Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 545: Old Enemy

Indulgence is indulgence, work is work. After all the miscellaneous matters have been dealt with, Jiang Mingliang has another important task when he returns to China this time, which is to sell the equity of Jiaxing Media in his hand to Ouyang Mi.

Looking at the huge sum of 100 million at that time, under the development of the past few years, huge benefits have been derived. Of course, this is not the effort of Ouyang Mi alone, it is also related to the development of the entertainment industry and even the entire country. Thinking about Deng Chao's appearance fee for participating in "Running Man" by himself now, it is similar to the fee for a seven-member team back then, which shows the development of the entire industry in the past few years.

Of course, Ouyang Mi successfully operated Jiaxing Media into a company that had begun to take shape, and completed his transformation from a "labor side" to a "capital side". Jiang Mingliang's investment has made him a net profit in two and a half years. 130 million is considered a successful investment, what's more, he also has money and sex, and he enjoys this stunner's body a lot.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ouyang." The formalities were officially completed, and Jiang Mingliang changed his name to Ouyang Mi accordingly.

According to his estimation, Jiaxing Media's current market value has reached 320 million, and Ouyang Mi's shares are at least 240 million. What's more, she also has many other properties in her hands. From being poor and white two or three years ago to now having a net worth of over 300 million, she definitely deserves to be called "Boss Ouyang".

"Stop laughing at me. In the eyes of others, I am Mr. Ouyang. In front of you, am I a beggar on my knees? "Gossip Girl" said to give it to your sister, and I would have given it to your sister. If I had known, I would have called you brother instead. "Replacing wine with tea, the two clinked glasses.

"The relationship between you and Lao Qin has eased now. There will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future. Of course, on your terms. Maybe it will be Lingrui who will win you over in the future."

This is also a joke, after all, Ouyang Mi needs "Running Man" to give her the bottom line. This national variety show can ensure that no matter how bad her film is, or how bad her reputation is, her exposure will always be there. She still lives in Jiang Mingliang's Tangcheng Yipin mansion, and Jiang Mingliang has no intention of taking it back. It's more appropriate to describe the relationship between two people as disconnected.

After all the procedures were completed, Jiang Mingliang also left Jiaxing Media, and then "accidentally" ran into Ouyang Mi in the parking lot. The two looked at each other and smiled, and Jiang Mingliang got into Ouyang Mi's car knowingly.

Fortunately, the car was warm enough, but I could still see the prickly muscles on her skin. I don't know if it was because of the coldness or because of the itch that couldn't hold her back.

Ouyang Mi's pretty face is rosy, her eyes are crescent-shaped, her beautiful face is ruddy and charming, her beautiful eyes are half-opened, showing the beauty of laziness.

. . . . . .

On January 19, the Nets came to Detroit for the second time this season to face the Pistons, which caused the most trouble for the Nets this season, outside of the Heat.

After experiencing an outstanding performance in the opening stage, the problem of the high overlap of the Pistons' lineup began to appear. To be honest, no team in the NBA can adjust the starting lineup on a daily basis. Even if it is beneficial to the team, the players will not agree. Thinking about how much resistance Stevens encountered when he occasionally took West's main position, you can estimate the difficulty of Van Gundy. Since December, Drummond has basically occupied the main position, which also makes Monroe very dissatisfied with the team. You know, this season is his contract year, and he needs data and playing time. Fight for a big contract, and he doesn't accept where he is now. In this regard, the team's reaction is very strong, the maximum salary contract will not be given, and Monroe is also positioned on the bench.

Truth be told, this is rare. Everyone knows that although Monroe has both advantages and disadvantages, there is no problem with his strength. Obviously, there are some problems with the arrangement of the Pistons. In this regard, the Nets are a positive example. After getting Curry, Bledsoe's position in the team is obviously embarrassing. The Nets only need a first-round pick to train the team for two years. The main point guard was sent away, which directly helped the Mavericks find a point guard successor after Kidd. While the players are satisfied, the relationship with the Mavericks has also been established. This year, the Nets encountered a crisis in the wing position. The Mavericks supported a Crowder, which can be regarded as reciprocity. Sometimes that's how friendships are built.

Another important reason for the decline in the Pistons' record is that the team boss Smith's state has fallen off a cliff. After showing the best team-level performance in November, Smith began to fall into a trough in December. Simply put, he regarded himself as Anthony, obsessed with singles, shooting, breakthroughs and running without the ball. Positive, Tian Tianpiao pulled out outside the three-second zone, and his 38% hit rate made Van Gundy want to stab him with a knife. His low-efficiency offense, Jennings is also a downwind kobold, and the head of the upwind kobold. In addition, Boyang hit the rookie wall, and the Pistons suddenly fell out of the top six in the East.

Facing the Nets is a good opportunity for the Pistons to reverse the morale of the team. If the team can win the next victory against the No. 1 in the Eastern Conference, it will be of great help to the team's adjustment in the second half of the season. In other words, winning can cover up all problems.

In this game, the Nets ushered in the return of the team's main center Lopez. In fact, this center had been training with the team for three days earlier, but the team treated him like a giant panda. raised.

Under the ebb and flow, the game of the Nets was much easier than expected. Lopez, who returned from injury, used the pick-and-roll with Curry at the beginning of the game to force Drummond to hit a goal, showing A good competitive state. Compared with the offensive end, his usefulness to the team is more obvious when the defensive end can stand in the penalty area and prevent opponents from trampling at will. You know, during his injury period, Yi Jianlian did not do this job well, which is also an important reason why the team struggled during his injury period.

To be honest, Drummond does have good physical talent, especially in dynamic confrontation. Sakuragi's nickname is not wrong, but he is still a little tender no matter whether it is offensive or defensive. In the previous two matchups, the reason why the Pistons performed well on the defensive end was that Smith took on more, and Drummond just wiped his ass. And when Smith's state declines and he needs to support the defensive system in turn, Drummond's weakness is obviously exposed. The best small guard in the league who is good at military training big men, Drummond completely hit Curry's muzzle.

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