you can see everything if you stare at it. Wen Yongshan's low-cut dress with wild leopard prints has attracted a lot of attention.

At the beginning, Jiang Mingliang's chatting partners were mainly Qin Zhengwei and Li Xin who were around him, but in fact, he chatted with him casually. But when Qin Zhengwei noticed that Jiang Mingliang glanced at Gu Lina, he quickly took advantage of the opportunity of pouring wine and changed places with Gu Lina quietly. Let Jiang Mingliang enjoy the feeling of hugging from left to right and being a blessing to everyone.

After returning to the United States from Canada, perhaps because of some grudges in her heart, Jessica avoided Jiang Mingliang a little, and the frequency of touching her by herself decreased a lot. Krystal on the other side is already an adult, and there is a lot of room to grow up, but Krystal is also a little flustered because of her sister, and Jiang Mingliang doesn't want to force her. In addition, Jiang Mingliang was not going to restrain himself today because he was a little angry with Yun'er in Italy.

Li Xin half leaned in Jiang Mingliang's arms, reached out and took the grapes on the tray in front of him, carefully peeled off the grape skins, and fed them into Jiang Mingliang's mouth. Jiang Mingliang ate it in one bite with a smile, and Gulina next to him tactfully took out a tissue and asked Jiang Mingliang to spit the seeds onto the tissue.

Tsk tsk, in this extravagant life, every grape has to be fed by a beauty, otherwise how can it reflect the charm of money?

After tasting some dishes casually, Jiang Mingliang soon came to Deng Chao and Chairman Zhou's side. The others also felt that they were Gu Lina, and Li Xin made room for her. The space was not too big or too small, so that it would not squeeze Jiang Mingliang, but at the same time, it also allowed Jiang Mingliang to easily put his hands on the two women.

After singing two songs, everyone started to play some small games to add to the fun. The rules of the game "Love You is Hard to Say" are simple and interesting. Everyone wears a cloth belt on their head, and a carefully prepared card will be pasted on the cloth belt. If you can’t speak, everyone takes turns to speak or take action, and you need to constantly use various methods to lure and frame others to do what is on the other’s card, because everyone in the game can only see other people but not their own cards. Therefore, while "luting and framing" others, one must also beware of being "framed" by others. Once a person participating in the game does what is on his card, he will be killed, and he will be eliminated from the game, and the rest will continue the game. For the loser, the punishment is very simple. Two bottles of Louis XIII have been placed in an ice bucket filled with crushed ice.

Jiang Mingliang was not sure what was on his own head, but he knew the contents of the cards on other people's heads. Jay Chou’s card is about celebrity names, Deng Chao’s card is about movie titles, Li Xin’s card is about the weather, Gu Lina’s card is about asking questions, and Wen Yongshan’s card is about betting.

It seems that except for Li Xin, they all seem to be quite easy to kill. Instinctively, Jiang Mingliang also felt that the difficulty of triggering himself should not be too great, otherwise he would lose his balance.

"How is this tricking you?" Jiang Mingliang looked at Gu Lina beside him and asked strangely.

"Everyone, each other, how can I trick you?" Gu Lina raised her chin, approached Jiang Mingliang and asked back, and then Jiang Mingliang patted the head lightly and pulled out the card on her head.

"Ah~" Gulina looked depressed, and then she drank obediently.

"What kind of movies do you usually like to watch?" Li Xin targeted Deng Chao and Jay Chou, but the question was thrown to everyone.

"I'm just looking for a way to reduce stress, so I'll just watch a fresh romance movie ~ "Introduction to Architecture"." Jiang Mingliang looked at Deng Chao and said.

"I've seen it, it's played by Han Jiaren." Wen Yongshan came out at this moment and interrupted Jay Chou.

""The Breakup Master"" Deng Chao habitually teases, Amway's own movie, and then he is decisively kicked off and fined with alcohol.

"Is it the one between him and Ouyang?" Jiang Mingliang asked in "doubt".

"Right, it seems that there is Ouyang." Wen Yongshan and Jiang Mingliang sang together, killing Jay Chou.

"Boss Jiang, I told you that I will definitely survive to the end, you still don't believe me." Li Xin, this girl looks fresh, she digs holes for others.

"Isn't there three more? How sure are you that you can beat me and Janice?"

"That's right. Only three people were out." Wen Yongshan chimed in, "I don't know who will win."

"Don't play tricks, Mr. Jiang. You lost the bet just now, and you have to be punished first." Li Xin continued to chase Wen Yongshan, Jiang Mingliang really cooperated, and drank a glass of brandy in one gulp.

"If you want to keep betting, you can bet on who wins. Janice, are you coming or not?" Putting down the cup, Jiang Mingliang's heroic Lawen Yongsan fell into the pit.

"MD, come and come!" Wen Yongshan didn't expect Jiang Mingliang to change his limit, so he drank a glass of wine and pulled himself into the set.

"MD, come as soon as you come, haha." Jiang Mingliang didn't mind Wen Yongshan beating himself, not to mention that the force was not very strong, and he himself was not a character who couldn't afford it. However, he was so complacent that he imitated Wen Yongshan's words, and unexpectedly he was also tricked. On the card on his head, there were three words written on it, "Speak dirty words"!

"I'll go!" To be honest, this restriction has little damage to Jiang Mingliang. He really seldom swears, which is to mock Wen Yongshan.

Willing to gamble and admit defeat, Jiang Mingliang and Wen Yongshan not only killed the wine that lost the game, but also lost the private bet by the way, and was fined another drink.

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