Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 546 Secret Weapon

Van Gundy replaced Monroe in the middle of the first quarter, hoping that Monroe, who would definitely explode every time he met the Nets, led the team to launch a counterattack. However, Monroe did launch a counterattack, but it was just an individual, with the ball With the team having a lot of conflicts, he headed towards the black hole of the ball. After getting the ball, he played singles. He did catch the Nets by surprise the first two times, and the effect was good. But when the Nets figured out his routine, Monroe decisively started double-teaming and still insisted on playing high, and his offensive efficiency inevitably declined.

Even if it is Al Jefferson, it is not enough to force an individual attack every round when the Nets choose to double-team. Monroe's offensive skills are not bad, but they are still worse than him. What's more, Jefferson was facing Yi Jianlian, while Monroe was carrying Lopez at the moment.

The lone wolf on the offensive end is a serious problem, but what is even more unbearable is that the defensive end also has stats. In the league, Jiang Mingliang's least favorite inside player is JJ Hickson of the Nuggets. He is a typical example of a job that cannot be reflected in statistics and does nothing. Monroe also has this trend in this game. The position of center , is the heart of the team. Monroe didn't stretch his hands when defending pick-and-rolls, and his defensive strength was very limited, which also made it easier for the Nets to score.

In the first quarter of the game, the Nets widened the point difference to 15 points. It seems that since the first quarter of the game, the outcome is not much suspense.

In the second quarter of the game, for the purpose of protecting Lopez, Stevens used Yi Jianlian and Boban more in the game, and the two of them also have their own points to target the Pistons inside. Half a season of adaptation After that, Boban became more and more aware of using his physical fitness to gain an advantage in the penalty area. Boban is actually a bit of a secret weapon in the Nets team. His height, size, and style of play, if used well, are a point that makes it difficult for many opponents to match in the playoffs, so Steve Vince likes to give him some time to work out during the regular season. But at the same time, he is also a difficult player to use. To put it simply, when he is on the court, the rhythm must be slowed down as much as possible. Even the Nets can't play the transitional offense that they are good at. Otherwise, how many points can be scored in the front , How many points are thrown back in the backcourt.

During this period of time, the two sides fought a balance of power, but Stevens didn't think there was any problem with it. Training for the playoffs was a must, not to mention that in this game, the team's forward line was not enough. Big, the Pistons are not in great shape. Jennings used the pick-and-roll to play big, and hit Boban several times in a row. But on the offensive end, when his teammates helped Boban complete the advancement and delivery of ammunition, Boban can also play aggressively in response. And sometimes, when Boban pulls out to set a pick-and-roll for his teammates, the pick-and-roll effect completed by his huge body is quite perfect.

Another important factor for the Nets to have an advantage in this game is that the veteran veteran Butler held the new recruit Boyang. Leonard is undoubtedly the best perimeter defender of the Nets, but Leonard's defense is quite clean, basically a hard bridge and a hard horse against the opponent. In comparison, Butler's defensive belt A little extra action, for Boyang from Europe, in addition to the technical essentials of defense, there is also a lot of unnecessary consumption.

In the second half of the second quarter, Curry and Fernandez led the Nets to widen the point difference. The two teamed up to hit 4 three-pointers in the second half of the second quarter, widening the point difference to more than 20 points in one fell swoop. This point difference is not irretrievable, but for the Pistons with internal and external troubles, it is enough to change their mentality.

In the second half of the game, the Nets more or less stayed behind and did not chase hard. The Pistons tried to counterattack several times, but whenever a certain effect was achieved, someone from the Nets would stand up and push back the opponent's counterattack. Start a life-and-death competition with the Heat for the first place in the Eastern Conference!

This season, the Heat's signing of OJ Mayo is really a stroke of genius. With James, Mayo played the highest efficiency of his career. Whether it is playing with James to reap the game, or as the sixth man to drive the team's offense, Mayo has done quite well. This was also a combination beyond Jiang Mingliang's knowledge. For Jiang Mingliang, with the passage of time, the occurrence of the butterfly effect will become more and more unexpected, and the advantages he has are actually constantly shrinking.

Of course, everything is the same. He has gathered Curry and Leonard, two of the future TOP5, with a solid foundation, and the coach is also the well-recognized marshal Stevens. Unless James and Durant get together shamelessly, there is basically nothing to be afraid of.

Because of the presence of OJ Mayo, the Heat's threat to the Nets has increased a bit, especially this team has double-killed the Nets in the regular season. However, in Stevens' view, if the team can hold on to the home court advantage in the playoffs and ensure that the players can participate in the playoffs healthily, at least they are really not afraid of the Heat. Although the team's bench strength has been weakened, it is not reflected in the flank defense. Crowder and Butler look better than Barnes against James. The upgrade of Leonard's offensive end allows him to increase the consumption of James at the other end of the court. On the other hand, for the Heat, Wade's decline is irreversible, especially the loss of speed, which makes it much easier for Fernandez to defend him. Whether the gains brought by Mayo can offset Wade's decline is hard to say.

On the other hand, although the Thunder have encountered troubles in the regular season this season, they have been beaten to death by their opponents several times due to their lack of bench strength, but when it comes to the playoffs where they compete for superstars, the Thunder made Stevens even more taboo. The team does not have a defender who can face Durant, nor does it have the configuration of attrition that killed Durant last season.

It is best to have an opponent and kill the Thunder in advance!

After finishing his work in Huaxia, Jiang Mingliang returned to New York before the new year. As the Spring Festival approached, red envelopes worth 5 million RMB were also distributed to the team's staff. The amount is not very large, and it is also a Chinese tradition, so I don't worry about the alliance's opinion on this.

On the second day after returning to New York, Jiang Mingliang had just reversed the jet lag when he received a call from Huang Zhengxuan, inviting him to play tennis together.

Playing tennis is fake, but showing affection in front of oneself is real. Ever since he met the rich woman Xie Qirun, Huang Zhengxuan has become more and more coquettish.

However, this good friend will soon return to China for the New Year, and it is expected that we will not see each other for half a month, so let's go exercise together. Anyway, Jiang Mingliang's bones are loose, so it's good to do some exercise.

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