Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1102 The best opportunity

"So fast??"

Lin You was very surprised.

In the middle of last month, he handed over the foundation technology of carbon-based chips to He Peng.

Although it is a systematic technology, it is relatively complete, and breakthroughs are expected, but it only took more than a month...

It’s still a little ridiculously fast!

"Yes, it has been successful." He Peng's tone was sure.

Lin You didn't care about other arrangements. Without saying a word, he called Yue Pengju to set off, met up with He Peng, and was led by He Peng to the chip research and development base.

Naturally, there is no need for any confidentiality measures for Lin You.

On the contrary, Yue Pengju was the unlucky guy. Before entering the base, he was pulled aside to sign a thick confidentiality agreement. When he came back, his face was green.

From the outside, there is no sign that this base is a place for developing chips. There is not even a sign at the gate.

"Emergency needs to be followed. This place was temporarily vacated. Fortunately, the space is large enough and the security is sufficient, so we put the R\u0026D base here."

Lin You nodded and did not express any opinion on this.

He is neither a professional in this field nor does he work here, so just shut up and listen.

After changing cars in the base, Lin You watched helplessly as the car went around the mediocre office buildings in front of it and turned into the entrance of the parking lot.

But it’s not a parking lot down there at all.

——This is the real entrance to the research base!

Next comes another door and validation…

This made Lin You start to reflect: Is his consciousness chip production environment too casual?

I obviously realize that the chips are much more high-end than the chips currently produced in this base, but the security measures are also far behind!

How about adding a few more layers of confidentiality after returning?

Lin You's mood reached its peak after seeing the products of the chip research and development base——

"You just said, what is the manufacturing process of this thing?" Lin You asked loudly, looking at the "huge" chip in his hand.

"130nm." He Peng confirmed, "A major breakthrough!"

"???" Lin You was very confused, "130nm... I know that the breakthrough of graphene chips from scratch is very important, but is this thing... really useful?"

The joy on He Peng's face continued: "The information you gave is very solid. 130nm is just a practical attempt. The new generation of 79nm graphene chips is also being prepared. If everything goes well, the finished product will be available next week!"

"What can 79nm... be used for? Can it be used as a calculator?" Lin You was still a little confused. "Even if it is used as a calculator, the cost will be much higher than traditional silicon-based chips, right?"

He Peng waved his hand: "Cost is not an issue."

"If we follow the normal R\u0026D logic, the investment cost will be very staggering. Once the finished product is available, it must be put into use as soon as possible, and most of it will need to be absorbed through government procurement."

"But that's not necessary now!"

"The information you gave is so perfect. We have skipped the most difficult stage of 'trial and error in the dark'. The research and development costs have been greatly reduced. Coupled with the acceleration effect of the [Focus Ring], the cost has been completely affordable."

"Next, until a bottleneck is encountered, this base will ignore application and cost issues and continue to attack more cutting-edge graphene chip manufacturing processes!"

Lin You: "Oh."

He Peng was very excited. When had they ever fought such a rich war?

But Lin You was calm.

Except for the time when he first crossed over and ate poultry rice for a few thousand yuan, he never felt sad about money anymore, so naturally he couldn't understand He Peng's feelings.

This reaction left He Peng and the other three professors speechless.

But then they thought: Lin You is indeed different from them.

This guy has so much money that he can't spend it all. If he really wants to apply for scientific research funding, he can easily get almost unlimited funds...

Thinking of this, several people who were essentially engaged in scientific research felt so jealous that they wanted to die.

After a while, He Peng adjusted his mentality, took Lin You to the side, and asked in a low voice: "You said before that the popularization of hibernation technology requires a breakthrough in graphene chips. Although it is only the first step of the breakthrough, but Can you at least tell me what is needed?"

Oh, this is what happened.

Lin You understood.

“It’s still unclear how much the computing power of graphene chips will increase as the manufacturing process improves, but based on my previous estimate, it’s probably around 14nm.”

"14nm..." He Peng repeated in a low voice.

Lin You couldn't see his friend's entanglement, so he sighed and said, "Why, do you have someone who can't hibernate again?"

"Several very old meritorious academicians." He Peng didn't show off at all.

"?" Lin You looked at him, "As I said, hibernation can only be used to freeze terminal illnesses and hope for the future. It has little effect on people who have died."

He Peng lowered his head in silence, avoiding Lin You's eyes for a while before saying: "At least it greatly reduces the consumption of body operation. It is always good to live a few more days."

Lin You was hesitant. One of the main reasons he never made it clear was that he did not want the [consciousness chip] to become a weapon for the powerful to seek immortality or even eternal rule.

Although hibernation is not fatal, forcing life extension is a dangerous sign.

We are still academicians and scholars now, but what about the future?

He had to be cautious.

But before he could speak, He Peng took out a file bag from his bag, opened it, took out a stack of files and handed it to Lin You.

It was a stack of top-secret documents that might not be declassified until the owner passed away, involving the birth and development of a series of important weapons that helped Daxia transform from weakness to strength.

Lin You patiently flipped through the files, looking at the unknown names and their dazzling achievements.

——Not as amazing as nuclear weapons, but equally indispensable and have played an extremely important role in their respective fields.

He Peng said nothing and watched Lin You flip through the files quietly.

Twenty minutes later, Lin You closed the file and asked He Peng something unexpected: "There should be many similar people, right?"

"What?" He Peng didn't react at all.

"I mean, when Daxia came out of such a weak situation, there must have been not only scholars but also many other people who made contributions, right?"

"Of course!" He Peng was very sure.

"Are there many older people too?"

"There are thousands of people over 90 years old, at least!" He was so sure because the number of meritorious veterans registered alone exceeded this number, and there were quite a few veterans who were 100 years old!

There will definitely be a lot of things he may not know about in other fields!

The veterans have no disease or disaster. The only problem is that they are too old.

But according to Lin You, hibernation technology can only delay the life of people who have reached the end of their life span for a very limited period.

For these veterans, dying is not something to be afraid of, and there is no unfinished business to be completed, so no one proposes to let them leave their hometowns and come to Xiajing to hibernate in order to fight for the longevity that may not last long. .

The reason for fighting for these academicians is that they stay anonymous, stay away from their hometowns, and spend most of their lives on scientific research. Daxia owes them a lot, so they want to compensate them as much as possible.

And they do have unfinished business—many of them, even at such advanced ages, are still working.

Extending their lifespan does have additional value.

Lin You didn't answer immediately, but he was already inclined to agree. Not only did he agree, he also wanted to keep all these people.

They even came up with the idea of ​​letting them "reincarnate" into the virtual world and live another life!

These people, in every sense, are the most elite people in Daxia.

There is a question mark as to whether there will be another one in the future - in fact, it is very likely that if it is missed, there will be no more, and if one dies, one will be missing.

If he really plans to build a "second world", "heaven after death", and "electronic Hades", then the first batch of residents may not have a better choice than them!

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