Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 543 Interview

After a night of fun, Jiang Mingliang woke up at 7:30 the next morning like an alarm clock, dragged his tired body to the bathroom for a rinse, changed his clothes, and left.

He doesn't have to be responsible for the aftermath, Qin Zhengwei will naturally arrange it. Jiang Mingliang made arrangements today to go to the HP headquarters and accept an exclusive interview with the website.

Maybe it was because he played a little crazy last night. Jiang Mingliang, who was always conceited, felt a little sore in the back sitting in the car. This is actually a normal phenomenon, people, no matter how they can brag, as long as they are mortals, there is no one without backache like he did last night. What really reflects strength is the ability to recover.

The time to arrive at the HP headquarters building is 8:40, and the agreed interview start time is 9:15. With half an hour left, the host of the interview, Jiang Duowan, wanted to check the script with Jiang Mingliang, but Jiang Mingliang flatly refused. Taking advantage of this time, he went to HP's staff restaurant to solve the breakfast problem. Soy milk, pancakes, steamed buns, rice balls. They were all ordinary breakfasts, but Jiang Mingliang ate them with great relish.

Eat too much delicacies from mountains and seas, sometimes it’s better to have something down-to-earth, and sometimes it’s true!

The employees of HP would not miss the opportunity to drain the app, and directly took a photo and posted it, "The president of the Nets is in the staff cafeteria".

For a while, there was a lot of movement in the forum. Jiang Mingliang is considered the most valuable person in JRS, and he is also JRS's reliance when he goes out to brag with people in other forums. Needless to say, he is popular. HP's Nets fans can confront Lakers fans and dare to mock the opponent's "Meituan rider", more or less because of Jiang Mingliang. However, Lakers fans are not vegetarians, and Nets fans have also been given the nickname "Shunfeng Express".

Jiang Mingliang was very easy-going when he was interviewed, and he would even take the initiative to expand some topics. This point has long been experienced by HP employees. So after the interview started, Jiang Duowan's questions were relatively direct, and the topic did not focus on the Nets. It also included some Jiang Mingliang's suggestions and opinions on the NBA and what improvements should be made to HP.

"Actually, I have already had a hunch that no matter what the final result of this season will be, the summer of 2014 will definitely be a very exciting summer. Although there are no clear rumors or pointers at this stage, this is one of my own. predict."

"Do you mean that the Nets will also make some big moves?" Jiang Duowan guessed, "We all know that the Nets may have huge salary space at the end of the season."

"No, no. So far, we have only clarified our goals in the draft, and we have no major plans for other aspects. We are focused on this season. I believe that after Kawhi returns, the team will still be a strong contender for the championship. Contenders." Jiang Mingliang should deny or have to deny a topic that is too sensitive. He is yelling now that the team will chase James in the summer! It is estimated that James may not have any ideas, and his team will be in chaos first, "Also, compared to pursuing popular players in the free agent market, I would rather keep our champions."

Although Jiang Mingliang subjectively put West's contract renewal at the end of the priority, he is still optimistic about Fernandez's contract renewal. If the price is right, he still hopes to keep this forward and guard swingman from Spain.

The problem now is that it is not clear what kind of pursuit Fernandez often encounters in Liberty. Unlike West who hopes to renew his contract with the team in advance, Fernandez has Real Madrid backing him up, so he dares to test the free market and strive for a higher salary. Taking a 10,000-step back, there is a good or bad, he can go back to Spain to play.

"What about your other business, Inter Milan? We all know that Inter Milan has begun to recover slowly under your management. You manage both teams, and it seems that you have a way to turn the crisis into safety and turn things around. What's the point? Are there lessons we can learn from?"

"Whether it is the Nets or Inter Milan, before officially purchasing these two clubs, my father's team and I have done a lot of research, planning and anti-risk psychological construction for these two clubs. This is our The first step. From a business point of view, the timing of our choice to enter the Nets is very good. Although the team's performance is poor, the Heat formed the Big Three and destroyed the confidence of many teams in the East. The right choice has played our own basketball around young people. In the operation of Inter Milan, I have always believed that the most important step is not to buy anyone, but to invest in a new stadium and have our own home. Perhaps Now we can only rank second, third, or even fourth in Serie A, but in the future, we will leave other Serie A teams in the dust." Jiang Mingliang said.

At least one thing is true. If it weren't for the Big Three, the Nets' progress from the bottom to the playoffs in the first season would never have been so smooth.

"Is this research done for every investment?"

"It's been like this since I made my first investment in college. My first investment was a winery in France. At that time, it was based on soil quality, weather, air quality, temperature, shipping channels, prices, profit margins, and staff salaries. In terms of other aspects, the total number of large and small researches may be more than 40 pages, and finally spent 700,000 US dollars to invest in shares. This is the first investment in my life." Jiang Mingliang recalled.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes. But Harvard actually encourages you to do this. We have bonus points for practical projects. I have this opportunity to personally participate in the whole process. This can be regarded as my personal advantage. After that, I will also have investment properties At that time, my girlfriend was from Hong Kong City. We also went there for marriage. Then I bought a house in Hong Kong City and studied the property market by the way. I also have investment projects in the Mainland. The country has developed rapidly in recent years. The environment is really good too.”

"Is there anything you can say about the breakup between you and Taylor? Many people are guessing why you ended this relationship without warning, and there are many theories." When Jiang Duowan raised this question, he also paid attention to Take a look at Jiang Mingliang's face. "Actually, there is no other impurity between us. The reason for breaking up is that the relationship has faded. Her career has developed very well, and I am sincerely happy for her. Many songs in "red" are in my playlist. I believe that "1989" will have a good sales volume, at least I will support it. I have also started a new love life now, maybe she is more suitable for me. I also hope to have a good result." Jiang Mingliang also Taking advantage of the opportunity, he announced the fact that he was separated from the diamond king, giving Jessica and Krystal a reassurance.

"So, you broke up peacefully, will you still care about each other?"

"I will pay attention to her news, and I also believe that we are still friends. But we did not contact each other during this period. It is not because the relationship is bad, but because we have reached a consensus, both of us should calm down first."

Regarding the reason for the breakup between Jiang Mingliang and Taylor Swift, HP has obtained an exclusive, and even this will be more valuable than all other questions answered by Jiang Mingliang. No way, except for the World Cup, sports traffic is incomparable with entertainment.

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